Photorejuvenation - improving skin regeneration
November 6, 2008
The therapy called "resurfacing" - a course of treatments aimed at getting rid of the signs of photoaging, using intense pulsed light. This technique is used as itself, or in combination with other treatments for the skin, such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels.
Photorejuvenation can be used for therapeutic purposes when it is used to treat skin diseases. It may also be a purely cosmetic procedure that is used for getting rid of wrinkles and make skin elasticity. Photorejuvenation works by stimulating the formation of new skin cells to heal wounds moderate skin surface that causes it. Intense pulsed light used in the rejuvenation procedures, often using laser energy. In the treatment of various skin problems during rejuvenation modet change the power and wavelength of the laser, as well as the duration of exposure.
Indications rejuvenation procedures
Skin problems that may be amenable to treatment photorejuvenation, including rosacea, acne and scars caused by them. This therapy can also be used for the treatment of visible vascular lesions such as spider veins
Spider veins - a sign of several diseases
And the effects of sun exposure, such as age spots, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. Laser Hair Removal
Waxing: the easy way to beauty
also falls under the category of rejuvenation, and this therapy is used to remove tattoos, scars and keloids birthmarks
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How does
Rejuvenation technique uses beams of intense pulsed light in the visible spectrum. Lasers used yellow and green light rays and infrared radiation is used setting, close to the red spectrum. These light rays penetrate into the skin and are absorbed mostly dark skin pigment. Intense pulsed beams of vascular eliminate redness and stimulate the production of new collagen. This combination produces a noticeable rejuvenation of the skin. To improve the results of photorejuvenation treatments before its implementation should remove dead skin cells. This can be done by using dermabrasion or by chemical peeling. Oxygen therapy may also be included in the program photorejuvenation, to accelerate the recovery of the skin and stimulate the production of new collagen.
Typically resurfacing requires from four to six treatments take from 30 minutes to one hour. The interval between treatments is one week.
LED or laser installation?
LED units are used in the photorejuvenation recently. They are similar to lasers and produce the same range of light, but little power. In addition, LED units provide a gentle distribution of light rays over a wider band of wavelengths, while lasers deliver their energy in the form of a point-ray wavelengths. Thus, LED installation allows you to cover large areas of the skin, and reduces the time of exposure.
Security photorejuvenation
Rejuvenation therapy is safe. Although no side effects has not yet been established, consult with your doctor if you are pregnant, suffer from epilepsy
Epilepsy - a sacred disease
or are taking steroids or cortisone.
Do not carry out procedures rejuvenation, if you are very tanned. The increased amount of melanin in the skin will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. In addition, if you have very dark skin rejuvenation can not bring significant results.
Photoaging - a merciless sun
January 14th, 2010
Photoaging - is premature aging of the skin caused by repeated exposure to, primarily, the solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) and UV radiation from artificial sources. "Photography" comes from the Greek word "phosphorus", which means "light". Thus, skin aging is caused by light. Photoaging different age aging of skin so that the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun (or artificial tanning sources) alter the normal structure of the skin.
Early signs of photoaging include:
- the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, and glabellar wrinkles on the forehead
- spider veins on the nose, cheeks and neck
- different spots, such as freckles, solar lentiginosis (known as age or liver spots, though their appearance is not related to the problems with the liver), and uneven skin tone
- overall reduction in skin tone on the open areas of the face to the sun
- elastic lips that begin to lose their color and fullness
With further exposure to the sun during the year:
- increases the number of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, and they become deeper frown wrinkles more noticeable and visible even when you do not frown
- the skin becomes hard and sagging
- Solar lentiginosis (due to liver problems, or simply dark spots) appear in areas such as the face and hands.
- damaged blood vessels in the nose and cheeks more visually noticeable
- lips pale and thin, do not have clear boundaries
- on open areas of skin to the sun a slight mechanical damage may lead to a hematoma (bruise)
- may appear red, rough, scaly patches, called solar keratosis (their appearance is associated with exposure to sunlight). It can be precancerous cells that need treatment.
The aging of exposed skin by 90% due to the harmful effects of the sun. Compare the skin of closed areas for the sun and the skin, and you'll see the difference in tone, color and texture. The natural aging process is dependent upon the age, genetic predisposition, and prevention is not possible. However, photoaging can be avoided if the purchase habit of protecting the skin from direct sunlight.
Skin cells can cope with many mutations caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, but if the damage is more significant, the affected cells are killed. Moreover, if the damaged cells are not repaired, they can mutate, leading to premature aging, the formation of the solar keratosis or skin cancer.
Where shown
Photoaging is shown on visible areas: the face, the neck, on the back of the hands. These areas are often exposed to the sun. Women decollete is a sensitive area, which can also be signs of photoaging. On the lips are also showing signs of excessive sun damage. Photoaging can be seen on other exposed parts of the body such as arms, legs and shoulders.
How much sunlight can cause photoaging?
In fact it depends on the individual and on the type of skin
How to determine your skin type
. Exposure to the sun for many years without the protection of the skin can lead to visible signs of photoaging.
Your skin type and the amount of time of unprotected sun exposure determine the degree of risk of photoaging. Light-skinned people with blond or red hair and skin that usually burns in the sun, are at greatest risk. Those who spend a lot of time in the sun at work or at rest, also fall into the high risk group. People with dark skin appears less obvious signs of photoaging, although the skin can become freckled, and her wrinkles may appear.
Signs of photoaging can be seen in adolescents and those over twenty years. Exposure to UV rays on those areas where there is excessive epidermal pigment, which is located directly beneath the skin surface leads to the appearance of freckles and age spots.
How can you prevent
The best way to prevent photo-aging is a good method of protection from the sun. The damaging effect of sunlight is stored, so never too late to start.
- Protect your skin as much as possible when you are outdoors, especially between 11 am and 3 pm - at this time sun's ultraviolet rays are the strongest.
- Hide in the shadow falling from trees, buildings, etc., if possible.
- Wear clothing that covers as much of the skin, and hats with a wide brim. Sombrero hats are also very effective.
- Apply cream with broad spectrum protection as a minimum SPF 30, which will protect against UVB and UVA. Re-apply it after swimming or heavy exercise. Look for the logo on the products CDA - the effectiveness of collateral that meet the above criteria.
- Pay particular attention to the protection from the sun's face, ears, neck and hands. These areas are most sun damage. Women also have to protect chest area. Do not forget that the lips are very prone to photoaging.
- Use sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
I do not mean to get the maximum effect from it.
- Use cosmetics (moisturizing cream, tonal foundation, lipstick, hand cream and body lotion), in which a wide range of sunscreen (SPF 30)
- Use a lip balm with SPF 30.
- Study the daily UV Index forecasts and take appropriate action based on the expected level of UV.
- Avoid tanning
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What can be done to get rid of the visible signs of aging
There are various methods available to combat premature skin aging
Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
Caused by excessive sun exposure. Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport), dermal fillers, laser treatments, dermabrasion and chemical peels are one of the most popular procedures. There are also some skin products that will help give the skin a more youthful appearance (drugs with vitamins).
Recommendations dermatologist, a specialist in skin diseases, can help you decide what kind of fight the signs of photoaging will be best for you.