The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?

September 16, 2006

  • The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?
  • What determines the aging of the skin?

   Scientists have isolated two types of aging - internal and external. The first is caused mainly by heredity, the second - by numerous environmental factors.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?

Internal aging

Internal aging or natural aging - it is a lengthy process, which normally begins, usually after 25 years. Collagen in the skin starts to be developed slowly, and elastin, a substance that provides elasticity to the skin, gradually changes its properties, which is why the skin becomes less elastic. Exfoliate dead skin cells are not as fast as before, and the renewal of the skin is slower. While all of these changes begin at such a young age, and their results may be hidden within one or two decades.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?

Signs of internal aging:

  • The appearance of wrinkles
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Reducing the amount of fat, whereby the cheeks are hollow, and the skin on the face and the body - notably less elastic
  • Bone mass decreases, which is why the bones can not serve a full skeleton for the skin and the skin droops
  • The skin becomes dry, itchy skin from time to time appears
  • Violated sweating, and as a result, the skin can not properly cool
  • The appearance of gray hair
  • Hair loss on the head
  • The appearance of unwanted hair, e.g., facial

How fast starts and develops the aging process depends on the genes. Someone notices the first gray hair in the twenties, someone - only after forty years. Patients with Werner's syndrome, a rare congenital disorder in which the aging process is much faster than usual, in the 30 years look like the elderly. Their hair turns gray and thinning as a teenager, and after twenty years of cataracts may occur Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 . The average life expectancy for these patients is 46 years. Fortunately, this violation is extremely rare and the majority of people the aging process is much slower.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?

Extrinsic aging

Many environmental factors influencing the body, along with genetic predisposition may cause premature aging of the skin. In particular, significantly affected by the sun's rays, facial expressions, the attractive force of the earth, pose in which a person is sleeping, smoking.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?


If you spend every day in the sun at least a few minutes, without taking measures to protect against ultraviolet rays, over the years it can cause noticeable changes in the skin. Freckles, age spots, "spiders" or "star" of thin capillaries, coarsened, dry, loose skin, and skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
   - All this could be the consequences of exposure to sunlight.

"Photo-aging" - the term dermatologists use to describe aging caused by exposure to sunlight. The degree to which a person is exposed to photoaging, depends on the color of his skin, and how much time he spent in the sun without using sunscreen. The most visible signs of photo-aging in people with fair skin.

When repeated over time exposure to the sun, the skin loses the ability to regenerate. Studies have shown that the frequent exposure to UV rays is the destruction of collagen, as well as a violation of its synthesis. The sun has a devastating effect on elastin, making the skin less elastic.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?


Each time a person changes the facial expression under the top layer of skin it formed grooves, recesses, through which appear on the skin folds characterizing different facial expressions. When the skin ages and loses its elasticity, these folds can not flatten each time, and become permanent wrinkles. So, if you are his facial expressions do not work for their living, perhaps, is to try to use it at least a little less.

 The aging of the skin - from what it depends on?


The strength of the Earth's gravity to influence us throughout life. For fifty years, when the elasticity of the skin decreases sharply, the effects of gravity are the most noticeable. It was under the influence of her elongated ears, eyelids droop, and the lower lip stuck out so that it falls short.

Hand Care: anti-aging

June 4, 2007

 hand care
 Beautiful, well-groomed hands are an important part of the image, and not just for women. Hands can tell about a person so much - what kind of lifestyle he leads as well take care of themselves. It hands give the woman's age, even if her face looks much younger. Dear fanciful clothes and beautifully painted face does not matter if you do not follow the condition of their hands. Hands are actively involved in communication - gestures can express a variety of feelings, from tenderness to contempt. And of course, with their help, we cook, clean, sew, knit, print, working in the garden - and all this gradually affects their appearance.

Because the hands are constantly in contact with various chemicals, water, and suffer the frequent changes in temperature, and the sebaceous glands to them a little, the first signs of aging appear on the hands and it is why they need special care.

The most important rule hand care - daily moisturizing. The more often you put your hands on the moisturizer, the better. Dry, cracked skin not only looks ugly; a crack may easily penetrate into harmful microorganisms that cause inflammation.

Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes, using various cleaning agents and work in the garden.

Protect your hands from UV rays by using sunscreen. You need to use them in any weather all year round. At least once a week to do a mask and baths for hands and do not forget the massage.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Hand bath with herbs

Boil one liter of water and add the tablespoon of dried herbs (use what you like - pharmacy chamomile, nettle, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
 , Mother-and-stepmother, mint ...). Allow broth to cool, and then hold it in your hands for 15-20 minutes. After that, his hands liberally grease a good moisturizer.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Home nourishing hand cream

Mix one teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of unsalted butter. Add one tablespoon of strong herbal liqueur and mix all thoroughly. You will get very thick and rich cream, which will be a long soak, but it will make your hands very soft and smooth.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Means for dry skin of hands

Mix one tablespoon of glycerin, one egg yolk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, the juice of one lemon, 90-100 grams of herbal infusions or rose water. 1-2 times per week apply the mixture to the skin, hold 20-30 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Sugar scrub for hands

Mix two tablespoons of oil (sunflower, olive, safflower, or child) with three tablespoons of sugar. Within two or three minutes, rub the mixture into the skin careful massage. Then wash your hands with warm water and anoint them with a nourishing cream.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Emollient hand

If your skin has become very dry and rough, mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of sugar and a little water. Apply this mixture on your hands and leave for five minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and leave it to dry and apply a thick nourishing cream.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Soothing Mask of tomato and lime

This recipe will help if your skin is coarse from exposure to sun, wind, heat or cold. Squeeze the juice of one lime and a tomato and mix thoroughly. Add 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin and rub this mixture into your hands for 3-4 minutes.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Hand mask with egg and honey

Mix approximately 30 g of honey, one egg, one teaspoon of glycerin Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
   and a pinch of barley flour. Thoroughly mix all ingredients and apply to clean skin Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight  Clean skin: the beauty of the need to fight
   hands. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

 Hand Care: anti-aging

Nourishing Hand Cream

Mix 1/3 cup of glycerin and 2/3 cup of rose water. Pour mixture into a bottle and shake it well. Apply the cream on your hands as often as possible. Keep it tightly closed in a dry and dark place.

Furthermore, excellent hand masks are derived from a boiled potato and crushed milk, yogurt and sour cream from and curd, banana Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   and other products. To bleach your hands and make it smoother, lubricate it with lemon or cranberry juice. And, of course, do not forget about gloves and mittens. To your skin did not dry up, it is important to keep them warm - start to wear gloves even in September, if you feel that your hands are frozen.

Article Tags:
  • aging
