Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris

November 5, 2014

  • Symptoms of angina: angina pectoris
  • Fouls

 Angina - is one of heart disease, which develops as a result of restricted blood flow to the heart muscle. There are two kinds of angina - stable and unstable.


The symptoms of stable angina

The main symptom of stable angina is pain or discomfort in the heart. Angina pain is described as a sensation of heaviness or pressure in the chest, which passes in a few minutes. In some cases, the pain radiating to the neck, left arm, jaw and back. Usually the symptoms of stable angina occur after strenuous physical activity or heavy mental stress; In some cases, the triggers are certain foods. In some patients, symptoms of angina most frequently and intensely manifested with cold weather.

Other symptoms of stable angina can be shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, malaise, fatigue, dizziness, bloating, flatulence unusually strong, anxiety, digestive disorders, muscle stiffness, spasms.

Stable angina attack can last from one to fifteen minutes, but in most cases it lasts less than five minutes.

Most patients know in advance what the situation will cause their angina. Usually, the symptoms can be alleviated with the help of nitroglycerin tablets. It relaxes blood vessels and lower blood pressure and improve the oxygen supply to the heart.


The symptoms of unstable angina

In general, the symptoms of unstable angina are similar to the symptoms of stable angina Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease  Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease
 . They differ in their appearance has no apparent connection with physical activity, stress and other factors, so that the patient can not know when to expect them. Furthermore, unstable angina symptoms appear most (even when the person is at rest) are more intense and persisted for a longer time than it is during stable angina attacks. Nitroglycerin not help against the symptoms of unstable angina or a need to take large doses. Since unstable angina may be a precursor to a heart attack, with the appearance of its symptoms is necessary as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination.

Angina - is one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease. However, in medical practice to angina established relationship as an independent syndrome requiring urgent assistance. This is due to the fact that the angina can always go to a serious disease - myocardial infarction.


Symptoms of angina

In typical cases, angina is characterized by the appearance in the physical or mental stress twinge compressing or pressing character that appears at the top of the sternum, sometimes left. Pain can give to his left hand, the left half of the face and neck, the lower jaw and left ear to left shoulder, sometimes in the right shoulder or both shoulders and both arms, back. Less pain spreads to the left part of the abdomen and lower back, gives to his feet.

The onset of pain rarely sudden, usually gradually increases, keeps a few minutes and then disappears.

Characteristically rapid (within 2-3 minutes) pain relief nitroglycerin. The intensity of pain is individual. Many patients complain of no pain, and a feeling of heaviness, pressure or tightness in the chest, shortness of breath. Angina may be accompanied by feelings of fear, sometimes - general weakness, sweating, trembling limbs. Occasionally attacks are accompanied by a feeling of nausea, faintness, dizziness, urination, copious diuresis.

Medical examination of the patient during an attack usually does not reveal any changes other than pallor. Only in some cases may be accelerated (tachycardia), slowing (bradycardia), heart rate, or abnormal heart rhythm.

For angina is characterized by the appearance of pain during exercise, such as walking. The patient has to stop, and then the pain goes after 2-3 minutes. Especially bad patients tolerate walking against the wind, in cold weather. Provoke an attack of angina pectoris may be the act of defecation, abundant food, bloating. Angina can also occur during emotional stress, increase myocardial oxygen demand.


Symptoms of angina at rest

Angina is characterized by the appearance of the rest of the bouts of pain, as in angina, but encountered no apparent connection with physical or mental exertion. Typically, the development of an attack during the night, during sleep. The patient wakes up from a feeling of squeezing chest or suffocation, sits in bed. Often angina rest proceed more prolonged and severe than angina attacks.

In most cases the rest angina develops in patients with pronounced coronary atherosclerosis (supplying blood to the myocardium) arteries. In these patients, angina at rest is often associated with angina pectoris.

A typical angina of rest and stress called classical angina.


Symptoms of angina Prinzmetal

Along with the classic angina emit a special form of angina pectoris called Prinzmetal angina Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences  Prinzmetal angina - a rare disease with serious consequences
   (on behalf of the American cardiologist, first described it in 1959). This type of angina is associated with occasional spasm of one of the major coronary arteries without raising metabolic (metabolic) needs to attack the heart muscle. The appearance of pain in this form of angina is not associated with physical or emotional stress, but they can be triggered by cooling, drinking cold water, overeating, smoking, shortness of breath.

Characterized as an individual in the development of cyclical attacks, which often occur at night or in the morning. As with classical angina pain localized behind the breastbone, but they can reach a length of 20-30 minutes. Often the attack is accompanied by profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting. Attacks can occur several consecutive intervals of 2 to 15 minutes. Prinzmetal angina may be associated with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction.

Patients with angina should always carry nitroglycerin. When the pain in my heart to put a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If the pain comes off in 2 minutes - another pill. If the pain is not removed in this case, you need to call an ambulance.


Symptoms of angina in men and women - is there a difference?

In many materials devoted angina, can be found mention of the fact that the manifestations of this disorder in men and women can differ significantly. For example, women have chest pain often has the character of pressure or gravity than that of men, which are usually just complain of chest pain - dull or, rarely, acute. In addition, women during angina attacks more likely than men to feel nausea, abdominal pain, shortness of breath. Also, there is evidence that women are three times more likely than men complain of discomfort in the neck and jaw, which is accompanied by angina. With respect to the symptoms commonly reported by men, experts sometimes used, the term "typical angina", while the set of symptoms that described women called "atypical angina."

The authors of a recent study believe that this terminology - one of the reasons why the idea of ​​angina if men and women take place in many ways, has become so tenacious. Began exploring the topic, they decided to pay attention to what the words used by men and women to describe the pain of angina. It turned out that women often describe the pain by words such as "tightness," "heaviness," "feeling of a large load on the chest," and so on. Men often favored more direct explanation of their grievances - usually they just say they feel chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 And if they were asked to describe it, limited adjectives such as dull, sharp, strong or weak.

As the researchers suggest, it is not talking about the symptoms of angina in women and men differ significantly, but only about the fact that women are trying to describe their feelings, so that the doctor was about them as much as possible a better understanding of men is limited to drier and a brief description.

With regard to symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and discomfort in the jaw and neck, apparently, men in many cases simply does not consider it necessary to mention this - at least if these symptoms are not expressed very much.

At the same time, the researchers stressed that their study was small, but in order to prove conclusively that angina in men and women equally, and proceed only described them differently, larger studies are needed. They warned against the careless use of these conclusions, though, and believe that they are sometimes necessary to take into consideration when making a diagnosis.
