Modern emergency contraception - is relevant when used correctly

November 6, 2012

 modern emergency contraception
 Modern emergency contraception is created as opposed to abortions that lead to permanent ill health in the first place women's reproductive function. So today the question of emergency contraception is very serious - create new, more secure products to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

 Modern emergency contraception - is relevant when used correctly

Why do I need emergency contraception

A situation where you may need emergency contraception, can occur in the life of any modern woman. This can happen at break means for barrier contraception (condom, diaphragm, cap), if a woman forgets to take a pill on time hormonal contraceptive if "does not work" spermicides (eg, tablet dissolves in the vagina).

The cases and situations where emergency contraception is a real salvation. These situations include rape - severe mental trauma for a woman who may have continued in the form of pregnancy.

Modern emergency contraception includes various methods, including hormonal and non-hormonal tablets and the introduction of intrauterine devices.

 Modern emergency contraception - is relevant when used correctly

Hormone pills

Hormone pills used for emergency contraception, contain large doses of a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . These are widely known today pills for emergency contraception as eskapel and postinor Postinor - used very carefully!  Postinor - used very carefully!
 It contains an analogue of progesterone levonorgestrel. In Postinor it twice less than in eskapel, so in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies Postinor used two tablets at intervals of 12 hours, and eskapel - one tablet. Take this drug should be as soon as possible, but no later than three days after unprotected sex - is more likely to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Once in the body of women, levonorgestrel is absorbed into the blood and inhibits the synthesis of female sex hormones estrogen, ripening of follicles in the ovary and the release of an egg (ovulation). Levonorgestrel also contributes to change in the state of mucous membrane of the uterus, resulting in the fertilized egg can not penetrate it.

For emergency contraception used and combined hormonal contraceptives designed for continuous use. For emergency contraception they are used in high doses for a special scheme under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. The method is called the Yuzpe method, you can not use it on their own - too great a risk of side effects, particularly thrombosis and thromboembolism. In addition, this method can have an adverse effect on the fetus, so if the pregnancy after using the Yuzpe regimen yet occurred, it is necessary to have an abortion.

 Modern emergency contraception - is relevant when used correctly

Nonhormonal pills

Today in pharmacies, a new drug for emergency contraception - zhenale. Active ingredient in this drug is mifepristone, which inhibits the action of progesterone. Progesterone is a female sex hormone, which occurs under the influence of yield mature egg from the ovary (ovulation). Inhibition of secretion leads to the suppression of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and the impossibility of conception.

The drug should be taken no later than three days after unprotected sex. If after applying zhenale pregnancy yet occurred, it is recommended to have an abortion, because it is impossible to eliminate the negative impact of the drug on the fetus.

 Modern emergency contraception - is relevant when used correctly

Intrauterine device

Not later than three days after unprotected sex, you can also enter the intrauterine device (IUD) - this is a very effective method of emergency contraception, which can then be planned. But inserting an IUD it is usually recommended for women have given birth.

Actions Navy is that it is small and constantly supports the inflammatory process in the wall of the uterus and its constituent copper in the uterus creates the conditions unsuitable for the development of the embryo.

A disadvantage of the IUD is that the constant inflammatory process in the uterus can lead to the development and introduction of infection already infectious inflammation. IUD may also cause menstrual irregularities, and after removal of the Navy created the conditions for an ectopic pregnancy.

Emergency contraception because emergency is called, that it can be carried out very often, if these techniques are used (except, of course, the Navy) as a permanent method of birth control, you can "earn" serious hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   and infertility.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Emergency Contraception

The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

September 2, 2010

 the consequences of abortion
 The consequences of abortion for a woman can be both physical and psychological. Despite the fact that today is abortion - it is a safe medical procedure, it has an absolute effect on the future life of the woman.

Supporters of abortion claim that "abortion is safer than childbirth," and that is the usual procedure, which takes place for a woman without any consequences. Under the abortion refers to any termination of pregnancy for up to 28 weeks. Nevertheless, abortion - is not just a medical procedure, is an important event that may forever change the lives of women. Even if a woman does not face the complications of abortion, it definitely leaves a mark in her heart. After interrupt your child's life is not easy, no matter how much you feel neither prepared.

 The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

The physical consequences of abortion

The physical consequences of abortion can be either minor (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, convulsions), and severe. After an abortion might vaginal bleeding that is not contrary to the norm, however, severe bleeding - this is a cause for concern, testifying to the more serious complications. Bleeding - one of the most common complications of abortion. During the procedure the physician may inadvertently leave some parts of the fetus in the mother's body, which may lead to infection and, as a result, damage to the internal organs. There is also the risk of injury or damage to the cervical surgical instruments, if the pregnancy is terminated surgically. Uterine perforation may require surgical removal, which means that a woman can no longer become pregnant.

 The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

The psychological effects of abortion

Depression - the most common "side effect" of abortion. Most women are aware that abortion is contrary to morality, and made them a difficult moral choice oppresses them. However, the circumstances of life force women to decide to have an abortion. Often, women (especially young unmarried women) fear of condemnation of the family and others, others are not ready to take on the responsibility of the child, others did not plan the pregnancy. All of them come for an abortion. When pregnancy is aborted, women often get depressed, blame themselves, regret the decision. They try to find ways that would protect them from feelings of guilt, remorse and depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood

A study conducted by American scientists, found that 56% of women undergoing abortion, feel guilty, and another 26% regret their abortion. Since abortion - it is an unnatural act that is contrary to the nature of the woman, her maternal instinct, she gets into a psychological conflict with, other people and the world. Anxiety and gloomy thoughts gradually spread to all areas of a woman's life. Many women talk about how they see their unborn children during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 That those chasing them throughout life.

Moreover, if the decision on abortion was made without the consent of a partner in a relationship pair comes cooling, but their sex life is winding down "no." The totality of the negative psychological effects of abortion is known as post-abortion syndrome (PAS). Post-abortion syndrome may provoke antisocial and destructive behavior in women; be an indirect cause of drug addiction, alcoholism, low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, suicidal tendencies, sexual dysfunction and deviation, and various personality disorders and even mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
 The death of his mother

In rare cases complications after abortion may lead to the death of the woman. These complications may include severe continuous uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 , Damage to internal organs as a result of the perforation of the uterus. Infections and unexpected reaction to the anesthetic can also lead to death of the mother.

 The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

Increased risk of infertility

Every abortion increases the risk of infertility and inability to tolerate pregnancy. Abortions per se does not cause much harm to women's reproductive health. Harmful drugs are used before and after the abortion. In addition, abortion increases the risk of various infections, which also negatively affects the female reproductive system, and reduces it to conceive and bear a child.

All of the physical and psychological consequences of abortion in different ways manifest or do not manifest themselves in different women. Some suffer from depression, while the other face physical complications. Hesitating on this important step, we should remember that abortion - is not a "normal medical procedure" and violent interference in the work of the body in which it is not necessary.

 The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

Early complications after abortion

Early complications after abortion arise during the meeting or immediately after abortion. Their frequency depends on the stage of pregnancy at which the abortion was performed, and the method of its implementation. Thus, complications of abortion performed in the period of 9-12 weeks, there are 2, 2 times more likely than in the period of 6-8 weeks. When instrumental abortion complications is greater than in mini-abortion and medical abortion.

Rare complications include perforation tool abortion (perforation of the wall) and uterine damage to the pelvic and abdominal cavity. Such complications are 0, 01-0, 3% of cases, and depending on the degree of damage require conservative or surgical treatment.

A more common complication is bleeding, which can occur after a medical abortion as a result of what remained in the uterus of the gestational sac or poor contractility of the muscles of the uterus (uterine hypotension). A large loss of blood can lead to serious consequences, up to death of women. To stop the bleeding from the uterus removed the remains of the ovum (repeated scraping), blood transfusions, appoint agents, reducing muscle of the uterus (uterine contractions in the blood vessels clamped and the bleeding stops).

Infectious complications of medical abortion are rare, these complications - the main cause of death of women in the criminal (made out of hospital) abortions. Infectious process can capture all of the uterine wall and the transition to the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum - membrane lining the inside of the abdominal cavity) and blood poisoning. In some cases, the infectious process can begin during the abortion in a medical facility. This usually happens in cases when a woman is suffering from a pelvic inflammatory disease, or in violation of the outflow of the contents of the uterus in the cervical muscle spasm.

 The consequences of abortion - is not only threatens infertility

Long-term effects of abortion

Long-term effects of abortion do not occur immediately, sometimes even several years. Thus, placental polyp develops usually from remaining in the uterus after abortion pieces pile casing which germinate connective tissue elements. This disease is manifested by repeated uterine bleeding, strengthens the days of menstruation. Treatment of placental polyp is carefully scraping the mucous membrane of the uterus.

If a woman to abortion had some chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, after an abortion is almost always his aggravation.

One of the serious consequences of abortion, secondary infertility is a result of hormonal changes. Thus, menstrual disorder after suffering abortion occur in 6-10% of cases. After an abortion is often a hormonal disease, such as endometriosis, uterine - proliferation within the muscle layer of the uterus mucous membrane inclusions.

Abortion can cause severe complications in subsequent pregnancies and childbirth. Severe complications of childbirth - placenta accreta occurs 4 times more often in women who have had an abortion, they also are more common uterine rupture due to the fact that the walls of her at the time were injured during an abortion.

That would not talk about the simplicity and ease of abortion - an operation that could have far-reaching consequences, both for the woman and for her future children.

Article Tags:
  • abortion
