Currently, as a method of contraception, women are increasingly resorting to accept birth control pills. Despite its relatively high efficiency, which reaches 100%, the use of contraceptive pills are not devoid of side effects. That is why some women are categorically refuse to take them.
There are many myths associated with so-called side effects of contraceptive pills. These include, for example, include the development of infertility, menstrual disorders, and much more. But actually it's not so terrible, and expressed negative consequences depends on the proper selection and admission of the drug suitable for the individual woman. Furthermore, the severity of side effects depends on the dose indirect hormones contained in the pill.
Types of birth control pills
Before we talk about the side effects of birth control pills, you should remember their classification:
Oral contraceptives combined
The structure of combined hormonal pills include estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
and progestogen. Depending on the amount of hormone contained they are divided into:
- mikrodozirovannye tablets;
- low-dose pills;
- vysokodozirovannye tablets (used for therapeutic purposes).
In turn, combined contraceptives are divided into: monophasic, two- and three-phase tablet.
The composition of the mini-pill, or non-hybrid tablets include one component - progestogen and its dose is minimal.
Side effects of combined oral contraceptives
Side effects of combination oral contraceptives develop because they contain the estrogenic component. Can develop the following effects:
In the absence of menstruation is first necessary to exclude pregnancy. This may be due to the violation of the rules of taking the pills. It is also possible absence of menstruation after the abolition of the drug, which is taken more than two years or if these tablets are not suitable for women. Additionally, some drugs interact with hormonal pills and reduce their contraceptive effect.
The emergence of intermenstrual bleeding is possible in the first three months after you start taking hormone pills. They are generally not abundant and do not last for more than seven days.
Sometimes when taking the combined contraceptive there is some weight gain. This is primarily due to the estrogen component of the pill, which causes fluid retention in the body and leads to the development of edema. Another mechanism for improving body weight gain associated with appetite. In this case it is necessary to monitor the quality and quantity of food intake.
In case of increased bleeding gums
How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
(which again is associated with estrogen) is necessary with special care to brush your teeth and carry out regular massage the gums.
We do not recommend using combined contraceptives for women suffering from hypertension. If this happens, you should regularly monitor your blood pressure.
Development or worsening of depressive states in the presence of depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
They are frequent companions of hormonal pills.
- Headaches, migraines, leg cramps
Also, refer to a fairly common side effect.
- Thromboembolic complications
Thromboembolic complications develop due to blood clots while taking hormonal contraceptives. They especially susceptible women with diseases of the liver, blood and smoke and are over 35 years old.
Side effects of minipill
Side effects mini-pill less pronounced, but nevertheless they exist:
- strengthening of menstrual bleeding;
- disruption of the menstrual cycle (occurrence of intermenstrual bleeding);
- jaundice;
- the emergence of severe pain in the abdomen;
- the emergence of headaches;
- Candida vaginitis development
Colpitis - take a lot of trouble
- blurred vision;
- occurrence of allergic reactions.
Anna Sozinova