Angina - oxygen deficiency

October 8, 2014

  • Angina - oxygen deficiency
  • First aid

 Angina begins when the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen. The main symptom of angina attack - a squeezing pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
 Which usually appears in the chest and then may start to be given to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw or back. I feel the pain may resemble heartburn or indigestion, but many patients say that it is difficult to describe, and they can not tell exactly where it is localized.


Symptoms of angina attack

There may be signs of an attack and angina such as nausea, weakness, shortness of breath, heavy sweating, dizziness. Women during the attack more often than men feel discomfort in the neck, jaw, back or stomach. In particular often complain of shortness of breath suffering from angina, the elderly and people with diabetes.

Sometimes, in older people because of the extreme weakness, severe dizziness, and confusion other symptoms of angina are less pronounced, and it is important not to ignore symptoms, and time to help the patient.

Symptoms of angina may depend on whether a particular form of the disorder in the patient developed.

In stable angina Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease  Stable angina - one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease
   chest pain appears when increasing the load on the heart, usually during physical activity or during stress.

The attack, if not the first, the patient does not become a surprise - the pain always occurs under certain loads, and all attacks occur about the same. Typical stable angina attack lasts less than five minutes, his symptoms quickly subside after the patient stops the activity that led to the attack, or taking medication. The manifestations of this form of angina are often similar to the symptoms of indigestion or gas formation strengthened, while violations of the pain is often given in the arms, back and other parts of the body.

In unstable angina attacks can occur after minor physical activity, mild to moderate stress and at rest.

Patients with this type of violation of angina attacks at night, during sleep, are also not uncommon. Predict when an attack will happen next, it is practically impossible, and manifestations of unstable angina patient is always caught by surprise. The attacks are usually more severe than in stable stenokradii and last longer - up to half an hour; their symptoms are not always begin to subside after medication. Over time, the attacks may become more difficult, and in some cases they are harbingers of impending heart attack.

For variant angina Variant angina - severe and under-studied form  Variant angina - severe and under-studied form
   (aka - Prinzmetal angina) characterized by seizures at rest, including - at night and early morning. They occur with severe symptoms, but it is soon cut off, as a rule - for two to five minutes. Relief of this type of angina attack nitroglycerin almost always gives a quick result - as opposed to unstable angina Unstable angina - alarm organism  Unstable angina - alarm organism

Microvascular angina attacks are more severe and last longer than episodes of violation of any other species. They can start in the absence of obvious precipitating factors (e.g., exercise), or in periods of more or less severe stress. The attack may be accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, lack of energy.


Prevention of angina attacks

After the first episode of angina patients carefully examined, then it is assigned a treatment that will prevent new attacks or at least make them more rare as possible.

The patient needs to know what level of physical activity leads to attack, and to pause to rest before the heart begins to lack oxygen. For example, if the chest pain you get when you pass the six flights of stairs, stop after the third flight, and take rest. If the pain is still there, immediately take nitroglycerin.

Patients are also advised to avoid or limit the effects of stressors. Often make it very difficult, because stressful situations occur regularly at work and at home - that is where we spend most of the time. Try to follow the old, but always true advice: change your attitude to things that you can not change. Always remember that stress can lead to an attack, and regularly ask yourself what is more important: their own health or dispute with a colleague or boss. Besides, in most cases it is possible to avoid conflict and simply ignore the many little nuances of everyday life that so often cause irritation. To remove the accumulated stress, it is useful to engage in sports (in moderation, as mentioned above), as well as find time for relaxation.

Patients diagnosed with angina, it is not recommended to eat at once hearty and abuse of heavy food. The optimum diet for them includes four to six meals a day, in small portions.

Finally, the patient must know how to remove angina exactly how you need to take nitroglycerin (or another drug), and when to call an ambulance. Recommendations in the event of heavy attack should be given and the members of his family.

Concor assistance heart and blood vessels

November 3, 2011

 Concor - a drug that is prescribed for a variety of cardiovascular diseases. This is a very effective drug, so it has a lot of contraindications and side effects. But with proper appointment Concor is well tolerated and can significantly improve the patient's condition.

 Concor assistance heart and blood vessels

The mechanism of action Concor

Concor refers to a selective beta1-blockers. This means that it blocks the transmission of neurotransmitters (substances that transmit nerve stimulation) of epinephrine and norepinephrine on their related receptors - adrenergic receptors. Adrenergic receptors, which are located in the heart are called beta1-adrenergic receptors and inhibits their activity konkor selective (selective), at therapeutic doses no effect on adrenergic receptors located in other organs, such as the bronchi. But if the patient suffers from heart disease in addition also some disease of the bronchi (such as asthma or chronic bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
   with impaired patency of the bronchi) or receiving a therapeutic dose of Concor above, it may cause side effects in the form of bronchospasm (adrenaline dilates the bronchi, and by blocking its action spazmiruyutsya bronchi).

Influenced by Concor widen blood vessels, including those that supply blood to the heart muscle, decreases blood pressure, normal heart rate and heart rate. This allows konkor used for treating various cardiovascular diseases.

When coronary heart disease is the expansion of coronary blood flow to the heart muscle and prevents the appearance of angina attacks. The muscle of the heart "comes to life" from the additional supply of nutrients and oxygen and begins to decline, and much more rarely - it will improve the condition of patients who suffer from cardiovascular failure. When hypertension Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain  Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain
   (high blood pressure), dilation of blood vessels results in a decrease in blood pressure. And all together, these effects contribute to the restoration of the conduction of nerve impulses in the heart, reduce heart rate by increasing the strength of each contraction and restore proper heart rhythm.

 Concor assistance heart and blood vessels

Side effects when taking Concor

But, like any effective drug Concor has a number of side effects, which do not allow him to accept patients on their own, without the prior examination and prescription.

So, do not always fit this drug to patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive (in violation of the road) diseases of the bronchi, as it can cause bronchospasm. Side effects may occur on the part of the digestive system in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and liver dysfunction.

On the part of the central nervous system side effects can be a minor (minor headaches, dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 Insomnia) and expressed in a depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   (it is particularly enhanced when was originally), sometimes even hallucinations and convulsions. Concor may also cause blurred vision, immunity, increased bleeding, pain in muscles and joints, a variety of allergic and skin reactions.

 Concor assistance heart and blood vessels

Contraindications when taking Concor

Therefore, Concor is contraindicated in severe cardiovascular diseases, such as acute and decompensated (with which it is impossible to cope with the help of treatment), heart failure, severe violations of peripheral blood vessel patency, severe heart block. This drug is also contraindicated in low blood pressure and bradycardia (low heart rate) - Concor under the influence of these parameters can be even more reduced. It is impossible to assign him with a sharp violation of metabolic processes occurring against a background of severe liver and kidney, together with certain other drugs, as well as under the age of 18 years.

Of particular relevance to the appointment of Concor pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant women receiving it is only recommended as a last resort, when it is really necessary for health reasons. The fact that Concor reduces placental blood flow, which means that the child is chronically receive less oxygen (a condition called hypoxia), which may seriously affect it as intrauterine and extrauterine development, especially suffering from hypoxic brain tissue.

Nursing mothers while taking Concor advised not to breastfeed. But this means its transfer to artificial feeding, as Concor prescribed for a long time.

Concor - a high-performance, but not a safe drug for the treatment of heart disease, so it can be taken only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Concor
