Caring for different types of skin: a guide to action

June 29, 2012

  • Caring for different types of skin: a guide to action
  • Stress, sleep, purification

 care for different skin types
 Our skin is constantly changing, so the different periods of our lives we have set various goals and objectives for skin care. In order to look their best for their age, it is important to solve skin problems, when they arise, or, even better, to work hard to prevent their occurrence. It is important to remember that the type of the skin varies depending on the season, diet and age. In general, the skin tends to be more greasy summer and winter drier. Menopause often makes the skin drier and oily skin can make normal and even dry. On the other hand, replacing a diet low in fat on a diet rich in fatty acids, it can be a normal dry skin.

It is important to determine your skin type before you develop a system to care for her. It is also important to change the care of the skin when the skin type changes. The main skin care need to change so that it is suited to its type.


The use of additional funds

Many people need more than the usual skin care. Depending on age, skin type and other factors, the regular program of skin care can be added to additional funds. It is important to carefully examine additional means of skin care products to see whether it suits you. It would also be good to collect more information about this product, because you need to be sure that it will be effective.

As toning and moisturizing can prevent the ability of the epidermis to absorb the necessary substances, the best time to use the additional funds - immediately after cleaning and washing your face. Your face should be warm, slightly moist and clean. Since most of these products contain moisturizing ingredients, there is usually no need to add moisturizer into the daily skin care program if you use the vehicle for a special skin care.


Recommendations for healthy skin

Although some factors affecting the health of our skin are beyond our influence, there are some basic things that we can change in their daily life in order to achieve a healthier, younger looking skin.

Let's face it. We are all very busy. Follow strict and time-consuming rules of skin care - is something impossible. Fortunately, there are a number of simple lifestyle changes, we can take that will help slow the aging process and prevent the occurrence of many common skin problems The most common skin problems and their solutions  The most common skin problems and their solutions

By following simple guidelines, you can achieve a clean, glowing, beautiful skin Beautiful skin - achieving  Beautiful skin - achieving


Minimize exposure to the sun and harmful UV rays

Protecting skin from the sun - it's one of the simplest but most important things you can do to minimize the natural aging process.

Exposure to the sun - is one of the major causes of skin problems and premature aging. In fact, exposure to harmful UV rays, accumulating over time, cause the majority of unwanted changes associated with aging, such as wrinkles, age spots and rough, dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
 . But the negative effects of the sun is more than just a cosmetic problem. These aggressive UV rays, which are in the natural sunlight and solarium, often cause more serious health problems such as skin cancer.

What can you do to protect yourself and your skin from harmful UV rays?

  • Use security as part of your daily skin care. Many moisturizers and cosmetics offer a sun protection factor SPF of 15 or SPF 30. Try to include the funds in your daily skin care, make the protection of the skin during the whole year habit. Remember - even on a cloudy day the sun can damage the skin.
  • Minimize exposure to the sun during the hours of its most powerful impact. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 and 16 hours. Try to stay indoors or avoid exposure to the sun at this time, when the skin can be caused the greatest harm.
  • Protect from the sun. No one can completely avoid the sun during its strongest effects. But you can still be protected from direct sunlight by staying in the shade as much as possible and putting tightly woven clothing and a hat. There is even a special clothing that blocks UV rays while still allowing the one who carries it, feel comfortable and cool.
  • Use sunscreen. Make it a habit to put a large amount of sunscreen at least 30 minutes before exposure to the sun, no matter how long you plan to be outside. During his stay in the sun need to re-apply sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   every two hours, or after you sweat or pobyli water.


Stick to a healthy diet

We've all heard this saying - "You - this is what you eat." When it comes to good skin care is no exception. There are countless reasons for adhering to a healthy, balanced diet. Proper diet and drinking plenty of water - it's the most important steps that will give your skin clean, healthy and youthful appearance.

It is important to stick to a balanced diet, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat protein, such as tofu and sunflower seeds. Studies suggest that the diet poor in fat and carbohydrates and rich in vitamin C promotes healthy skin. You can also take a multivitamin to make sure that the skin gets all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and beautiful.

Moisturizing the skin is just as important as the fact that the skin receives the necessary nutrients through a balanced diet. We need to drink six to eight glasses of water daily to the skin stay hydrated, supple, soft and supple. Good hydration of the skin and fight the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes while maintaining skin elasticity.


Regularly exercise

Our skin - the largest and most versatile organ in the body. Regular exercise helps to cleanse the skin from harmful toxins and maintains the elasticity of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Exercise is also good for the body as a whole, they help to reduce body fat and fat content of the skin, reducing the number of pimples and blackheads.

Small chest - the benefits of small forms - Exercises to increase

June 8, 2013

  • Small chest - the benefits of small forms
  • Exercises to increase

 exercises to increase small breasts

Exercises to increase small breasts

The female breast is composed mainly of fatty tissue, so the "pump up" her like a muscle, it is impossible. In fact, the only way to enlarge breasts without surgery - is to gain weight, but such a method is suitable not for everyone. However, with the help of simple exercises you can develop muscles, located near the breast, and thus make even small breasts more "outstanding".


  • Lifting dumbbells on incline bench helps develop muscle, located directly below the collarbone. Sit down on an incline bench and take the appropriate dumbbell weight 4-5 kg. At the same time lift the dumbbells by bending arms at the elbows. Perform at least 10 climbs in one go, and gradually increase the number of repetitions.
  • Dumbbell bench press on a bench with a reverse slope. Exercises on the bench with a reverse slope (where you lay your head down) to provide load or lower pectoral muscles, located below the part of the breast where most of the fat tissue. Lie down on the bench and grab a dumbbell. In the initial position, you have to keep them on the sides of the torso. Lift the dumbbells up, just above the breast - you have to feel the strain of the pectoral muscles. Slowly lower your arms. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Exercise simulator Peck-December. Sit on the seat of the simulator (if necessary, adjust the height of the seat and arms so that the hands were on the same level with the shoulders). Firmly hold the handles, bringing his hands in front of chest, and then slowly spread them apart. This is one of the most effective exercises for the development of the chest muscles.
  • Push-ups. To exercise the pectoral muscles fit any type of push-ups. If you have a good physical preparation, perform push-ups, push-ups, or upside down (place your feet on a bench or a stable chair, hands - on the floor and do push-ups, as usual, the option exercise provides a particularly heavy load on the upper chest muscles). If you have a fairly weak hand, you can do push-ups from the wall, windowsill or table.
  • Include these exercises in your workout routine, and within 2-4 weeks you will notice that the contours of your body begin to change. Of course, the chest will not be for a few sizes too big, but it will look a lot better; In addition, regular load on the pectoral muscles will help preserve the elasticity of the breast, even in adulthood.

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  • breast
