Physiological birth: what they are

December 26th, 2010

 physiological birth
 Few pregnant women know what physiological childbirth and how they differ from the pathological. Usually, after the birth occurred when the doctor says postpartum women that birth she had physiological, it is alarming. There are questions, perplexed: how can this be, because all labor was good, then why they received physiological? In fact, physiological birth, in fact, is the normal delivery.

 Physiological birth: what they are

Physiological birth

Physiological childbirth - these are the families that were due in the period 38-40 weeks of gestation or 10 obstetric months vaginal birth with ripe fruit (average weight 3,300 grams, an increase of 50-55 cm) in cephalic presentation, fetal membranes and placenta. Any deviation from the normal course of delivery (cesarean section, uterine inertia forces, bleeding, etc.) says that the birth was abnormal.

 Physiological birth: what they are

Generic expulsive force

Childbirth - a complex process, and for its development and for the necessary so-called generic expelling forces. These include the fight and attempts. The contractions occur spontaneously due to muscle contractions of the uterus and can not be controlled by giving birth. Attempts are governed by the mother and in the process of their emergence participate abdominal muscles, diaphragm, upper and lower limbs.

 Physiological birth: what they are

Periods of birth

Deliveries are divided into three periods that differ according to their duration and nature. These include:

  • the first period - a period of labor (the longest);
  • Second period - the period of the expulsion of the fetus;
  • third period - the sequence (the birth of the placenta).

 Physiological birth: what they are

Dilating stage of labor

The first period, or during labor is the long and painful period of delivery .  At this time, there is an opening of the cervix up to 10-12 cm, and the promotion of fetal presenting part of the birth canal to the output of the pelvic organs .  Contractions are growing slowly, at first, their frequency does not exceed the period of 10-15 minutes and their duration is 15-20 seconds .  As the flow of labor contractions become more intense, more frequent and longer .  By the end of the first period they were last about 45 seconds at intervals of 1, 5 mins .  The opening of the cervix helps the functioning (severe) fetal bladder, which is formed by pressing the fetal head to the entrance to a small basin .  The presence of fetal membranes is of great importance - it acts as a wedge of water, poured into a fight and stretches the cervix .  During physiological childbirth fetal bladder is opened (rupture of membranes) at 8-10 cm opening of the cervix .  This is called the timely discharge of water .  If the waters retreated before - this early outpouring of water .  The first period lasts from nulliparous women 10-12 hours, 8-10 hours deutipara .

 Physiological birth: what they are

The second stage of labor

The second stage of labor, or the period of the expulsion of the fetus - a time during which the birth of a child. It begins with a complete (10-12 cm) of opening of the cervix and ends with the birth of the child. At this time, due to irritation of nerve endings of the vagina of the fetal head and the pressure on her rectum and bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , There are attempts. Attempts maternity help "push" of the child in the white light. The duration of the second stage of labor in nulliparous 1-2 hours multiparous 20-60 minutes. This is perhaps the most crucial stage of labor. Since the full opening of the neck of the head is lowered to the bottom of the pelvic organs (the exit from it), making the necessary turn. Then the woman in childbirth is placed at the family table and allowed to push. On average, for one fight to be effective for at least three attempts. During the expulsion of the fetal head passes vrezyvaniya stages and eruption. Vrezyvanie head - is the appearance of her genital slit when attempts, and then it disappears again. Teething head - head got in the genital slit small size, in the folded state and does not disappear after the end of the bout.

 Physiological birth: what they are

The third stage of labor

The third period, the sequence or period - the time of birth the placenta (fetal membranes and placenta). After giving birth, a woman in labor after a while begins to feel and creates the last attempts. On average, this period lasts about 15 minutes, but it may be delayed and for two hours. If the last was not born in the next 30 minutes after the birth of the fetus is allowed to wait for the birth of his two hours in the absence of bleeding, and the normal state of women in labor. With the birth of the placenta is released about 250 ml of blood is considered normal blood loss.

Anna Sozinova

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  • species of the genera

Cesarean Section: Risk Factors - Possible risk factors for mothers

October 19, 2006

  • Cesarean Section: Risk Factors
  • Possible risk factors for mothers

Possible risk factors for mothers

Cesarean section - abdominal surgery, so it is natural that it is associated with certain health risks. The average mortality in caesarean section is less than 1 in 2500 (while mortality vaginal delivery is less than 1 to 10 000). This relation is indeed the case of the average maternity. Individual features of women's health, such as heart disease, increase the risk of vaginal delivery compared with delivery by caesarean section.

  • Infection. Cesarean section is fraught with the danger of infection in the uterus or near the pelvic organs such as the bladder or kidneys.
  • A large loss of blood. The average blood loss during cesarean section is twice the blood loss during vaginal childbirth. However, during operation rarely need for blood transfusion.
  • The weakening of the bowel function. After operation for several days disrupted bowel, leading to bloating, flatulence and discomfort.
  • Complications for the respiratory system. General anesthesia can sometimes lead to pneumonia disease Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes  Pneumonia - Symptoms and Causes
  • Slow recovery and prolonged hospital stay. Usually after a vaginal birth a woman has to stay in hospital for one or two days, but after cesarean hospital stay increased to four or five days.
  • An unexpected reaction to anesthesia. Health mothers sometimes is threatened because of an unexpected reaction of the body (for example, the rapid pressure drop) to anesthesia or other medicines used for caesarean section.
  • The risk of additional operations. For example, during cesarean may need hysterectomy Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
   (hysterectomy), surgery on the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function


Possible risk factors for child

  • Premature birth. At the wrong calculation of expected date of delivery the risk of giving birth prematurely.
  • Respiratory disorders. Babies who are born by Caesarean section are at greater risk of developing a variety of respiratory disorders such as transient tachypnea (abnormally fast breathing during the first days of baby's life).
  • Low Apgar score. Status babies who are born by Caesarean section, sometimes estimated low Apgar score, which can be explained by the influence of anesthesia or negative stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Received the child at birth. Another possible reason for the low score on the Apgar score - no stimulation of the child, both vaginal delivery.
  • Damage to the fetus. When the uterine incision the surgeon can accidentally touch the fruit of a scalpel, although this happens very rarely.

Article Tags:
  • cesarean section
