Worms in children - if the worms eat inside

October 10, 2013

  • Worms in children - if the worms eat inside
  • Treatment
  • Kinds
  • Drugs for treatment

 Worms in Children
 Worms are more common in children than in adults. This is due to the way of life of the child and his anatomical features of the gastrointestinal tract, as in childhood is underdeveloped protective barrier of the digestive system.


As the baby can become infected with worms

Most parasitic diseases (helminthiasis) called roundworms. These include roundworm, pinworm, whipworm and Trichinella. It is much less common in children found tapeworms and flukes.

Infection with helminths (worms) occurs when the body of a child in the larvae or eggs of the parasite. Recently released into the environment with the feces of infected animals or humans. The eggs have a very small size, they are resistant to various adverse factors and long can survive in the soil, the laundry, the skin and the surface of the product or other items.

The child may be infected with parasites in the street when he plays in the sandbox or on the ground, picks up some items. Also, children may be dangerous contact with stray or domestic, but there are animals on the street. At home, at a party or in kindergarten parasite eggs can be on the street shoes or toys.

Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene - the main cause of helminthiasis. Often these diseases result in:

  • It is not enough hand-washing;
  • Eating unwashed vegetables or fruits;
  • Drinking boiled water from natural reservoirs.


Signs enterobiasis

It leads to the emergence of Enterobiasis pinworm infection - tiny roundworms white. This disease is often asymptomatic and is not accompanied by serious violations.

Usually children are concerned itching in the perianal area (around the anus) and perineum. Probably it causes the skin helminths. But sometimes, even with a large number of pinworms in the rectum it is absent or expressed only slightly.

In some cases, children are so much comb skin, it leads to bleeding and a bacterial infection. In girls, pinworm often creep into the sex organs, and because of this they have a vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vaginal mucosa), appear allocation. Worms can get into the fallopian tubes and then into the abdomen and cause inflammation there, but it happens very rarely.

Because pruritus patients can not sleep at night, become irritable. Children often act up, lose weight, they suffer from headaches. Sometimes there are fainting and seizures. Also available bedwetting and masturbation.

In severe cases, there are locks or, conversely, diarrhea, sometimes faeces contain mucus and blood admixture. The disease may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, flatulence, pain and rumbling in the abdomen.


Signs ascaridosis

Ascariasis - the second most common worm infestations, he called roundworm - large spindle-shaped worm. Most often affects children between the ages of five to ten years.

The period from infection to onset of symptoms by an average of two weeks. Sometimes the signs of an early stage of the disease are not expressed.

Preschoolers and school-age children early in the acute phase of helminthiasis appear fever, skin rashes, pain throughout the abdomen, nausea and frustration of a chair. It is characterized by the appearance of dry or wet cough, sometimes develop pneumonia (pneumonia) and pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura - membrane that covers the lungs outside and inside the chest cavity). In severe cases, a hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 , Spleen and liver increased in size.

In the chronic stage, the child complains of recurrent pain around the navel, in the stomach, at least - the right lower abdomen. It reduces appetite, but in some cases exacerbated hunger. Sometimes there is diarrhea or constipation.

When a massive infection appears paleness, delayed physical development of the child. In general, a blood test revealed anemia (a decrease in hemoglobin or decrease in the number of red blood cells).

In some rare cases, children develop complications. If the worms crawl in the appendix, it may be appendicitis. Sometimes parasites damage the intestinal wall, with the result that the content body enters the abdominal cavity, which results in peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the internal organs, which are cited therein). Balls of worms sometimes become a cause of intestinal obstruction.


Signs trichuriasis

Trichuriasis - helminthiasis, which is caused by roundworms whipworm. Children get sick mostly between the ages of ten to fifteen years.

With moderate infection of worms signs of the disease are mild. Periodically there are stabbing abdominal pain or cramping in the lower abdomen or the right in the stomach.

If a parasite in the body of the child a lot of worms, it disturbed salivation, nausea, loss of appetite, headache and fatigue. Young children lag behind in physical development of their peers.

Trichuriasis often associated with ascariasis. At the same time the pain spread throughout the abdomen, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and unstable chair. The child is reduced appetite and decreased body weight. In very severe cases, younger children are lagging behind not only physically, but also mentally handicapped.


Symptoms of trichinosis

The development of this parasitic disease provokes the roundworm Trichinella. The incubation period (time from infection to the first signs of helminthiasis) ranges from one to six weeks. In malignant cases, it is reduced to three days.

Fever, muscle pain and swelling of the face are more pronounced among schoolchildren. For younger children, characterized by enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), pharyngeal tonsils, spleen, sore throat and rash.

  • When erased course of the disease occur lymphadenopathy and a rash on the skin;
  • When mild to moderate severity of disease increased body temperature, appear moderate muscle pain, eyelid edema, and rash;
  • In severe helminthiasis incubation period is reduced to seven days. Trichinosis manifested fever and signs of intoxication include restlessness, headaches, nausea, vomiting. Baby concerned about pain throughout the abdomen, there is loose stools (diarrhea). By the end of the first week of having a skin rash, muscle pain, swelling of the face, which slowly spreads to the whole body. Increased heart rate and blood pressure is lowered.

In the latter case, the disease often develop complications: bleeding of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, perforation (formation of through holes in the wall of the organ) of ulcers of the stomach or intestines or peritonitis. In children, there is severe malnutrition, the hair falls out, temporarily reduced mental capacity.


Signs opisthorchiasis

Helminthiases called cat (Siberian) fluke, which belongs to a class of flat worms, flukes. Adult worms live in the bile ducts of the liver and pancreatic ducts and release the eggs.

Children up to three years, the acute phase of the disease is manifested slight fever, pain in the right upper quadrant and in the stomach, upset his chair and rashes on the skin. The liver and lymph nodes increase in size.

Massive helminth infection in children of middle and advanced age accompanied by fever, rash, changes in the lung (up to pneumonia), degenerative changes in the heart muscle. In severe cases of allergic reactions to the products of metabolism of the parasite develops hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and jaundice.

Chronic stage manifests itself helminthiasis defeat biliary tract, disturbances of the stomach and intestines. One-third of the sick children to the fore fatigue, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and sleep disorders.


As revealed helminthiases

Diagnosis of parasitic diseases includes the study of signs of disease, identification of possible sources of infection and some laboratory tests. Most often analyze feces How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it  How to pass a stool, so as not to spoil it
   for detection of a helminth eggs. But this method is not always informative as tapeworm eggs in faeces appear every day.

Therefore, to obtain more reliable results need to take stool for analysis under the microscope for three consecutive days.

If the child has an increased risk of infection with intestinal worms (eg, in contact with animals of habit to swallow various things or nail biting), it is recommended to go in-depth survey. It includes blood tests to detect antibodies to the parasite. If allergy symptoms, the causes of which can not be established, and intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
   it is desirable to donate blood for the detection of specific immunoglobulins.
