Cellulite treatment - no illusions - Diets and procedures

December 24, 2006

  • Cellulite treatment - no illusions
  • Diets and procedures

 cellulite treatment procedures

Anti-cellulite diet

There are diets that its creators call an effective treatment for cellulite. This is due to the fact that such diets include combinations of products that can reduce inflammation and to improve circulation in the affected tissues and thus reduce cellulite. However, no study has confirmed the efficacy of anti-cellulite diet. Experts point out that a healthy diet Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   could to some extent help in cellulite, but for this special diet is not required.

 Diets and Treatments | Cellulite treatment - no illusions


Many beauty salons and spas offer a variety of wraps for the treatment of cellulite. As in the case of diets, their effectiveness has no scientific evidence. It is assumed that wraps really reduce cellulite, but this is only a temporary result of such procedures.

 Diets and Treatments | Cellulite treatment - no illusions


Liposuction is designed to reduce the amount of fat, but the appearance of cellulite is not usually associated with the quantity. In fact, liposuction may worsen cellulite, because after pumping fat skin inevitably sags, and all the bumps located underneath tissue become more visible. Liposuction is not a procedure for the treatment of cellulite.

 Diets and Treatments | Cellulite treatment - no illusions

So what to do for cellulite

Experts say that a healthy diet and maintaining muscle tone with the help of regular exercise will help if you do not completely get rid of cellulite, it is, at least, make the skin and subcutaneous tissue is much smoother. It should be approached with great care to the choice of food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 , Injections, surgical procedures, and other special funds for the treatment of cellulite, whose effectiveness has not been proved. Laser therapy and massage can be used by those who have it is sufficient funds and free time, but remember that without a balanced diet and sports, these techniques will not give significant results.

Article Tags:
  • cellulitis

Anti-cellulite massage - Beautiful Skin - How to

February 12, 2013

  • Anti-cellulite massage - beautiful skin
  • How does
  • How do

 how to make anti-cellulite massage

How do anti-cellulite massage

Cellulite is commonly called an uneven, bumpy skin on the hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen, which is much more common in women than in men. Typically, cellulite is formed where the greatest number of delayed subcutaneous fat; due to the fact that it is unevenly distributed, and these appear unsightly bumps. Cellulite is not dangerous to health (except in cases where it is associated with obesity), but it looks very ugly.

Until recently, experts believed that cellulite is exclusively for women and to blame for his appearance female hormones Female hormones: because you - a woman!  Female hormones: because you - a woman!
 . However, in recent studies it has been found that men also have cellulite, but it is not so close to the skin surface, and therefore, as a rule, not very noticeable.

This led to the formation of a new theory on why cellulite. It seems likely that the toxins have not been eliminated from the body due to poor circulation and lack of physical activity, causes a chemical reaction in which usually around soft fat cells form a solid shell. That's why cells form lumps, which show through the skin surface. It therefore appears cellulite where slowest circulation - in particular on the buttocks.

The cosmetic industry is constantly busy looking for funds that could stop these chemical reactions, but a good treatment for cellulite is anything that improves circulation to the problem areas. For example, massage improves blood flow to the upper layer of the skin and at the same time helps the destruction of solid membranes of fat cells. To achieve such an effect anti-cellulite massage should consist of a very active movement - so that the skin after the session was a tingling sensation, and she became pinkish, indicating that the blood flow.

It is not necessary to do anti-cellulite massage in a specialized salon, you can try to do it yourself. Methods of the first to fourth best used when you sit, and his legs bent at the knees. The rest - standing, although one leg for convenience, you can put on a chair or on the edge of the tub. For best results, make massage morning and evening, using oil or fat cream. If you wish, you can use anti-cellulite cream for massage, but the effect of the usual cream will be the same. Currently, no substance which can penetrate the skin and smooth cellulite - at least the substances safe for health.

  • Massage should be directed upward toward the heart - so quickly improve blood circulation and toxins can not accumulate in the body.
  • Sit back and bend your knee in the leg, which will be massaged. Massage the leg from the knee to the thigh fast bounces ribs hands for 2-3 minutes.
  • Vigorously knead, pinching and squeeze the skin on problem areas of the fingers of both hands. The stronger the pressure, the better. The feel of the anti-cellulite massage must be somewhere on the verge of pleasant sensations and pain - this is normal.
  • Squeeze your hands into a fist and slammed swipe the skin from the knee to the thigh, applying pressure to the skin knuckles. One hand should follow the other.
  • Massage your thighs fast and energetic punches (of course, to beat too much is not necessary, although you are unlikely to be able to put themselves in such a way bruise).
  • Stand up, put your open hand on the buttocks and massage its strong circular motions. In the same way massage the skin on the thighs and thighs.
  • Vigorously massage the buttocks with your fingers. Perform fast, strong movement - pinching the skin and squeeze until you feel that it is becoming much warmer.
  • Massage the buttocks hand, closed fist, as well as massaging the thighs.

Article Tags:
  • cellulitis

Anti-cellulite massage - Beautiful Skin - How does

February 12, 2013

  • Anti-cellulite massage - beautiful skin
  • How does
  • How do

 how the anti-cellulite massage

How does the anti-cellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage exerts its effect on the subcutaneous tissue in the following ways:

  • Through the stimulation of the lymphatic system and lymph drainage;
  • Through the stimulation of blood circulation;
  • After mechanical stimulation of connective tissue.

In addition, massage helps the skin to absorb the active ingredients of anti-cellulite (if used).

However, it is important to note that there are many kinds of anti-cellulite massage, and all of them are in their own way, so there is presented a very generalized information. Each technique has specific features; In addition, the effectiveness of the massage depends on the skill of the body of the client and the masseur.


Stimulation of the lymphatic system and lymph drainage

To stimulate the lymphatic system may be the most intensive anti-cellulite massage techniques that affect the functioning of the lymph glands and channels. More "soft" technology is sometimes also called lymphatic drainage massage. As stimulation of the lymphatic system, lymph and are the result of the hand movements to the lymph channels and cancer. As a result, improvement of the lymphatic system decreases stagnant water in the tissues forming the cellulite and, as a consequence, the cellulitis becomes less noticeable.


Stimulation of blood circulation

Intense anti-cellulite massage varieties also can stimulate blood circulation - this too is due to the strong movement of the hands of a masseur. When blood circulation is enhanced, tissue cells start to get more agents are derived excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
 That reduces cellulite.


Mechanical stimulation of the connective tissue

Scientists say that the mechanical stimulation of the connective tissue to inhibit the formation of new fat cells from mesenchymal stem cells, but it contributes to the formation of these fibroblasts Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue  Fibroblasts: the mystery of the connective tissue
 . In other words, that the result of such stimulation is more elastic skin and cellulite less noticeable. For efficient stimulation of the connective tissue is needed very intensive anti-cellulite massage.


Absorption of the active ingredients

It has long been observed that anti-cellulite creams, used in combination with anti-cellulite massage is better absorbed and produce the best result.

Of course, creams absorption depends on many factors, primarily on the composition of the cream, but in any case, anti-cellulite massage can enhance the action of its active substances. According to some studies, using massage absorption doubles. Of course, in this respect is much more effective mesotherapy, but it is not available to everyone, and self-massage can make almost everyone. Anti-cellulite massage does not act so quickly effective as some contemporary beauty treatments, but if you have patience, it can be used to achieve very good results. Do not rely only massage - important tools in the fight against cellulite Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime  Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime
   They are also healthy food Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
   and sports. Finally, remember that once you relax a little, cellulite will return again - if you decide to get rid of it, get ready for the constant efforts.
