Pain in the heart - always consult a physician - Stitching

July 29th, 2013

  • Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
  • On the left side of the chest
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Treatment
  • Stitching
  • Causes
  • When pregnancy
  • Medication
  • Permanent
  • Postprandial
  • When breathing
  • Pressing

 stabbing pain in my heart

Stitching pain in the heart

Stitching pain in the heart is a very alarming symptom, is often associated with heart disease. However, there are other diseases whose symptoms can mimic heart irregularities. If you have stabbing pains in the heart, especially if it happened the first time, you should immediately seek medical help.

 Stitching | Heart pain - always consult a doctor

This symptom can have the following diseases:

  • Acute myocardial infarction. The classic symptom of heart attack is pain that patients describe as a stabbing or cutting - always very strong. Sometimes a heart attack and there are a variety of atypical symptoms. Approximately 12% of the stabbing pain in my heart indicate a heart attack - which is why it is very important as soon as possible to call an ambulance, instead of waiting until the pain will pass by itself. Pain during a heart attack often felt not only in the breast, but also in the left hand and in the back. In addition, the patient may lose consciousness and complaining of stomach pains. Other accompanying symptoms are shivering and / or a cold sweat. These symptoms give a good reason to assume that the patient is a myocardial infarction, and not another heart disease.
  • Angina. This disease is characterized by a decrease in blood flow to the perikardicheskim vessels; in some cases it causes severe stabbing pain in my heart. Its symptoms are often mistaken for signs of a heart attack. Coronary spasm can also be the cause of pricking pains. In many cases, the pain goes away after taking one or two tablets of nitroglycerin, however, to make sure that the patient is not dangerous for his life, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  • Pericarditis - an inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart. This may be caused by viral, bacterial or fungal infections. Furthermore, pericarditis can occur as a result of an allergic reaction, it can also be a consequence of injury, tumors, ingestion of certain medications, such as corticosteroids.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - a hypertrophy of the wall of the left or right ventricle of the heart. Usually hypertrophy, or thickening, is asymmetric. The most common cause of this disease is different gene mutations. One of the symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be stabbing pain in my heart. The disease is treated with medication or surgery.

Patients who complain about the pain in my heart, emotionally describe the "punctures" in the heart. Stitches in the heart can be so strong that there is a feeling of fear of death.

This character of pain, in most cases, not associated with severe heart disease, most often the cause lies in the development of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   amid experienced stress in a conflict situation, and other conditions that are related to the emotional state of the person.

 Stitching | Heart pain - always consult a doctor

The manifestation of a neurotic state

A typical pattern that characterizes the neurotic condition, manifested "pricks" or stitches in his heart. This occurs most often when a nervous overstrain, strong emotion or emotional stress. In this regard, this condition is called "neurosis of the heart." In addition to the pain symptom patients experience marked autonomic manifestations:

  • nausea
  • feeling of "lump in the throat", difficulty breathing
  • abdominal discomfort
  • cardiopalmus

Man on a background of emotional stress does not tolerate this kind of complaint, he has a feeling that he is seriously ill, that there are serious problems with the heart. The task of the physician to reassure the patient and clarification that heart problems do not exist, that the stitching is a clinical manifestation of his stressful experiences.

Particularly susceptible to this are people with labile psyche, emotionally unstable, which take nearly all of life's problems. Conflict at work, a quarrel in the family are the cause of experiences that subsequently manifest pain. The pain may be called psychosomatic manifestation, so it is important to calmly accept the current stressful situation. Nowadays, it has become customary state of "chronic stress" associated with the pace of life and the complexity of human relationships. The correct behavior of the person in the conditions of life depends entirely on the state of his health and loved ones.

Stitches in the heart, resulting neurosis, does not apply to other areas, that is, the pain is strictly localized.

Not characterized by irradiation of the pain in the shoulder, shoulder blade, neck or arm. This characteristic pain syndrome should be used to confirm the diagnosis.

 Stitching | Heart pain - always consult a doctor

How to cope with stress

Everyone is affected by stress, so the main challenge lies in the ability to cope with such a situation. During stress, the body produces a large amount of epinephrine. Under his influence the activation of all critical systems, including the cardiovascular system. It is a physiological adaptive response, which focuses on the ability to properly respond to a crisis situation, a kind of defense.

To get rid of psychosomatic effects of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 It is recommended to follow certain rules of conduct. After any stress need to relax, rejuvenate, because the fact of the DC naturally affect the health status and on the work of the heart. To get rid of the high content of adrenaline, you can do exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 . During muscular work the adrenaline will be spent at a heightened pace, so will not have a negative impact. Changing the type of activity is an effective means to squander elevated blood adrenaline.

At the time of any stressful situation you need to take sedatives. You can take herbal remedies or a synthetic sedative, soothing properties. Herbal preparations are now available in a convenient pill form, the effect of which is not inferior to a decoction or infusion of medicinal plants. There are complex drugs, which include several herbal ingredients. This form of manufacture, the combined effect can be achieved that will lead to a positive result of treatment. Appointment of synthetic sedatives Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?  Sedatives - take valerian and be happy?
   (eg fenazepama) must be justified after consulting a doctor neurologist.

Pain in the heart - always consult a physician - Myocardial infarction

July 29th, 2013

  • Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
  • On the left side of the chest
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Treatment
  • Stitching
  • Causes
  • When pregnancy
  • Medication
  • Permanent
  • Postprandial
  • When breathing
  • Pressing

 myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction

If angina Angina Angina: When the heart needs help  Angina: When the heart needs help
   - Oxygen deficiency  Angina - oxygen deficiency
   lasts a long time, the heart muscle does not get the nutrients and oxygen, quickly starts to break down, it comes necrosis (necrosis), this is myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
 . That is why in any case can not tolerate the pain of angina.

Myocardial infarction is manifested by episodes of severe pain behind the breastbone, which are not removed nitroglycerin. The duration of the pain from 20-30 minutes to several hours. In such cases, the sooner the patient will be provided with medical care, the more likely he will recover.

 Myocardial infarction | heart pain - always consult a doctor

Diagnosis of heart pain

An experienced doctor already by the description of pain can be identified. But to confirm the diagnosis need to be examined. The first is an electrocardiogram (ECG), including exercise. If any abnormality is found, the ECG recorded during the day (daily monitoring).

If the pain in my heart came after a sore throat Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 , Necessarily performed an electrocardiogram, echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart), blood tests that can reveal inflammation in the heart muscle.
