The treatment of pressure ulcers in the home - notes

July 24, 2014

 treatment of pressure ulcers in the home
 Bedsores - a disorder in which soft tissue die because of prolonged pressure and insufficient blood supply. The cause of pressure ulcers is typically prolonged immobility - is connected with it and their name. They can also be formed, for example, people who are a long time in a wheelchair. Early treatment of pressure ulcers in the home can prevent tissue damage and serious complications.

At home, you can treat bedsores 1 and 2 degrees. The only sign of bedsores is typically 1 degree of redness (hyperemia) which does not penetrate even after the pressure on the skin area ceased. This is due to the fact that the blood vessels at the site of blood overflow. This feature may not cause concern, but if you do not take action sooner or later there will be pressure ulcers grade 2 - the top layer of skin (epidermis) starts a little flaky, and the pathological process involves the subcutaneous tissue.

At this stage, as a rule, it is not yet too late to treat bedsores home, but if the damage is made of muscle tissue (grade 3 decubitus ulcers), an urgent need to go to the doctor.

If left untreated, damage to soft tissues will spread deeper until they reach the bone. At the same time there is a high risk of infectious diseases.


Reducing the load on the fabric

This is - the most important condition for the treatment and prevention of pressure sores. If the same area of ​​skin for a long time, is under pressure, it does not receive sufficient oxygen and other essential substances causing sooner or later starts necrosis. To reduce the load on the fabric, it is recommended:

  • Use special mattresses, bedspreads and / or chairs designed for the pressure of body weight evenly distributed as possible. Note that some devices developed, for example, specifically to support the neck, can, on the contrary, lead to the formation of bedsores. Therefore, before buying anti-bedsore mattresses or other devices it is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • Those who lies in bed, you need to change the position of the body, at least every two hours, and that moves in a wheelchair - every fifteen minutes. People who can not do it yourself, you need to turn every two hours. It is important to do this often enough, because people like the risk of bedsores is particularly high;
  • Seatbacks not lift more than 30 degrees, at least for long periods of time - this leads to excessive pressure on the lower part of the body. Chairs with adjustable backs can not be used instead of the usual bed;
  • If you are caring for bedridden patients, regardless of whether he has formed bedsores, or not, on a daily basis, inspect his skin from head to toe. Particular attention should be paid to the skin on the knees and ankles (the people that have long lie, they often press against each other, which can give rise to pressure sores) for the folds of the skin in people with obesity, as well as body parts, which are regularly in contact For example, chairs with armrests.


Protection and treatment of affected areas

Decubitus (especially after 1st stage) - is, in fact, an open wound, and the basic principles of caring for them are the same as for the care of the common injuries: it must be cleaned, close, and take care of that, so it was a little moist - this increases the likelihood of successful healing of damaged tissue.

In patients with bedsores 1 degree the integrity of the skin has not broken. These sores cleaned regularly enough, not to moisture (eg, sweat or urine) for a long time in contact with the skin and lubricate them with light moisturizing cream or lotion. To care for pressure ulcers in humans suffering from urinary incontinence, it is recommended to use creams, forming a water repellent film on the skin.

If a person has formed bedsores 2 degrees to prevent infection and speed healing, dead tissue is recommended regularly removed. Usually it does a doctor or nurse. Dead tissue remaining in bedsores, creates favorable conditions for bacteria and infection. They also may slow the growth of healthy tissue.

Pressure sores should be cleaned every time they change the bandages.

For this often used normal saline solution (not homemade, but one that is sold in pharmacies), but there are other means for cleaning bedsores. Do not use on open wounds means for cleansing healthy skin! Also, do not apply antiseptic solutions, which include, for example, hydrogen peroxide - they may damage the new tissue that forms at the site of the skin dying. Regarding the use of tap water, it is best to consult a doctor: in some cases it may be washed with pressure sores, but this should be done only with the permission of a specialist.


Protect healthy skin

Healthy Skin Protection Healthy skin - daily program for skin care  Healthy skin - daily program for skin care
   also of great importance for the successful treatment of pressure ulcers. To do this, experts recommend:

  • Often taking a bath;
  • Wash with mild soap and warm (not hot) water;
  • Use moisturizing creams or lotions to the skin to prevent overdrying;
  • Patients with urinary incontinence or stool to wash immediately after urinating or defecating. They should also use special diapers.


Additional recommendations

Proper nutrition is essential for the treatment and prevention of pressure sores. Patients should receive plenty of fluids every day, calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. At the same time, you need to control your weight - extra weight increases the probability of the formation of pressure ulcers.

Treatment of infections. Any open wound - it's an easy target for a variety of infections. Their symptoms can be unusually hot and flushed skin around the bedsore or red stripes with him, pain on pressure on the skin next to the bed sores, pus Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   of damaged skin, odor and heat. Immediately tell your doctor if you notice such symptoms; He prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 As well as special care for damaged skin.

Anesthesia. If a person complains of pain in pressure ulcers should talk to your doctor - as a rule, in such cases, analgesics.

Blue clay - the use of "pasture" gift of nature by all the rules

November 24, 2014

 the use of blue clay
 The healing properties of colored clay described in his treatises another Greek physician Hippocrates. Over time, the research only confirmed what the ancient healer. One of the most valuable modern doctors recognized blue clay, the use of which is indicated in many ailments.


The good blue clay

On the content of the micro and macro blue clay can compete with many pharmacies mineral complexes. Large quantities of it is composed of silicon, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, cobalt and phosphorus. Slightly less than is found potassium, silver and radium.

Thanks to the successful combination of ingredients, a natural material has two useful from the point of view of medicine properties. On the one hand, it is a unique adsorbent, and the other serves as a source of minerals needed to maintain normal functioning of the human organism.


Medical applications: inward and outward

As the adsorbent clay is capable of absorbing and retaining at its surface the heavy metals, toxins, viruses, bacteria and dead tissue components. Absorbing harmful substances, it cleanses the body, inhibits the development of inflammatory processes, fights infections. Contained in a grain of radium and silver rocks provide additional antibacterial effect.

Internal use of blue clay is recommended in case of poisoning, intestinal infections, chronic renal failure, gout, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?  Kidney stones - why women tolerate it harder?
 . For drug one tablespoon of the purified product is dissolved in a glass of water. During cooking, use only a glass or ceramic utensils: metal chemically react with the clay, and deprives it of its healing properties. Ready solution take a quarter cup twice a day for half an hour before meals.

As a means to fill the shortage of minerals, clay is shown inside osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
 , Arthritis, rheumatism, sprains and injuries. In such cases, its use in dry form: the morning on an empty stomach one teaspoon, drinking plain water or milk.

Outwardly blue clay is used in the form of powders, lotions, rinses and washes.

Powdered rock sprinkled wounds, abscesses, chirii. Absorbing pus and killing pathogens, natural "sponge" accelerates the healing process.

If angina and laryngitis good effect is given rinsing with a solution of clay. To do this, one teaspoon of powder diluted in a glass of water. Preparation of the mixture, rinse the throat every two to three hours. When adenoids with the same solution was washed with the nasal passages.

Clay lotions used to treat many internal diseases. When bronchitis applications superimposed on the collar area, or between the shoulder blades once a day for two weeks. In diseases of the joints, kidneys, stomach, liver, sinusitis, muscle pain compresses put locally on the affected area (any other than the chest). Frequency of treatments - two or three times a day. The course of treatment - up to the disappearance of pain, but not more than three weeks.

Prepare a lotion is always the same. The clay is mixed with water at room temperature until the consistency of thick cream. On folded in four cotton cloth or bandage applied to the resulting mass thick layer of three centimeters. Degreased sore spot cotton swab dipped in alcohol, and pressed him bandage that wrapped a scarf or handkerchief on top.

Pulling the stagnant matter, clay stimulates blood circulation in the inflamed area and improves the functioning of the affected organ. Keep lotion on the body to dry completely, then remove. Remains of dirt is removed with warm water.

For pains in the joints and trauma doctors advise to do clay baths. The clay content should be large enough ten tablespoons of powder into five liters of water. They take such a bath for ten to fifteen minutes. After completion of the clay on the body give the dry and then wash off.


What you can not do?

Although the blue clay is considered harmless, it is not necessary to get involved. Natural material is well suited as an additional means of therapy, but does not replace the basic treatment, especially when such serious diseases as cancer or asthma.

Contraindicated clay allergies and people with active TB The open form of tuberculosis - to be treated in hospital  The open form of tuberculosis - to be treated in hospital
 . Prolonged use of domestic mineral overdose may adversely affect the condition of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels.


Cosmetic glinoterapiya

Rich in mineral composition and antiseptic properties make the blue clay indispensable aid in skin care, hair and nails.

Supported face mud mask tightens pores, actively nourish and tone the skin. Clay reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation and "breathing" of the cells. To prepare the mask mineral powder mixed with water to form a liquid slurry. Cooked weight applied to the face for twenty minutes.

Due to the high absorbent effect of blue clay ideal for cleansing oily skin Cleansing oily skin  Cleansing oily skin
 And hardly suitable for dry. Absorbing moisture, it can dry up the epidermis and cause irritation.

Use a clay mask just once a week. Excessive treatments can lead to the opposite effect. Adsorbed on not only harmful but also beneficial micro-organisms, clay lowers the immunity of the skin and makes it more vulnerable to the effects of external negative factors.

Layer nails are very good clay baths. Prepare them as well as facials. Fingers or toes dipped in slurry for ten minutes. Sessions "glinoterapii" repeated two or three times a week.

No less useful Estheticians consider the use of blue clay for hair. Mud helps to get rid of split ends, strengthen metabolism in the bulbs and prevent baldness. Thick creamy carefully rubbed into the scalp before each wash. The mask is left for thirty minutes, then rinsed with a shampoo.

Clay is used only in the cold state. Even a small display deprives its medicinal properties. Second hand product is not re-used.

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  • clay
