S-shaped scoliosis - a complex form of lateral curvature of the spine. The curvature thus has two edges directed in different directions. Meets this type of scoliosis is usually at school age, more often in girls and is the result of a long stay in the correct position (for example, if a school desk does not meet the growth).
How is the S-shaped scoliosis
Scoliosis - a curvature of the spine to the right or to the left. The shape of the curvature of the spine distinguish simple or C-shaped scoliosis (one arc of curvature), S-shaped (with two arcs directed in opposite directions) and the Z-shaped (with three arcs of curvature of the upper and lower of which is directed to one side and located between them - in the opposite direction). S-shaped scoliosis usually captures the thoracic spine with the apex 8-10 vertebra and lumbar spine top at 1-3.
S-shaped scoliosis develops due to improper loading on the spine and is often found among primary school children, who are sitting at their desks, are not relevant to their growth, for a long time. By the degree of the angle of curvature of the arcs S-shaped scoliosis divided into 4 degrees. A special feature of this type of scoliosis is its tendency to rapid progression.
Signs of s-shaped scoliosis
Signs of s-shaped scoliosis depend on the degree of curvature of the spine. Thus, s-shaped scoliosis of 1 degree
Scoliosis 1 degree - can be eliminated completely
(curvature of not more than 5-10˚) can almost never occur. But if you look closely at the child, then you will notice that it is slightly stooped, his head down, his shoulders slightly reduces one shoulder girdle had a little higher than the other (almost unnoticed), it appears as a faint asymmetrical waist.
S-shaped scoliosis of 2 degrees (bending 11-30˚) is characterized by a pronounced asymmetry of the body. But its main difference from the 1 degree is to start twisting (SARS) interested vertebrae around a vertical axis. When s-shaped scoliosis of 2 degrees is still possible to correct with the help of conservative treatment, so it is important to identify the disease at this stage.
S-shaped scoliosis
Scoliosis - when the spine is curved
3 degree (curvature 31-60˚) manifested a significant curvature of the spine, the presence of the rib hump on the side of the top of the arc and smoothing the edges on the opposite side, the presence of muscle ridges, pronounced asymmetry waist. For X-ray study of the curvature at the top and the surrounding areas are clearly visible vertebrae of irregular shape. Such patients are often concerned about pain in the back, worse any exertion.
When s-shaped scoliosis of the 4th degree
Scoliosis 4 degrees - without surgery will not do
(curvature 61-90˚) takes pronounced deformity of the spine, and all manifestations of scoliosis increases sharply. Such patients typically are not efficient and can not fully take care of themselves.
Diagnosis of s-shaped scoliosis
Early diagnosis s-shaped scoliosis is of paramount importance. Detection of the disease in the early stages of development (the degree of scoliosis 1-2) allows you to completely heal it using conservative methods. 3-4 degree of s-shaped scoliosis is difficult to treat and requires surgery.
The main method of diagnosis is the spine radiography in two projections (frontal and lateral). Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis is assigned to a computer or magnetic resonance imaging (CT or MRI).
Treatment s-shaped scoliosis
Treatment may be conservative and surgical methods. Conservative treatment is 1-2 degrees when the main and auxiliary disease (in conjunction with the operation) at 3-4 degrees s-shaped scoliosis.
The structure of medical treatment includes physiotherapy (physical therapy), classes on various simulators, massage, wearing special orthopedic corset, physiotherapy (electrophoresis with various medications, electrical stimulation of the muscles), courses of manual therapy, reflexology. If necessary, if there is pain in the later stages of the disease are appointed painkillers. A good therapeutic effect in the s-shaped scoliosis has swimming.
Exercise therapy in s-shaped scoliosis of 1, 3 and 4 degree carried out to suppress the progression of the disease and strengthen the muscles that support the spine. When s-shaped scoliosis of 2 degrees
Scoliosis 2 degrees - correction of spinal deformity
LFK is also carried out in order to correct spinal deformities.
When s-shaped scoliosis of 3-4 degrees is recommended surgery. With the help of various operations (type of surgery the doctor chooses) eliminates deformation of the spine stops the progression of the disease. Furthermore, during the operation can be eliminated compression of the spinal cord or nerve root.
S-shaped scoliosis can progress rapidly, so it is desirable to identify as early as possible and begin to heal.
Galina Romanenko