Hernia: surgery and recovery from it

February 10, 2012

 hernia surgery
 In most cases, the treatment of vertebral hernia is not recommended to start with the operation, and with less drastic methods. Nevertheless, in some cases, surgical intervention is necessary operative - for example, when the hernia Hernia - why it is not necessary to endure the pain  Hernia - why it is not necessary to endure the pain
   It causes progressive weakness of the arms or legs due to nerve entrapment displacement of the intervertebral disc. In such cases the lack of a necessary operation can lead to the ultimate destruction of the nerve and loss of nerve endings.

In addition, spinal surgery is needed in some rare disorders associated with vertebral hernia. These violations include, for example, cauda equina syndrome, accompanied by a progressive weakness in the legs and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Diskektomiya - a transaction involving the surgical removal of displaced wild intervertebral spinal canal. Diskektomiya - open surgery, ie surgical procedure requires a small incision to remove the disc and exclusion pressure on the nerve endings.

 Hernia: surgery and recovery from it

As the operation is performed

Diskektomiya performed under general anesthesia. Treatment time is about an hour, depending on several factors - including the growth of the patient, the degree of displacement of the intervertebral disc, and so on. Before the surgery, the patient takes a horizontal position, face down.

To remove a fragment offset of the intervertebral disc, the surgeon performs incision along the spine in the center of the back length is about three centimeters, and then carefully excised muscle tissue near the spine.

With the help of special surgical instruments are removed portions of the ligaments and bones (this step is referred laminotomy). After laminotomy surgeon can assess the extent of damage to the nerves near the spine caused by the displacement of the intervertebral disc. After the discovery of some of the displaced disc fragments are removed. Depending on the degree of displacement and the condition of the intervertebral disc, it can be removed partially or completely to prevent re spinal herniation in the future. After removal of the intervertebral disc surgical incision stitched with thread.

 Hernia: surgery and recovery from it

Recovery after surgery

In most cases, the pain and other unpleasant symptoms caused by vertebral hernia disappear immediately after surgery, although sometimes to the complete disappearance of the symptoms of a hernia takes several weeks. Pain in the incision is performed before surgery is very common, but in most cases the discomfort after surgery is easily suppressed by standard painkillers. Length of stay in hospital after diskektomii is usually not more than a day.

Some physical activity after surgery on intervertebral disc is not only not contraindicated, but even useful, but the heavy lifting, intense exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   with twisting back after surgery is not recommended.

 Hernia: surgery and recovery from it

Potential complications diskektomii

The most common problem observed after diskektomii - displacement of another fragment of the intervertebral disc, resulting in the return of the unpleasant symptoms of vertebral hernia. The chance of a so-called re-vertebral hernia is about ten to fifteen percent.

In most cases, surgery can instantly get rid of all the symptoms of vertebral hernia, but the performance indicator diskektomii is about 85-90%, which means that failure and the presence of vertebral hernia symptoms in 10% of cases after surgery.

The risk of failure and recovery operation is higher in patients with a high degree of nerve damage resulting from the displacement of an intervertebral disc (e.g., with a significant leg weakness).

Other potential complications diskektomii risks similar to any other surgical procedure - infection, bleeding, which can be successfully treated after surgery.

 Hernia: surgery and recovery from it

Endoscopic diskektomiya

For the treatment of vertebral hernia can be applied over a new procedure - the so-called endoscopic diskektomiya. This operation allows using special surgical instruments and optical instrument-endoscope to remove the displaced intervertebral disc through very small incisions.

Endoscopic diskektomiya performed in the same order as the standard open diskektomiya - to remove the offset of the intervertebral disc, or fragments thereof, but in much smaller incisions. To determine the location of vertebral hernia used an endoscope - a small device with a camera. Endoscopic diskektomiya usually does not require general anesthesia and a large excision of muscle tissue. This procedure is not useful in all situations - in many cases, traditional open diskektomiya for the treatment of vertebral hernia is much more effective. In endoscopic diskektomii it has a very important advantage - a much shorter recovery period after surgery.

Article Tags:
  • hernia

Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease - exercise and medication

December 3, 2013

  • Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease - exercise and medication
  • Treatment

 treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease
 Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease begins with pain relief, and then as soon as the pain diminished, therapeutic exercises prescribed complexes - physical exercise are the primary method of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis. Dosed physical activity combined with the appointment of drugs that prevent the destruction of the intervertebral discs.


Basic principles of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease

When a person has attacks osteochondrosis, before it raises questions: what doctor treats a cervical osteochondrosis? Where to treat cervical osteochondrosis? Than to treat cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   treating neurologist, but first you can turn to the district physician, who will advise, where better to treat this disease. In the big city, as a rule, there is a choice, including there are specialized clinics for the treatment of degenerative disc disease. But it also happens that the usual clinic neurologist knows less and can not be treated no worse (and sometimes better) than the advanced clinics. Therefore, the district council therapist can be very useful even.

Still, it is best to treat cervical osteochondrosis Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers  Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers
   in Spine Center. Treatment is carried out there neuroscientists trained in Spine - diseases of the spine. Such centers have all the necessary equipment for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease. Here you can practice physiotherapy (physical therapy), under the supervision of a physician, receive physiotherapy, massage courses, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc.

Basic principles of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease - is the removal of pain and muscle spasm, restoring normal blood flow in the neck and metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs by medication and by dose of physical activity, the creation of the muscular system to maintain the spine, especially his cervical spine.


First aid for cervical osteochondrosis

The aggravation of degenerative disc disease may be accompanied by severe pain, which is sometimes called cervical migraine, and muscle spasm. Because of the pain the patient can not turn my head, it just freezes in a position in which he found the pain. How to help such a patient? What to take with cervical osteochondrosis?

If pain is severe, you should call an ambulance, but before her arrival to take an anesthetic drug inside and put on a painful place in the form of an ointment, gel or cream. Painkillers from cervical degenerative disc disease - it usually inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs. Inside you can take pills for cervical degenerative disc disease: ibuprofen, indomethacin, phenylbutazone. NSAID inside can be replaced by the introduction of rectal suppositories with diclofenac - a very effective pain reliever.

Ointments with cervical osteochondrosis also incorporate NSAIDs. In place of the pain can be applied Voltaren Emulgel Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain  Voltaren - relieve inflammation and pain
   and a slightly (but not much, massage can increase the pain) rub. Is it possible to heat the cervical osteochondrosis? Watching as rub warming means and applying compresses it is not necessary, but make a soft woolen or flannel fabric can - it will help to relieve muscle spasm.

Mydocalm with cervical osteochondrosis will help relieve the tension of the neck muscles. The majority of patients with cervical osteochondrosis, the drug exists in the home medicine cabinet.

Emergency doctor can make shots from cervical degenerative disc disease (such as diclofenac intramuscularly). Conventional injections with cervical osteochondrosis can be replaced anesthetic blockade - enter painkillers in the lesion (Novocain, trimekain and so on). Blockade with cervical osteochondrosis is carried out by administration of the drug into the body of muscle pain or paravertebrally area (next to the spine) in the area of ​​increased sensitivity.

Depending on the patient treatment for cervical osteochondrosis can be performed at home (in this case, you should call a doctor to your home or to address to the neurologist) or in a hospital.


Further treatment of acute cervical osteochondrosis

In a hospital the patient continues to pain therapy, and the analgesic cure cervical degenerative disc disease often administered by injection or by electrophoresis. Very good help to the procedure electrophoresis with novocaine and hydrocortisone.

Once the pain decreases, the patient is prescribed or wearing the brace. Orthez or neck brace in osteochondrosis - a special device removes the burden from the cervical spine - cervical collar when osteochondrosis. Collar with cervical osteochondrosis appointed for a limited period of time, as long wearing can lead to a weakening of the muscles of the neck and increase the load on the spine.

In the hospital environment can be performed spinal traction. In the process of stretching the traction to the spine adjacent soft tissue, ligaments, muscles, whereby the distance between individual vertebrae is increased by a few millimeters and a reduced compression of spinal nerve roots, which contributes to decrease inflammation and edema, normalization of blood circulation. When spinal traction occurs vnutridiskovogo well as reducing pressure and increasing the intervertebral foramen, relieves muscle tension.

With cervical osteochondrosis can be carried out dry or underwater traction.

In dry traction the patient is seated in a special chair and fixed with a belt, covering the chest. On his head he put a special Glisson loop connected to one end of the rope, and the second end of the rope attached load. Depending on the patient load is selected, the duration of procedures and the number of them. On average, the traction of the cervical spine used 2-5 kg ​​of cargo to the duration of procedures, from minutes to hours. The course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures. If during the procedure, there is pain or she does not decrease after two treatments, the stretching is stopped.

Apply with osteochondrosis of cervical and vertical underwater traction. The procedure is performed in warm water (36-37˚) in a special pool. Glisson loop is also used, to which are attached loads.

If the patient is at home, the applicator Kuznetsova with cervical osteochondrosis can help relieve pain and muscle spasm of the neck, to restore normal blood circulation. Kuznetsov Applicator is a set of plastic needle chips, which are sewn or glued onto the fabric. The distance between the needles is typically 8 mm, but with poor pain tolerance it should be reduced to 6 or even 2 mm. The applicator can be placed on the pillow before going to sleep. Exposure time ranges can vary from five minutes to half an hour. Severe pain requires a long procedure 15-30 minutes. An indication of the effectiveness of treatment is a feeling of warmth, appears for about 10 minutes after the procedure.


Treatment is aimed at suppressing the destruction process of the intervertebral discs

Since the drives are destroyed because of metabolic disorders, for the inhibition of the process of their destruction appoint chondroprotectors - medicines for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, protect cartilage from destruction, drugs that improve peripheral circulation, warning venous stasis, B vitamins (energy, they are required to activation of the metabolic processes).

By chondroprotector include such drugs for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease as terafleks, chondroitin, structum, Donna, and so on. These medicines from cervical degenerative disc disease is usually taken orally or administered by injection. But there ointment cervical degenerative disc disease, which includes chondroprotectors eg hondroksid. All drugs in this group have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They stimulate the synthesis of substances necessary for the formation of cartilage and inhibit the activity of enzymes that cause its destruction.

Tablets with cervical osteochondrosis and used to improve blood circulation in the spine.

For this purpose, administered pentoxifylline (Trental) and nicotinic acid. This causes the inflow of arterial blood to the spine. At the same time prescribe medications that increase the outflow of venous blood by toning vein walls - venotoniki (trksevazin, detraleks Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels  Detraleks - improves the function of blood vessels
   and so on). Also held and the treatment of vertigo with cervical osteochondrosis - these drugs from cervical degenerative disc disease contribute to the improvement of cerebral blood flow and dilation of the arteries, reduce the pathological changes in the spine, tone blood vessels, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.

To stimulate cell metabolism appoint B vitamins - energy, together with carbohydrates they contribute to the inflow of energy in cells. They can be administered, either separately in the form of injections (vitamins B1 and B6), and in the form of combined preparations. Vitamin preparations in the cervical osteochondrosis (eg Neyromultivit) are usually appointed interior in the form of tablets.
