- Bioepilation time tested
- Proper preparation
Smooth skin around the times was considered beautiful, and women have always sought to get rid of excess hair on the face and body. One of the oldest ways to give the skin smoothness is bioepilyatsiya or waxing (from the English wax - wax), which today is recognized as one of the most effective ways to eliminate excess hair. What is the secret of the popularity of this method?
History bioepilyatsii
According to some reports, the Egyptian queen Nefertiti still remove unwanted hair with sticky resin, which froze on the skin, and then frustrated with the hairs sticking. Even in those days the excess hair on the female body were considered not just ugly, but also indecent and ladies tirelessly experimented with herbal formulations for hair removal resin, wax or sugar. The very name "bioepilyatsiya" says that this method applies to natural, natural. Specific waxes and mixtures for bioepilyatsii not involve any artificial ingredients, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of allergic reactions.
For many centuries of struggle for the smooth skin of the people have not been able to come up with a universal method that would allow everyone to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all
. A minimum of one and a half years of hard and very expensive sometimes struggle with the vegetation on the body to make the hairs have stopped growing, or at least greatly weakened
. This is due to the fact that the hair follicle at hair getting rid of procedures are generally not affected, however destroyed only those hairs that were in the active growth stage
. However, many methods of getting rid of unwanted hair are a number of contraindications and are highly efficient
. However, if after shaving the hair to grow back in a couple of days, bioepilyatsiya allows you to enjoy smooth skin for three weeks
. Repeat the procedure is recommended when the hair grow back by five millimeters or more - very short hairs are removed less efficiently
Advantages and disadvantages of the method
Bioepilyatsii advantages are obvious: it is a relatively inexpensive procedure that can get rid of the vegetation for quite a long time. As in bioepilyatsii damaged hair follicle, regular procedures allow over time to significantly reduce the growth of unwanted hair, and even get rid of them for good. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and smooth without irritation.
As with other methods of hair removal
Hair Removal: Which method is right for you?
, Bioepilyatsiya has a number of contraindications. In particular, this method is not recommended for use in the presence of the zones to be processed, moles, warts, warts and other benign tumors; at various dermatological diseases; suffering from diabetes and severe coronary artery disease or hypertension. Also contraindications include thrombophlebitis and acute infectious diseases. Hot wax hair removal
Hair removal: perfect skin without hair
and it is impossible for varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
. Bioepilyatsiyu usually not recommended for pregnant women, as well as allergies. Soreness procedures can also trigger attacks in epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease
Note that the procedure is very painful, it is not recommended susceptible individuals. At the same time, if you do bioepilyatsiyu regularly, the pain will subside because the follicle is weaker, the less traumatic to get rid of him. The best time to bioepilyatsii considered the middle of the menstrual cycle when the pain threshold increases slightly.
How is the procedure
To make the procedure less painful bioepilyatsii, it must be properly prepared. In particular, beauticians recommend shortly before bioepilyatsii take a warm bath or a sauna to open the pores. Lighter hair removal and skin treatment helps special scrub. Finally, such a simple measure as adopted shortly before the procedure pill painkillers, will make bioepilyatsiyu little less unpleasant.
To use wax waxing different temperatures: hot, warm, cold. Hot wax is commonly used for hair removal in the most sensitive dreams - on the face, bikini area and armpits. The composition is heated to a temperature of thirty-eight - forty-three degrees Celsius, and is applied in the direction of hair growth with a spatula. After solidification of the wax is removed by a sharp jerk. Under the influence of heat opens the pores of the skin, which facilitates the removal of hair and makes the procedure less traumatic. This method is used only in the salons, because otherwise avoid burns and injuries.
Handle with warm wax is easier, but it should be used on less sensitive areas - for example, on your feet. Heated to the desired temperature, composition (ideal for warm wax is the temperature of the body) is applied to the lower leg in the direction of hair growth and slightly cooled, and then a sharp movement using strips of paper or tissue breaks down along with the hair. This procedure is more painful than epilations hot wax, so that the pores do not have time to open up.
Unlike species of warm and hot, cold and the wax can be used at home. Ready-strip with a layer of wax is slightly warmed in his hands and stick in the zone where you want to get rid of the vegetation.
Waxes for bioepilyatsii - a very complex composition. Hard wax made from pine resin or petroleum products with the addition of vegetable oils and substances, soothes the skin and slows down the growth of hair. The soft wax is added as beeswax, honey and a variety of herbal extracts that soften the skin and contribute to the rapid extinction of stimuli. After the treatment the skin is usually treated with special solutions that remove residual wax and inhibit the growth of new hair.