How to keep a shape during the holidays - just do not do not panic! - Advice

December 5, 2006

  • How to keep a shape during the holidays - just do not do not panic!
  • Advice

 Council on figures on holidays

Council on figures on holidays

Holiday season - a real challenge for those who follow the figure and count calories. We have two news for you - good and bad. Let's start with the good - this time you dial does not have much, much less than it should. The bad news - the weight gained during the season New Year's holidays - is an unnecessary gift, which is not refundable.

Just do not panic. It is not necessary to fall into forced hibernation for all holidays, to avoid overeating and extra storage grams, gradually develops into kilograms. There are reasonable ways to change eating behavior so that the full taste all the delights of gastronomy and cooking while preserving excellent shape and not become an unofficial member of the secret club of anonymous consumers.

  • Five - it is excellent. Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. They contain fewer calories than other products, and much more nutrients. In addition, they are rich in fiber, so well satisfy hunger. So promise yourself that before you set off to the winds and lean on festive delicacies, will certainly get your five.
  • Know the measure. It is desirable to limit the consumption of sweets - for example, one cake or a piece of cake a day. But not anymore. This does not mean that you need to be sure to eat sweets every day or eat a double portion, because yesterday you refused dessert. Know the measure. And remember that even a little self-indulgence may require you to refusal of other products to get rid of the extra calories.
  • Who gets up early, the figure protects. Be sure to start the day with a charge, even if it is very short. Regular exercise - the main factor contributing to the conservation of both normal weight and weight loss. Enter the charging time in your calendar and do not let anyone or anything disrupt your plans. Taking care of your body - that's the best Christmas gift you can make yourself.
  • Spend less time in the kitchen. Preparation of festive dishes - is, of course, pleasant chores, but is it so necessary to dozens of the most energy-dense oven desserts? Try to find some acceptable alternative - use the services of confectioners, and freed from the cooking time is spent with family and friends.
  • Think about the future. A single binge during lunch or dinner is not yet lead to the completeness or obesity. However, if you make it your permanent or excuse to repeat himself - "I've been so spoiled the figure that I have nothing will harm - cake one more, one less - what difference '- it can cause a snowball effect. Do not give up laziness! Do not forget to do exercises in the morning! And do not justify the systematic overeating.
  • Do not try to grasp the immensity. During the Christmas holidays is easy to get into the vortex of interesting events. Invitations to business meetings, corporate and friendly parties, family gatherings, meetings with neighbors and so on and so forth. Do not be afraid to respond to some of them refused. Efforts to go everywhere, and not to offend anyone will certainly lead to stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Which, in turn, leads to a passion for food and the cessation of exercise. Not to mention the fact that stress can cause weight gain (according to some studies).
  • Do not rush to recover. When it turns to the buffet table, the table does not break right away from the door, pushing guests. Communicate, meet, and only then think about food. Perhaps less concerned about their weight, guests have snapped up the most high-calorie delicacies that will save you from temptation.

Article Tags:
  • new Year

How to remove the stomach: Tips and Tricks - Tips for men

January 3, 2012

  • How to remove belly fat: tips and tricks
  • Sport or diet
  • At home
  • After cesarean section
  • Beer belly
  • Tips for men

What prevents a man to remove belly fat

According to a particularly physiology, men should be easier to lose weight around the waist, if for the female body a little tummy - it is an additional source of energy at a possible pregnancy, the men annoying addition to the figure, in fact, useless. However, many men complain that he could not find a way to lose weight in the waist area. What prevents a man to remove belly fat?


Increased stomach? It's time to lose weight

Most men do not suffer the fullness of the hips, buttocks, legs or hands - the extra weight, if it is not too much, is localized mainly in the area of ​​the waist, back, shoulders. Therefore, the scale can show the result close to normal, and the stomach when it is convex and ugly. It is important to understand that fat weighs much easier muscles, fat, and so an athlete, it is possible, will weigh about the same. Therefore, the need to lose weight should be judged not on the scales, and the volume of the body, and if the stomach prevents the usual wear trousers, it means - there was overweight and need to part with it.


Sport or diet?

But if the majority of women in their lifetime have had to endure periods of limitation in food (during the premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and lactation, when there can be not all and not in any quantity), for many men, a diet - it is psychological stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . Women capable of weeks is not nothing but boiled carrots, plunged men in awe: they are usually the stronger sex too dependent on full and delicious food to easily give up meat and bread. Therefore, the struggle with excess fat around the waist for men should be directed towards increased motor activity; Although diet should meet the task. This can be achieved if to include in the daily menu, plenty of vegetables, herbs and fruit load stop for the night, drink plenty of fluids, is not salty and not to abuse alcohol.

If we talk about the fight against belly fat deposits in men, the sport comes first. If a woman can wear a slimming underwear, enroll in a course of anti-cellulite massage Anti-cellulite massage - beautiful skin  Anti-cellulite massage - beautiful skin
   or just sit on a rigid diet, for a man more physiological and enjoyable is losing weight through increased physical activity. It can be any type of sports: football, hockey or running no worse it helps get rid of belly than a special course of boring exercises. Thus not only folds disappearing from the waist, but also improves mood and performance becomes higher.

However, both women and men who are suddenly faced with the increased in the size of the stomach, you must first visit the therapist. There are some diseases of internal organs, which cause such an effect; In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, rather than fight with the investigation. Many of the men neglect their health, delaying the visit to the doctor even if you feel unwell, but you can not do this - the sooner treatment starts, the easier it will be.

Article Tags:
  • how to remove belly fat
