Beautiful, well-groomed hands are an important part of the image, and not just for women. Hands can tell about a person so much - what kind of lifestyle he leads as well take care of themselves. It hands give the woman's age, even if her face looks much younger. Dear fanciful clothes and beautifully painted face does not matter if you do not follow the condition of their hands. Hands are actively involved in communication - gestures can express a variety of feelings, from tenderness to contempt. And of course, with their help, we cook, clean, sew, knit, print, working in the garden - and all this gradually affects their appearance.
Because the hands are constantly in contact with various chemicals, water, and suffer the frequent changes in temperature, and the sebaceous glands to them a little, the first signs of aging appear on the hands and it is why they need special care.
The most important rule hand care - daily moisturizing. The more often you put your hands on the moisturizer, the better. Dry, cracked skin not only looks ugly; a crack may easily penetrate into harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation.
Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes, using various cleaning agents and work in the garden.
Protect your hands from UV rays by using sunscreen. You need to use them in any weather all year round. At least once a week to do a mask and baths for hands and do not forget the massage.
Hand bath with herbs
Boil one liter of water and add the tablespoon of dried herbs (use what you like - pharmacy chamomile, nettle, sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
, Mother-and-stepmother, mint ...). Allow broth to cool, and then hold it in your hands for 15-20 minutes. After that, his hands liberally grease a good moisturizer.
Home nourishing hand cream
Mix one teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of unsalted butter. Add one tablespoon of strong herbal liqueur and mix all thoroughly. You will get very thick and rich cream, which will be a long soak, but it will make your hands very soft and smooth.
Means for dry skin of hands
Mix one tablespoon of glycerin, one egg yolk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, the juice of one lemon, 90-100 grams of herbal infusions or rose water. 1-2 times per week apply the mixture to the skin, hold 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.
Sugar scrub for hands
Mix two tablespoons of oil (sunflower, olive, safflower, or child) with three tablespoons of sugar. Within two or three minutes, rub the mixture into the skin careful massage. Then wash your hands with warm water and anoint them with a nourishing cream.
Emollient hand
If your skin has become very dry and rough, mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of sugar and a little water. Apply this mixture on your hands and leave for five minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and leave it to dry and apply a thick nourishing cream.
Soothing Mask of tomato and lime
This recipe will help if your skin is coarse from exposure to sun, wind, heat or cold. Squeeze the juice of one lime and a tomato and mix thoroughly. Add 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin and rub this mixture into your hands for 3-4 minutes.
Hand mask with egg and honey
Mix approximately 30 g of honey, one egg, one teaspoon of glycerin
Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
and a pinch of barley flour. Thoroughly mix all ingredients and apply to clean skin
Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight
hands. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Nourishing Hand Cream
Mix 1/3 cup of glycerin and 2/3 cup of rose water. Pour mixture into a bottle and shake it well. Apply the cream on your hands as often as possible. Keep it tightly closed in a dry and dark place.
Furthermore, excellent hand masks are derived from a boiled potato and crushed milk, yogurt and sour cream from and curd, banana
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
and other products. To bleach your hands and make it smoother, lubricate it with lemon or cranberry juice. And, of course, do not forget about gloves and mittens. To your skin did not dry up, it is important to keep them warm - start to wear gloves even in September, if you feel that your hands are frozen.