5 ways to add fruits and vegetables in children's meals

February 25, 2014

 fruit and vegetables in children's dishes
 Some kids love fruits and vegetables and prefer them to other, more popular products. But for those kids who are very picky eating habits, getting nutrients from the meal can be a problem. But there are five clever way of adding some fruits and vegetables in children's meals.



Using a blender for fruit and vegetables is one of the easiest ways to add useful quietly purged in dishes that your kids already love.

Grind in a blender carrots, spinach and zucchini to a paste and cook the sauce for pasta. Or do the same with apples, strawberries, kiwi - fruit punch and the child is ready.


Give fruit and vegetables shape

Cookie cutters are ideal for cutting fruits and vegetables, giving them a variety of fun shapes. Go on - make funny faces out of food or simply garnish the plate with all sorts of baby figures. Molds are not the only thing that can be used. If they are not handy, use the edges of the cups, mugs or glasses to cut interesting shapes of fruits and vegetables.


Sauces and gravies

Everything from peanut butter and yogurt finishing, and even melted chocolate can be used as fill for fruit and vegetables. Not only children love to fill, flushing, immersed in any liquid thing, we, adults, it is also very like it - so do it with their children, and then catch and eat the delicious pieces of fruit and vegetables.


Cook with children

If you drive your children to cook and make them active participants in the event, they will be more interested in tasting new dishes.

Funny names of the ingredients can also add a touch of creativity to the process. For example, if your child is a fan of the Disney name every ingredient name cartoon characters. Then during the meal, the dishes that helped make a child can become stars of the show or movie.


Popsicle comes to the rescue

It only takes a few minutes - in a blender, mix some tasty fruit and yogurt to make a cocktail. The resulting mixtures of bright colors to attract the attention of children to a healthy product, and it will be not only useful, but also fun, and for the whole family.

Article Tags:
  • proper nutrition

Smoking and breastfeeding - your baby smokes too

July 8, 2010

 smoking breastfeeding
 Women who quit smoking during pregnancy can expect to return to their habit after giving birth. It may seem strange and stupid, but - a non-smoker is difficult to understand that in this pleasant habit and smokers decide for themselves. Nobody protects smoking during lactation, as well as smoking in general. If someone asks for advice, start or not to start smoking after pregnancy, the answer is only one: do not start. However, many women may be helpful to know that they can feed the baby, despite the fact that they started smoking after giving birth - but it raises some problems, though much less significant than during pregnancy.

One of the problems associated with smoking during lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 , Is to reduce the level of prolactin in the blood - a substance that is responsible for the production of milk. In addition, smoking mothers milk out of the nipple with great difficulty than non-smokers. Finally, according to the results of several studies, lactating women who smoke lasts less than non-smokers.

 Smoking and breastfeeding - your baby smokes too

The impact on the child

Scientists have found that nicotine enters the body of the mother during smoking excreted, including, and milk. It turns out that the child is virtually nicotine drinks - although, of course, in a very low concentration. Passive smoking is much more dangerous for the baby - it can lead to chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other disorders. In addition, children who are passive smokers in the first weeks of life, increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. (According to some estimates, this risk is seven times higher than for children who are not exposed to passive smoking). Fortunately, fewer adults allow themselves to smoke in the presence of a child.

Children whose mothers smoked during lactation, more likely to suffer from colic and show general signs of irritation - it makes the already difficult for the parents first months of life even more difficult.

In addition, smoking increases the risk of a child pneumonia Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
 , Ear infections, sinus infections and lung cancer. It increases the likelihood that one day the child himself begins to smoke.

Children who are breastfed smoking mothers, often reduced level.

HDL-cholesterol - a useful type of cholesterol that protects people from various cardiovascular diseases.

Terms of smoking mothers:

  • Do not smoke in the presence of a child and do not let others do it.
  • Try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.
  • The half-life of nicotine from the body of ninety-five minutes. The more time passes between smoking and feeding, the less nicotine enters the body of the child.
  • Smoking outside on the balcony; home recommended smoke in a closed room, which then must be well ventilated.

 Smoking and breastfeeding - your baby smokes too

Because maternal smoking is harmful for the child or not?

This is necessary to understand, because the special study on this issue in our country have not been conducted. But it is very well known:

  • that the main active ingredient smoking tobacco - nicotine absorbed into the blood of women and then excreted with the milk;
  • that studied the effect of nicotine on the human body, and therefore the body of the child, if he goes there with his mother's milk.

The effect of nicotine on the human body:

  • the effect on the autonomic nervous system (which supplies the organs and blood vessels) and the central nervous system of a two-phase: short and long-term inhibition of arousal; moreover, there is a hand shake, and in large doses - convulsions; may appear nausea and vomiting, central origin (as a result of the effects of nicotine on the respective centers in the brain);
  • effects on cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, heart rate slows down first, and then quickens;
  • the effect on the respiratory system: respiratory arousal, first increase and then the oppression of the work of bronchial glands;
  • effect on the gastrointestinal tract, first increasing and then inhibition of the salivary glands, increased motor activity of the intestine (in large doses, on the contrary, decrease).

Symptoms of chronic nicotine poisoning: inflammation from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (inflammation of the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, lungs), reduced gastric acidity, increased motor activity of the intestine, disruption of the heart muscle, increase blood pressure, double vision, and various violations the central nervous system.

Now imagine that some of the nicotine from the mother enters the body of a tiny child and it produces all of these destructive actions.

 Smoking and breastfeeding - your baby smokes too

Proven facts influence of smoking on the body of the nursing mother of the child

By observation of children whose mothers have not stopped smoking during lactation, established the following:

  • children do not gain weight, vomit, they are concerned about intestinal colic;
  • they are easily excitable, often crying for no reason, and do not sleep; they have more pronounced neurological effects of birth injury Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
  • These children often suffer from colds (decreased immunity);
  • at a constant smoking mother of the child is formed dependent on nicotine and if he suddenly stops to get his mother's milk, it is showing signs of withdrawal: the child becomes very restless, not sleeping and not breastfeeding, amplified regurgitation.

In addition, nicotine inhibits the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the secretion of breast milk, which means that the amount of milk in the breasts of women smoking decreases with time. The very quality of breast milk is also reduced: it reduces the amount of vitamins, hormones and antibodies (protein bodies which are able to communicate with strictly defined infectious agents and remove them from the body).

But an even greater danger to the child is passive smoking, the mother or someone else smokes in the room where the child is. Passive smoking is more harmful to others than myself Smoking.

 Smoking and breastfeeding - your baby smokes too

How can I reduce the harm from smoking for the baby nursing mothers

It is known that the highest concentration of nicotine in the blood of women appears after 30-40 minutes, and at 1, 5:00, this concentration becomes minimum. Fully nicotine is removed from the blood after three hours. Therefore, if absolutely no way (and desires!) Quit smoking, you should at least choose the safest time to smoke and possibly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.

If a woman has decided to quit smoking, then it may help:

  • drug-adjuvant therapy - the use of drugs, for their effect similar to nicotine, such as nicotine gum or special adhesives that give significantly lower concentration of nicotine in the blood than cigarette smoking; but you need to know that these drugs are breastfeeding woman can not be combined with smoking, as it increases the concentration of nicotine in the blood;
  • You can rinse your mouth with a tincture of ink nuts or silver nitrate - it causes a feeling of aversion to smoking;
  • help treatment by a therapist - he will pick up the individual, the most suitable for this method of treatment of women;
  • reflexology techniques help Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   - The impact in various ways on the points on the skin, leaving no desire to smoke.

Smoking causes irreparable damage to human health, but if you smoke a nursing mother, then this increases the damage repeatedly.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • bad habits,
  • lactation
