Qudesan for children - a drug or a food BUD

August 5, 2013

 kudesan children
 Qudesan for children is available as a dietary supplement to food and is recommended as an additional source of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E for children Vitamin E for children - promotes proper growth and development  Vitamin E for children - promotes proper growth and development
   more than three years. But children suffering from various diseases, can also be used drug kudesan - with one year.

 Qudesan for children - a drug or a food BUD


Qudesan for children can be used as drops for oral administration (the same drug is prescribed for adults, it produces a Russian pharmaceutical company AKVION). The composition of droplets kudesan include coenzyme Q10 - a substance vital to all body cells for proper metabolism.

Drops are available in bottles with special dropper. 1 ml solution contains 30 mg of coenzyme Q10. Auxiliaries are vitamin E, ascorbyl palmitate, glitserilgidroksistearat macrogol (Cremophor RH-40), sodium benzoate, citric acid, food, purified water.

Normally, the child's body cells synthesize sufficient amount of coenzyme Q10 (a deficiency of this substance begins to appear only after twenty years). But for various diseases (acute and chronic), intoxications, metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Diseases of the digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, etc. the amount of coenzyme Q10 is reduced and this leads to a worsening of the disease.

Coenzyme Q10 deficiency is manifested by lethargy, weakness, constant fatigue. Such a child is inactive, indifferent to games and entertainment, is behind in school because hardly perceives the new material.

Qudesan use in pediatric patients for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the circulatory system (blood circulation disorders, heart rate, during the preparation for heart surgery), digestive system (chronic gastritis and duodenitis), nervous system (encephalopathy, migraines, muscular dystrophy, etc.) , kidney (pyelonephritis, metabolic diseases of the kidneys) In addition, it is used for chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
 , As well as lethargy and weakness after a serious illness, injury or surgery. Teenagers kudesan often prescribed for increased physical and mental stress.

Take drops kudesan inside by a doctor once a day (preferably in the morning or in the afternoon) during meals, previously dissolved in a small amount of boiled water (juice, fruit drinks, weak tea) at room temperature. The duration of treatment on average, two to three months.

Contraindications for the purpose Qudesan Qudesan - restore the energy potential of the cells of the whole organism  Qudesan - restore the energy potential of the cells of the whole organism
   children up to the age of a year and the idiosyncrasy of components of the drug by the body of the child.

 Qudesan for children - a drug or a food BUD

Biologically active food supplement

Kudelan supplements for children is available as chewable tablets with a pleasant creamy taste of the Russian pharmaceutical company AKVION is not a medicine. The structure BUD kudesan for children does not include artificial dyes, so the possibility of side effects is minimal.

Each chewable tablet contains 7, 5 mg of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. 1 g Excipients - dextrose, aerosil, primeloza, calcium stearate, talc, pharmaceutical, mineral oil, flavorant "butter-cream", acesulfame potassium.

BAA kudesan children recommended for children older than three years as an additional source of coenzyme Q10. Last plays a very important role in the formation of energy in the body's cells, and promotes normal functioning of cells, neutralizing the toxic effects of free radicals formed during oxidation-reduction reactions.

Coenzyme Q10 is a carrier of energy, so it is constantly molecule goes through a cycle of oxidation - reduction. Attracting the electrons, the molecule of coenzyme Q10 goes into reduced form, giving - to oxidation. The reduced form of coenzyme Q10 bad molecule holds the electrons, so it can give more electron to the free radical turn in neutral substance.

Apply it while eating, chewing carefully tablet. Children 3-7 years is recommended to take one tablet per day, 7-14 years - one or two tablets per day, over 14 years - two tablets a day. Recommended dosage BUD agreed with the Department of Children's Food Research Institute of Nutrition. Duration of four weeks. Before use, it is recommended for children Qudesan child to the doctor.

Do not use this dietary food supplements for children kudesan only when the child's hypersensitivity to its components.

BAA kudesan better for children to take on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

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  • kudesan

Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

April 15, 2010

 diathesis child
 Rosy cheeks in children are, unfortunately, not only from frost. Diateznye redness already so common that many refer to him almost as the norm, although it is not so. Diathesis - an anomaly of the constitution of the child, which is characterized by a tendency to abnormal reaction to any stimuli, as well as the risk of some diseases.

 Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

Signs and causes of diathesis

Diathesis most susceptible children aged from six months to three years. If you're lucky, and the kid in the first months of his life pleased her clear skin, normal chair and well-being, then one and a half - two years in virtually all faced with signs of diathesis. Usually, it appears bright red scaly patches on the cheeks, which are then covered with crust. Violation of the chair, sore throat and cough - are also frequent companions diathesis.

Should distinguish allergy and atopic diathesis as a first abnormal response of the immune system is already formed, in principle, to a safe substance, and diathesis associated with age-and immature gastro-intestinal tract, as well as increased histamine sensitivity babies and toddlers. Seeing a child signs diathesis, parents begin to reproach myself that not to feed the baby and somehow not care for it. In general, scientists still did not give a definite answer about the causes and nature of the diathesis. However, all agree on one thing - diathesis better and easier to prevent than to cure. And the most important preventive measure is timely and cautious feeding input Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?  Introduce solid foods - how not to be mistaken with a choice of products?
   "Age" in infants and management of high-quality food at older kids.

 Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

Diet therapy

If all precautions did not protect the child from diathesis, it is required to cure, in order to prevent start of a chain of allergic mechanisms of chronic allergies and various diseases - such as bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis. Diet - basic and effective measure is shown in the diathesis. There is a whole list of vysokoallergennyh products which should be completely excluded from the diet. First of all, eliminate meat and chicken broth, all the red foods, sugar. Very often, an allergic reaction may cause the cow milk, egg yolk, cream. Cereal - semolina and millet. Of fruit - citrus fruits, pomegranates, apricots, peaches Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits  Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
 Melons. Dried fruits, nuts, mushrooms, chocolate, honey, various delicacies - all this easily causes diathesis.

Incidentally, in most cases initially diathesis occurs only when a large amount of food eaten .  However, running an allergic mechanism can be maintained and exacerbated by the small amount of some other allergen .  So what diet therapy should be consistent and rigorous .  It is necessary to notify all the people from the inner circle baby, especially compassionate grandmothers with their love of the ladle and milk, as well as neighbors, friends, always have in your pocket candy to treat the child .  Without control of your baby, of course, will not give up tasty treats than you complicate the problem several times .  Tip - Keep a journal in which each day enter all that eating, drinking baby than washed and anointed them (the soap and cosmetic products also may be a diathesis), than you wash his clothes, etc. .  It is necessary to record all their observations of the state of the skin, stool quality, general well-being baby .

 Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

Opinion pediatrician

Treatment of diathesis conducted under the supervision of a pediatrician. It must agree with him, and diet and the means to care for the skin of the baby. Usually the doctor, except for diet prescribes medications that eliminate itching, sedatives and vitamins. It can also be assigned to the ultraviolet treatment. Diathesis often accompanied by intestinal dysbiosis Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?  Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
 And the only cure it, you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that occur in the skin of the child. With great caution should be used antihistamines, without understanding the underlying causes of diathesis, and it is better not to use them. Indeed, as noted above, diathesis - it's not exactly an allergy. If diathesis persists for a long time, you must turn to the allergist and immunologist.

 Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

Grandma's advice

In the treatment of diathesis of all good, and even the pediatrician may recommend a folk remedies, which enjoyed more our grandmothers. Recipes of traditional medicine very much. One of the most famous and effective - grind thoroughly washed eggshells into powder and give the child during the meal, before or after it (does not matter), pre-extinguished a few drops of lemon juice. The dose for children under one year - powder on the tip of a knife; from one to two years - the dose is doubled. The five-seven years can be given already half shell.

Another well-known way - black radish juice. It gives the baby three times a day for twenty minutes before meals. Initial dose - one drop every day should be added even a drop of juice, increasing the dosage to one tablespoon.

Also make tinctures from succession, cranberry, currant, bay leaf, dandelion root, and so on. Diathesis - this is the case when you can ask for advice and my mother and my grandmother, and even in-law In-law - a survival strategy  In-law - a survival strategy

 Diathesis in the child: the best treatment - prevention

Skin Care: bathing, smear, making gadgets

Diathesis may be dry or moist. Dry diathesis manifests itself as a scaly redness and swelling of the skin at certain places, often itchy. Prolonged diathesis appear crisp, troublesome child. Weeping diathesis is always accompanied by severe itching. On the affected skin there are blisters that burst and form moist areas. When different types of diathesis shows a special skin care.

To reduce inflammation and improve the dry, prone to peeling of the skin, you can prepare your child a bath with the addition of broth from wheat bran. After bathing, the affected skin should apply any moisturizer of children's cosmetics designed for dry damaged skin (milk, cream, butter). When moist diathesis day take a bath with a decoction of oak bark and the skin smear cream with zinc oxide and anti-inflammatory substances. You can make a poultice of strong tea or put on a wet dressing of methylene blue. They have anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile teas and succession, which are equally good for every type of diathesis - they should also be added to the bath when bathing. However, remember that any grass at the kid, too, may be a diathesis. Most allergic reactions are manifested in the series.

Diathesis - not the cause of the anomaly, but only its expression, as a consequence may be a variety of diseases. A balanced diet, normal, daily exercise and proper care of the baby - all of this is the key to prevention of diathesis and good health of the child.

Maria Malouhova

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  • diathesis
