Jojoba: valuable oil with a bunch of errors

November 9, 2011

 A rare case when both the plant from which the valuable oil, wrongly called, and the name "Jojoba" is translated correctly, and the product is not oil at all, but liquid wax. Such "erroneous" oil, however, is a plant collagen, which is responsible for the turgor and youthfulness of the skin. It is for these unique properties of jojoba oil is so highly valued in cosmetics and aromatherapy.

 Jojoba: valuable oil with a bunch of errors

What is jojoba

In branched evergreen shrub habitat which are growing North American deserts and subtropics, unpronounceable botanical name - simmondciya Chinese (Simmjondsia chinensis). However, no relation to China, the plant does not have, and never grew there. An error has crept in the title because of an incorrect translation of the German botanist and naturalist Henry Link (1767-1851), who decoding collectible fees botanist Thomas Nuttall English (1786-1859), made an incorrect translation of the word «Calif». Link read it as «China», naming the plant hitherto unknown Chinese boxwood. So stick that strange name.

Simmonds - evergreen shrub from one to three meters in height, whose roots go back to the land of fifteen to thirty meters. Dilute it on a global scale to produce valuable jojoba oil. Faithful translation of the second name Simmonds - jojoba - is unusual, but a truer sound "jojoba". Endless confusion with the names does not detract from the merits of any plant or valuable product derived from its fruit - triangular nuts.

 Jojoba: valuable oil with a bunch of errors

The composition and properties of jojoba oil

Although the product of processing of jojoba oil won the title, in fact it is a liquid wax, which is very close in composition to the animal collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Useful properties of jojoba oil are due to those amino acids in the proteins that are in the product. Jojoba wax has several features: it remains in a liquid state at room temperature, which facilitates its use in cosmetics. Another distinctive uniqueness of oil - it is up to fifty percent of kernels contained in the Simmonds, not only in the outer covering, as in many other oilseeds.

The oil does not have trigletsiredov consists of fatty acids (oleic, eicosenoic and docosenoic) and alcohols containing up to one hundred percent monounsaturated liquid esters, tocopherols. The high content of vitamin E in the oil determines its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, the ability of long-term storage without preservatives and rancidity.

 Jojoba: valuable oil with a bunch of errors

The use of oil

Jojoba oil is used in cosmetics, in the various means to care for different types of skin, hair and body. Oil rejuvenates, preserve and maintain the natural moisture of the skin, regenerates it has a stabilizing and normalizing properties. It is used as creams and masks for dry, oily and flabby skin, the oil works wonders rejuvenation. It is useful for psoriasis Psoriasis - immune system alarm  Psoriasis - immune system alarm
 , Eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
 , Acne, atopic dermatitis and other skin disorders Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin

As a supplement to other cosmetics jojoba oil is admixed to ten percent. In its pure form it is recommended to be used with caution, because the oil has a high rate of penetration. If the effort of pure jojoba oil any essential oils, a new cosmetic product can replace the most expensive creams from manufacturers on the degree of impact on the rejuvenation of the skin.

Apply jojoba oil as a basic framework for essential oils for massage, applications, masks, lubrication. For hair care it is safe to add jojoba oil to the main means of up to five percent of the total. To care for the scalp recommended jojoba wax in combination with any other vegetable oil in a ratio of one to one. Jojoba oil on the skin does not leave a greasy, creating a subtle invisible film that actively protects against aggressive environmental influences.

 Jojoba: valuable oil with a bunch of errors

It is interesting

World production of jojoba oil is three and a half thousand tons per year. The main suppliers of valuable product are arid countries: United States, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Israel, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru.

The structure of jojoba oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which acts as a natural preservative. It features liquid wax helps to extend the shelf life of cosmetics and other oils, enriching them, enough admixed to them one to ten percent of the value of jojoba oil.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

Article Tags:
  • jojoba

Infertility treatment mud - that's where it is not necessary to be afraid to get dirty

October 3, 2012

 infertility treatment mud
 Each woman will sooner or later have a desire to become a mother. Unfortunately, this can not please everyone. Today in Russia, about fifteen percent of couples suffer from infertility. What is infertility? About infertility say that within one year of regular sexual intercourse without using contraceptives a woman can not become pregnant. This problem often leads to give up and stop fighting. Despite the fact that the partners have tried all methods for treating infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 There is another equally effective method as a treatment for infertility mud. And this concerns not only the method of treatment of women and men is very good mud at identifying problems in the genital area, which are the cause of infertility The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle  The causes of infertility - heredity and lifestyle

 Infertility treatment mud - that's where it is not necessary to be afraid to get dirty

A little bit of geography

Mud treatment of various diseases, including infertility, known since ancient times. On the territory of the former Soviet Union is a wonderful city Saki, located on the Crimean coast. In Saki sanatorium successfully struggling with various forms of infertility. It is noted that Saki (peloids) by the efficiency considerably higher than the Dead Sea mud. In Saki mud significantly more biologically active substances and mineral components such as iodine, selenium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc and others. Furthermore, currently established production of various lotions, tonics, balms, mud masks and salts with Saki mud.

 Infertility treatment mud - that's where it is not necessary to be afraid to get dirty

How is the treatment

Undoubtedly, the mud is not considered a panacea, which eliminates the infertility, and, nevertheless, its success is obvious. Generally, treatment mud is an additional point in the struggle with infertility. When mud therapy uses methods such as mud baths, vaginal and rectal swabs How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 , Mud wraps, mud baths, balneological complex procedures that include mud Saki the brine water and drinking mineral water. Biologically active components which are part of the mud, stimulate the body's defenses.

Mud treatment is most effective in the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere in women, which led to the development of peritoneal and tubal infertility. Mud suppresses inflammation, normalizes the motility of the fallopian tubes, regulates the menstrual cycle and, moreover, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina. Also, it should be noted that the influence of dirt on the whole body, which often affects hormone production and normalizes hormonal imbalance. Thus, it can be noted that the mud treatment efficiently and in some forms of hormone infertility.

 Infertility treatment mud - that's where it is not necessary to be afraid to get dirty

The efficacy of mud

The duration of treatment with mud Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
   It depends on many factors: the type and severity of the disease, age, features therapy. On average, enough ten or twelve procedures for twenty to thirty minutes. In some cases, your doctor may lengthen the course to fifteen procedures. In addition, to secure the effect of re-treatment is necessary to go through mud. After mud are the following effects have a positive effect on the body:

  • stimulation of the body's defenses;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • resorption of adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • normalization of menstrual function and restore the ability to bear children.
  • Indications for mud therapy of infertility in women
  • Mud treatment in women with infertility is effective in the following cases:
  • chronic salpingoophoritis, endometritis and colpites;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • perimetrity;
  • infantilism of female genital mutilation;
  • hormonal infertility;
  • perisalpingity;
  • deviation of the uterus.

 Infertility treatment mud - that's where it is not necessary to be afraid to get dirty

Indications for mud therapy for infertility in men

Mud treatment in men with infertility will apply under the following conditions:

  • chronic epididymitis;
  • orchitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • sexual inadequacy (impotence);
  • hormonal disorders; obstructive infertility (congenital malformations of vas deferens or blockage due to their inflammatory diseases).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • traditional methods of infertility treatment
