- The rate of aging - for each test
- From 40 to 60
The vast majority of the representatives of this age group, there are many signs of aging. The skin becomes more and more dull, wrinkles deepen, spots more noticeable decrease lips. As a rule, the most noticeable wrinkles are formed after 40 years on the forehead, around the mouth and eyes. The corners of the mouth, many women begin to fall slightly, which makes the person sorrowful expression, even when the mood is quite normal. In addition, the skin droops more - especially in very thin women. However, the modern beauty industry have something to counter these age-related changes.
It should continue to do a chemical peel to improve skin tone (now for this procedure can be used more concentrated funds) and Botox injections for wrinkles around the eyes. To eliminate deep wrinkles around the mouth, many prefer to use fillers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid. Some women older than 40 years also make lip augmentation using injectable fillers. Those who have skin droops heavily, you should pay attention to a procedure such as Thermage - the method of skin tightening without surgery.
At this age, all problems with the skin
The most common skin problems and their solutions
, Appeared after 40 years, continues to worsen. Wrinkles on the cheeks, which a few years ago were barely visible, become deeper. The skin appears more pigmented spots. With pigmented spots on the face and hands can be dealt with by special bleaching agents, chemical peels, laser or liquid nitrogen. Every day, use sunscreen to prevent new age spots.
As for wrinkles, the Botox and fillers are quite effective means for representatives of this age group, but laser resurfacing will give a much more noticeable result. Today, for the rejuvenation of frequently used non-ablative lasers, which stimulate the production of collagen and rejuvenate the skin, but at the same time have a sparing effect on it, so that the procedure should not be a long recovery period. A series of these procedures can significantly smooth out wrinkles on the cheeks, around the eyes and above the upper lip.
Women with a deep wrinkles and very dark pigment spots can recommend more aggressive treatments - polishing with carbon laser. This technique uses high-frequency laser that literally vaporizes the upper layers of the skin cells, revealing under them fresh, smoother skin. After several weeks of recovery, most patients finds that skin became more elastic, wrinkles are not as deep and dark spots less visible.
In people older than 60 years of skin tend to sag heavily, its texture is undergoing significant change. In some places the skin becomes yellow, wrinkles spread across his face. Women in this age, you can use the same anti-aging treatments, 40 and 50 years.
Sixty years old today - is not the same thing as ten or twenty years ago; Many modern women at this age are still working, to lead an active lifestyle, and carefully monitor themselves. Should be aware that to get rid of wrinkles and look 30 years can not be 60, but remain beautiful and well maintained by the forces of every woman. The main thing - to use anti-aging cosmetics and undergo special procedures on a regular basis rather than on a case by case basis. It is also very important not to forget the sense of proportion, because the abuse of anti-aging treatments usually leads to sad results.
Any age
If you have a very frustrating skin aging, begin to use sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
, Stop tanning (or at least make it less), and quit smoking. Then contact your dermatologist and ask them to choose the most suitable for your skin type
How to determine your skin type
anti-aging treatments and creams. While avoiding the aging you do not succeed, you should be able to slow it down. It's easier than it seems, and for this a long time does not necessarily resort to surgery. The number of funds for rejuvenation is growing and it is becoming more diverse, effective and safe.