Eskapel - a drug that is intended for emergency prevention of unwanted pregnancies. If used correctly, in exceptional cases and only by a physician taking into account the indications and contraindications, the side effects can be avoided.
This acceptance is contraindicated eskapel
Eskapel has some contraindications. This severe liver disease in violation of their functions, some types of congenital enzyme deficiency (such as a lack of lactase - an enzyme that can break down the milk sugar - lactose, and malabsorption of simple sugars - glucose and galactose), pregnancy, breast-feeding
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, age and 16 years of age and individual intolerance of components.
With careful preparation is recommended to appoint any diseases of the liver and biliary tract, Crohn's disease (ulcerative lesions of the intestine).
Despite the fact that eskapel contraindicated in pregnancy, the manufacturer (the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter) noted that the negative effect of the drug on the fetus if pregnancy occurs during treatment with emergency contraceptive method has not been revealed.
Eskapel recommended for women with a regular menstrual cycle.
Side effects of a general nature
Side effects eskapel can be divided into side-effects of a general nature (ie effects on the body as a whole) and the impact directly on the female genitalia and reproductive system of women.
Side effects of a general nature are relatively often. So, from the gastrointestinal tract, possible nausea, vomiting and upset the chair in the form of diarrhea.
Often there are also violations of the central nervous system in the form of lethargy, fatigue and apathy. Not less often appear headache and dizziness.
As with any drug eskapel it can cause allergic reactions that can occur in the form of urticaria (krupnopyatnistoy or papular rash, often merging and passing into the subcutaneous tissue edema - angioedema), various skin rash, itching and so on.
Side effects from the female genitalia with proper reception eskapel
Correct reception eskapel - a welcome diversion and under medical supervision in a rare (exceptionally) and after exclusion of contraindications to receiving this drug.
On the part of the female genital system side effects when taking eskapel are common - extremely high doses of hormones have an effect. Almost always, in patients receiving eskapel appear abdominal pain and breast tenderness. These side effects pass quickly.
Possible violations of the menstrual cycle. This may arise as intermenstrual bleeding and menstrual bleeding expressed. It is also possible, in contrast, the delay of menstruation, but no more than a week. Manufacturers eskapel recommended in the case of a long delay menstruation to conduct a survey in order to avoid pregnancy. In the case of uterine bleeding advised to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist and get tested.
What if eskapel used frequently
Such hormonal blows for any woman will not go in vain. But most could be affected adolescents and women who have any menstrual irregularities. Frequent reception eskapel (for example, almost every month, or even several times during one menstrual cycle) will lead over time to the depletion of the ovaries and infertility.
The first sign of ovarian failure is the persistent violation of the menstrual cycle. Most often, the cycle is lengthened, and menstruation accompanied by severe pain. This condition is called dysmenorrhoea
Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility
. At the first signs of dysmenorrhea should consult a doctor and a course of rehabilitation.
If this is not done, irregular menstruation will become even more pronounced. So, you may experience problems with ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
- Menstrual cycles for the most part become irregular. And if it continues to disregard all of these symptoms of values, it is possible to complete cessation of menses - amenorrhea
The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
. Would it be possible to restore the reproductive function of women in this case, the doctor will be able to tell only after thorough examination.
When receiving eskapel it should be remembered that this drug is intended only for emergency prevention of unwanted pregnancies and can not be used regularly.
Galina Romanenko