Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body - Techniques

February 19, 2013

  • Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body
  • Theory
  • Technicians
  • Beneficial features

 techniques of traditional Thai massage

The techniques of traditional Thai massage

Masseurs harmonize the flow of energy channels Sen and restore structural components of the body using a combination of two basic methods: pressure on specific points and techniques that contribute to muscle strain. The pressure is made on the points located along the Canal Saint (often they coincide with acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine) using thumbs, hands, feet, knees and elbows.

Many of these points are stimulated automatically when practicing yoga, tai chi and kung fu. During Thai massage a human body is also attached to a position similar to some asanas - it promotes an efficient stretching after using pressure sensitive points were taken "blocks" in the energy channels.

Stretching that make in the course of Thai massage, especially effective as provisions that the therapist gives the client's body, very similar to Hatha Yoga asanas, and have essentially the same useful properties.

Since the person who makes Thai massage, take different positions passively (ie the provisions of the body masseur controls), it promotes deep relaxation and the effects of the asanas on the body. After this massage, many people find that they can easily do exercises, which previously due to the lack of flexibility of muscles seemed impossible.

During a session of Thai massage effect on the sensitive points and stretching in certain positions does the manner that meets the needs of the individual. There are techniques that apply to all people - usually the standard pressure for the main point, as well as special items for extensions that are suitable to clients with specific injuries and diseases. An experienced master of Thai massage is always an individual approach to its clients. He knows how to organize a session so that each position prepares the body to the next, leading the person to the increasingly deep relaxation. This sequence corresponds to the principles of the techniques used any well-structured program of yoga.

 Techniques | Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body

What can customers expect

Usually, at the beginning of a session of Thai massage the client lies face up, and the therapist is working on the line in September on the feet and legs, pressing on their hands and thumbs. This prepares the client to the pressure body at a point closer to the heart bred and to stretch.

Then worked out the energy channels in the arms, shoulders, neck and head - the therapist gradually moves higher until you remove the block on all channels. Once normalized for energy, in the same sequence - from the bottom up - the therapist gives the client a variety of body positions, stretching the muscles. If necessary the specific treatment techniques are commonly used to end the session, when the body is ready for treatment.

Thai massage increases the range of motion of the joints, increase muscle elasticity and deep relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
   and an overall improvement in health.

Muscles that are "blocked" due to the fact that we often sit or stand in the wrong, awkward postures, after massage come to the normal position; takes the pain caused by diseases of the joints Joint disease - prevention is better than cure  Joint disease - prevention is better than cure
   and a pinched nerve.

Due to stimulation of the nerve endings of the tone of the nervous system increases, the movement of life energy through the channels returns to normal. A noticeable improvement comes after the first session, and if you do massage regularly, you can get rid of many diseases and significantly improve quality of life.

Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body - Useful properties

February 19, 2013

  • Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body
  • Theory
  • Technicians
  • Beneficial features

 useful properties of Thai massage

Useful properties of Thai massage

In contrast to the very popular in the west of the Swedish massage, which focuses on the physical aspects of the body, Thai massage uses techniques that are used in some types of physical therapy, for example, trigger point therapy, myofascial techniques, neuromuscular therapy and manual therapy. It is the combination of energy and physical aspects of making Thai massage so effective. Traditional Thai massage has a profound healing effect on the body. With the help of a special sequence of cautious, smooth movements of the client's body to move, relax and stretch, which has beneficial effects on the muscles and joints. Thai massage restores the flow of energy through the channels of the body with the help of special effects are not points on these channels.

Thai massage, which, presumably, more than 2,000 years, is a unique healing art, a form of therapy developed by people who have used massage not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also to maintain overall health and well-being.

The combination of stretching, meditative state, acupressure and reflexology Thai massage is converted into art. During the session, the client lies on the floor, wearing comfortable, loose clothing. For the impact on the trigger points on the body of the client are not only hands, but also elbows and feet. Here are some of the physical and psychological beneficial properties of Thai massage.

 Useful Properties | Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body

Physical beneficial properties of Thai massage

  • Elimination of toxins and improve the immune system;
  • Increased blood circulation, lowering blood pressure;
  • Muscle relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
 Increase muscle elasticity and joint mobility;
  • Improves breathing;
  • It improves posture, the work of the vestibular apparatus by removing the "blocks" on the energy channels;
  • Improving athletic performance;
  • Relief of patients with arthritis, easing back pain;
  • Improving the overall tone of the body, strengthening the joints, relieving the symptoms of chronic joint problems;
  • Increased resistance to various diseases;
  • Slowing down the aging process.

 Useful Properties | Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body

Psychological useful properties of Thai massage

  • Finding emotional balance, a better attitude towards life;
  • Increasing concentration;
  • Stimulation of creativity;
  • Calm and clear consciousness;
  • Relieving Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
  • Development of discipline and self-control;
  • Increased confidence.

 Useful Properties | Thai massage - restore the energy balance in the body

Thai massage during pregnancy

Fairly widespread view that the Thai massage and pregnancy Massage and pregnancy: prenatal massage  Massage and pregnancy: prenatal massage
   completely incompatible. One of the reasons for this is probably that the Thai massage, usually involves a fairly intense stretching that pregnant women may not be safe. But in fact, in the tradition of Thai massage includes many techniques that work only with certain parts of the body - with the legs, feet, arms, hands, neck or head.

In early pregnancy, you can use a variety of techniques of Thai massage - unless, of course, for this there is no medical contraindications. If a woman is in the later stages, to avoid stretching and strong pressure on the upper body. Thai massage - is not only a stretch; There are techniques for working with the muscles that do not involve stretching. Generally, as a rule, Western experts on Thai massage is more intense stretch, while the masseurs from Thailand (or those who are trained in this country), stimulate the muscles, but do not stretch them very much.

Thai foot massage, legs, arms and neck can be done at all stages of pregnancy. Many women who have pregnancy is proceeding normally, you can also do Thai massage, back, shoulders and hips; during a session of the woman should lie on her side.

Any massage pregnant women should make only an experienced specialist who passed special training. It is important that the woman herself is actively involved in the process, directing the actions of the masseur: pregnant women, as a rule, very well feel his body, and intuitively understand their needs.

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  • massages
