Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago - Backache and its causes

May 21, 2009

  • Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago
  • Backache and its causes

Backache and its causes

Lumbago (low back pain, lumbago) - a sharp paroxysmal pain, often caused by osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   (metabolic changes in lumbar intervertebral disc). Lumbago usually arises suddenly after any movement of the spine (eg, anterior flexion or rotation to the side). When lumbago pain in the lower back is the main symptom of the disease.

When osteochondrosis occur degenerative distoficheskie (exchange) changes in the intervertebral discs. The resulting disc which is composed of an elastic core and fibrous ring around it loses its damping properties begin to deteriorate. Such a disc by careless driving or lifting weights injures the nerve and causes pain.

 Backache and its causes | Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago

Symptoms of lumbago

Lumbago is more common in men 30-40 years of age and older. During physical stress, after overheating and then cooling after the awkward movement of body suddenly appears sharp intense pain. Patients call it tearing, throbbing, piercing, shooting. During this attack, the person becomes helpless, frozen in a forced position, any attempt of movement increases the pain, there is a muscle spasm of the lumbar region.

Pain attack lasts a few minutes, but can last for several hours or even days. It relieves pain and physical rest horizontal position. Sometimes severe pain disappears as suddenly as it had appeared "as if something fell into place." Over the next days, sometimes weeks are held in the lower back pain lungs, worse when coughing, sneezing, straining. Samu pain the patient feels like a deep.

When lumbago necessarily occur limited mobility of the lumbar spine and long back muscle strain. Movement difficult because of the pain and muscle tension, there is paresis and paralysis. At rest, the pain is reduced and even completely passes resuming at movements. Over time, the pain becomes chronic recurrent nature, with some aggravation may occur as an acute lumbago.

 Backache and its causes | Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago

Diagnosis lumbago

Recognition of lumbago help typical characteristic headache and stiffness of the lumbar spine. To rule out any other reasons (except for osteoarthritis) occurrence of lumbago (eg, a tumor compressing the nerve trunk), carried out X-ray of the spine condition.

 Backache and its causes | Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago

Treatment of lumbago

First of all, appointed strict bed rest on a solid bed for 5-10 days. To relieve pain appointed painkillers drugs, procaine blockade (intradermal injection of novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?
   in the area of ​​pain), sedatives.

In the period of acute pain it is recommended diet: Do not eat products that retain water (salted, smoked, spicy). Should limit fat meat and lard, strong broths. Useful meatless vegetarian soups, cereals, potatoes.

To remove the inflammation appointed physiotherapy: UV exposure until the redness on the skin, diadynamic currents, amplipulse therapy, etc. Reins massage to relieve tension from the muscles involved - it also relieves.

Locally applied ointments and painkillers liquid that is rubbed into the lumbar region (tiger ointment, camphor alcohol Menovazin etc.). If you want to attach different types of spinal traction Spinal traction: dry or snorkeling - what is right for you?  Spinal traction: dry or snorkeling - what is right for you?
   or other treatments that remove the load from the spinal column. For example, it is possible to carry out unloading on special simulators.

While improving the condition attached sessions of therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 . The remission is shown a spa treatment at the spas with radon and hydrogen sulfide baths, mud applications (for example, Matsesta, Pyatigorsk).

 Backache and its causes | Lumbago - bed rest against lumbago

Preventing lumbago

For the prevention of lumbago is necessary to avoid severe and prolonged physical exertion, a long stay in the damp and cold rooms. If you start a spinal disorder, it is sometimes even change the profession.

In contrast, light exercise (physiotherapy, walking) are shown as they develop muscular corset, oppose any violations of the spine.

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December 2nd, 2013

  • Treatment of osteoarthritis - the strengthening of the back muscles
  • Manual therapy

 manual therapy in spinal osteochondrosis

Manual therapy in spinal osteochondrosis

Manual therapy - a set of manual techniques to eliminate pain and restore mobility of joints and spine. The method has come from traditional medicine, which is always present bone setters who know how to restore the proper relationship of the bones.

When osteochondrosis major pathological factor is pinched nerve as it exits the spinal column that causes the instantaneous voltage of the back muscles. Muscle tension causes that change the position of the pelvis, and redistributed the load on the entire spine - it bends and on uneven muscle load on the individual vertebrae begin their independent offset.

To ease the pain, apply methods of manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 While working hands on individual vertebrae or whole spine. Redistribute muscle strain, you can change the state of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, the surrounding tissue, nerves and blood vessels.

Procedures manual therapy are usually held every day, and at intervals of not less than two days, sometimes once a week: the muscles and ligaments after the next session should have time to catch up steadily. After a session of manual therapy, the patient usually feels pain in the slow-twitch muscles. Muscle pain after a session of manual therapy can reduce stress by interested muscles. Relief usually occurs immediately, but after some time, usually a day or two or three sessions.

Manual therapy can be used to treat degenerative disc disease as an independent method, and can be combined with other methods of physical impact, such as massage, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Physiotherapy, baths and mud.


Treatment of osteochondrosis folk remedies

Traditional medicine keeps a lot of recipes for medicines for the treatment of pain in osteochondrosis Pain in osteochondrosis - a characteristic symptom  Pain in osteochondrosis - a characteristic symptom
 . Inside this purpose, you can take a decoction of the roots of parsley a tablespoon two times a day. Prepare the broth as follows: half a tablespoon of dried crushed roots pour two cups of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for an hour, then cool, strain, pour the boiled water to the original level.

You can also prepare the following grinding: a glass of juice of black radish add half a cup of vodka, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of salt; mix well and put in a dark place for two weeks, and then used as a grinding, shaking the mixture before use.

The mixture compresses: heat a frying pan 1 kg of salt, 2 tablespoons mustard powder and a quarter cup of water, add some bran in order to get a mushy consistency, cool slightly; Apply warm mixture on fabric, attach to the sore spot, cover with compress paper, wrap up and keep up until the mixture cools. Packs do every day for 10 days.

How to cure low back pain Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   spine? Completely get rid of the disease does not, but you can stop the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs, get rid of the pain and improve quality of life.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis
