Linseed oil for the breast - does it make sense?

May 29, 2014

 linseed oil breast
 Flaxseed oil can be applied to the chest. It activates the metabolism in the breast tissue, which makes the breast more youthful and supple and is the prevention mastopathy. But to the outdoor use of flaxseed oil in the chest area should be approached with caution.


When and how flaxseed oil may be useful for breast

Flaxseed oil has unique properties that allow to actively influence the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 And thus on the state of all the body tissues. Those present in this oil polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs and MNZHK) are rapidly absorbed in the intestine if swallowed and enter the cells of various tissues, participating in their metabolic processes.

The resulting cellular metabolism of eicosanoids are biologically active substances having properties of tissue hormones, they contribute to the normalization of all exchanges lipolysis and suppression of chronic inflammatory processes.

A significant disadvantage of linseed oil is its rapid oxidation, and therefore, in some countries it is not permitted to be sold in bottles.

Linseed oil is used today almost all diseases, he is credited with miraculous properties. Including apply linseed oil Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower  Linseed oil - the healing properties of a beautiful flower
   for breast augmentation. Here it is worth looking at in detail. The fact is that breast tissue is very delicate and vulnerable, at the wrong diet, lifestyle or permanent injury of it formed small cyst grows connective tissue - a condition called mastopathy, it is closely linked to hormonal women. A breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   in turn, can become the basis for developing breast cancer.

Therefore mammologists not recommend injure the mammary gland, to massage in this area - too large risk of benign and malignant breast tumors.

However, many non-professional sites are actively promoting flaxseed oil to increase the bust, recommending, inter alia, conducting independent breast massage. It can not be done, especially since breast augmentation in the size and more expected in this case is not worth it. One should not make any warming of procedure (for example, packs of vegetable oils) in the breast. This can lead to a rapid and uncontrolled growth of the nascent tumor.

But inside the linseed oil breast augmentation can be used. Status of the breast tissue that may improve the breast becomes firmer and visually increase in size.

Take in such cases linseed oil tablespoon twice daily. It can be used by adding to any food, but without subjecting the cooked (by heating linseed oil oxidizes and loses its beneficial properties).


Linseed oil in mastopathy

Ingestion of linseed oil can be very useful for mastitis, which is based on hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 Promoting occurrence of changes in the mammary glands. The fact that the linseed oil has an effect similar to the effect of female sex hormones. However, hormonal agent linseed oil is not. It is just slightly regulates tissue metabolism, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, preventing, thus, the development of mastitis.

Linseed oil can be used not only for the prophylaxis but also for the treatment of the initial stages of mastitis (diffuse mastopathy, spreading evenly over the entire breast tissue). Linseed oil is recommended to be administered in a daily ration of women suffering from mastopathy in a daily dose of 2-3 tablespoons in conjunction with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Linseed oil during lactation

Linseed oil inside during lactation does not apply, since it enhances intestinal motility and diarrhea in the mother, and hence the child.

But outwardly flaxseed oil during lactation may be used. It has excellent healing and restorative properties, so well suited for the lubrication nipples if they have scratches or cracks. Nipples can be lubricated after each applying child to her breast, and after 15 minutes, thoroughly soak the paper towel. Immediately prior to feeding, you can decant a few drops of milk and wash their nipples, and then wash the breast with boiled water without soap.


How should I store flaxseed oil

Linseed oil in the wrong storage is rapidly oxidized, filled with toxic free radicals and harmful rather than useful. Therefore, flaxseed oil should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container made of dark glass.

Linseed oil for the breast will only be useful if used correctly. Before applying it is better to consult a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • linseed oil

Suntan oil - the natural beauty of your skin

June 7, 2013

  • Suntan oil - the natural beauty of your skin
  • Natural
  • How to cook
  • Myths and Facts

 suntan oil
 Some people would not go to the beach without bottles of suntan oil. In contrast to the creamy suntan lotions, oils are dark clear liquids to ensure, as a rule, less strong protection from the sun. Ingredients suntan oils as lotions, can be very different, and they all have advantages.


Varieties oils Sun

Today on the shelves you can find dozens of different oils for tanning. Some of them are made entirely from natural ingredients. Others contain chemicals that give a more or less strong protection against UV radiation. Sun Oil can be sold in regular bottles or vials with feeders. Some oils are specially designed for tanning under the open sky, while others are designed for tanning salons.



Coconut oil and sunflower seed oil are often the major ingredients of tanning oils - particularly those which contain only natural ingredients. Besides them, the composition may include oils, almond oil, aloe extract Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
 , Lanolin, cocoa butter, essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   eucalyptus extract and carrot. Some oils contain green tea extracts and various fruits. Sometimes oil added vitamins, most often - Vitamins E, C and A.

Based on some suntan oil is mineral oil. The composition of such oils is usually also includes a plurality of both natural and synthetic ingredients, including - flavorings.

Finally, some people make their own oil tanning products available. Some mix the olive oil with a few drops of iodine, someone adds a bit of carrot juice, which contributes to the appearance of a beautiful tan.


How to use suntan oil

Suntan oil can accelerate the tanning process (or, if you have very sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   - Will lead to sunburn). However, in most modern tanning oils contain ingredients that prevent sunburn, so that you can a couple of hours lying on the beach without having to worry about anything. How to use a suntan oil?

Sun Oil is recommended to apply on the skin of the entire body, including the head, although, of course, it is not always possible. Do not use too much oil, otherwise, instead of to moisturize and protect the skin, it will clog pores. People with oily skin is especially important to use oil for tanning in moderation. Remember that the oil may leave marks on furniture, clothing, towels, and even form a greasy film on the water basin. If you swim in the pool, you go into it only when butter is completely absorbed, or pre-pat the skin tissue.

  • Pour a little oil into the palm and gently rub the palm of one another, evenly distributing them oil.
  • Begin to apply oil to the upper sides of feet. Then put him on his feet, as required pouring him a little bit of oil in the palm of your hand (as you apply the oil more evenly than if you pour it directly on the body and then rubbing). Do not be afraid to put on the body of too much oil - if necessary, you can always remove the excess with a tissue.
  • Apply suntan oil on the remaining parts of the body, including the neck. Those who are prone to acne and acne, apply oil on the face is not recommended. Others can do it, but because facial skin is very sensitive, it is best suited for sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
 That is suitable to your skin type.
  • Let the oil soak in for a few minutes before you go to bed or sit.
  • Apply suntan oil reapply every 2-3 hours, or more frequently - if you sweat profusely or swim.



Suntan oil very effectively moisturizes the skin and enriches it with nutrients contained in its components. Some oils contain ingredients that slow down the aging process - such as grape seed oil or sesame oil. Coconut oil moisturizes, smoothes and softens the skin.


Safety measures

Not all oils contain sun-tanning items. Natural oils have a sun protection factor, usually not more than four units. Since they are usually used to speed up the Sun, it is normal, but you can not use these oils as an alternative to sunscreen creams and lotions.

Because coconut oil and flavors of many oils for sunburn rather strong flavor, so try to put them on the body, if you are going to spend a lot of time indoors - in the heat the smell can be simply suffocating. In addition, do not use tanning oil with sweet scents in places inhabited by many insects.
