Navel piercing - only for the most noble - Risks
September 1, 2013
- Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
- Safety regulations
- Risks
- Nursing
- What changes
Possible risks
Navel piercing made, at least since the time of the Aztecs. He was popular with the Inca, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and the representatives of many other cultures of the ancient world. Then piercing was more than a tribute to fashion. He may designate a certain position in society, human courage in battle, a spiritual connection with the deities. According to some reports, the representatives of the Egyptian aristocracy pierced navel during ceremonies devoted to coming of age.
In the modern Western world piercer attaches a very different meaning. Prior to the 1980s, it was decided to pierce only certain parts of the body (mostly - the ears). It is believed that a navel piercing was in pop culture, and then - to the masses, after the supermodel Christy Turlington blestnula decoration in the navel at a fashion show in London. After that a navel piercing was seen Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, Cher, Christina Aguilera and many other stars.
Bauchnabelpiercing popular primarily, but not exclusively, among women.
The procedure
Piercing navel makes a very fast and without problems - like a puncture of the ear lobe, and almost as quickly heals. Sam does not usually pierced navel - a puncture made in the skin above the navel. Today it becomes more and more popular navel piercing itself, but it can be quite painful and heals longer than traditional piercings.
Rejection at the navel piercing jewelry is very rare. While piercing is healed, it is recommended to wear a rod; they are also the most popular jewelry for your navel. However, if you want a navel piercing earrings you can wear almost any type.
The main risks associated with the navel piercings:
- Infection. To prevent infection, for several months after navel piercing, you should regularly clean the earring and the puncture site.
- Scarring. The scar may be formed after the person ceases to wear jewelry in the navel.
More serious consequences puncture bunch are rare, but they may be sudden and severe. In 2007, in a car accident almost killed a woman. As a result of strong pressure belt small earring that was in her navel pierced her stomach and pulled almost to the spine, causing serious internal injuries.
Navel piercing - only for the most noble - Security Rules
September 1, 2013
- Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
- Safety regulations
- Risks
- Nursing
- What changes
For safe navel piercing
Pre consult a piercing him to determine whether the structure of your navel piercing.
- Make sure that you choose a specialist have a license for the relevant activities that it uses sterile equipment, disposable needles and gloves when working with every new customer. In addition, find out what it offers decorations (they should be made from safe materials), and he advises his clients, if necessary, after the piercing.
- Do piercing in the day when you do not have to significantly exercise. In addition, within a couple of weeks after navel piercing, you should refrain from intensive yoga, dancing and most sports.
- Come on piercing and loose fitting trousers with a low belt - clothes should not adhere to the navel and, especially, rub against him.
- During the procedure, try to concentrate on your own breathing and looking at one point on the opposite wall or ceiling. It helps to relax muscles and relieve discomfort.
- As soon as you make a puncture, they wear jewelry that will offer you a master piercer - as a rule, they are made of medical stainless steel, titanium or niobium. Gold, though rare, causes rejection, so it can be worn when the puncture heals.
Remember that a few weeks after you follow a navel piercing, take a bath and swim in all waters is not recommended. So if you want to decorate your navel to leave, take care of this in advance, it's best - a few weeks before the planned holiday.
In the first weeks after the piercing is worn and should be especially careful to undress - clothes can catch on jewelery, and damage is not fully healed puncture.
If the puncture site for a long time is saved edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
, Redness if there appear very painful, it is necessary to seek medical help. At the same time, suppuration and yellowish brown in appearance of the puncture area, which are often taken as the symptoms of the infection, are in fact part of the normal healing process of the skin.
Will it hurt? - An issue that worries many wanting to do a navel piercing
How to do a navel piercing - the whole thing in technology
. Typically, the pain is not strong and very fast runs - she felt at the time of passage of the needle through the skin, and then rapidly decreases. However, for people with a low pain threshold procedure can be very painful. In most cases, they are like everyone else, do without anesthesia, but you can use a local anesthetic - it is somewhat increase the cost of piercing, but it will save you from unpleasant sensations.
Navel piercing - only for the most noble - What changes
September 1, 2013
- Navel piercing - only for the most distinguished
- Safety regulations
- Risks
- Nursing
- What changes
What changes in your life when a navel piercing
Make yourself a navel piercing the dream of many young (and not only those). It is very popular for the past few decades, however, decide it is not as simple as, for example, pierced ears. In addition, many parents forbid to do a navel piercing their children adolescence, and it is often the cause of family conflict. However, to make a decision about what to do piercings or not (or - whether to allow your child to make it) is only after you are good enough to examine the issues. At the navel piercing has its advantages and disadvantages that must be considered that, at least not to cause self-harm, and at best - get real pleasure from the new decorations on his body.
What is the navel piercing
To better understand this question, we must remember the human anatomy
. Puncture doing, usually in the upper part of the navel, where the skin is thin and the risk of damaging blood vessels is minimal
. Jewellery navel usually made of surgical steel, gold, niobium or titanium - they do not cause rejection
. However, this happens if everything is done correctly
. If the piercing does a person with no special preparation (it happens that the people themselves pierced navels - which, of course, extremely dangerous), there is a likelihood of damage to the nerve endings and, in consequence, scarring
. When using gold-plated and silver-plated jewelry may cause irritation of the skin around the navel
. Finally, there is always a small risk of infection to place - even when working professional, and uses sterile instruments
. Signs of infection may be redness and inflammation of the navel; puncture site can fester, and touching it can cause pain
. When these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor - in rare cases, the consequences of infection at a navel piercing can be abdominal infection or sepsis
The structure of the navel may impose natural limits on the piercing. If a person is very prominent navel piercing done can be very difficult, but a good specialist to do the task. However, most of the decorations on this navel will look no better - they usually stick out and cause much discomfort when a man wears clothes that cover the belly. In addition, it is not necessary to do a navel piercing, if you are not very happy with the way your stomach looks - decoration will attract more attention to it. If you really want a piercing, first bring order in the belly (Lose weight, pump up the muscles of the abdomen, and so on).
To speed up the healing process of the skin after navel piercing, you need to wash the piercing twice a day. However, too frequent cleaning may interfere with the body in a natural way to fight infections. Wash your hands every time before touching the puncture site. If there is dried blood, attach to the navel for five minutes a clean cloth moistened with saline solution. After that, wash the skin around the puncture antibacterial soap, then rinse it thoroughly, so there is no trace of soap, and pat dry with a towel.
Complete healing of the puncture site can take up to one and a half years. This is a long and complex process, mainly due to the relatively poor quality of tap water, and also due to the fact that the clothing and sweat continuously cause irritation. Other factors that can slow down the healing process - poor quality decorations, stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
, Disease, not enough good care and poor nutrition. Unless proper care the puncture heals, in some cases, about two years, and is an easy target for a variety of pathogens.
Navel piercing - to do or not do?
Navel piercing - it is very sexy, but it has its downsides, which you need to think about before you go to the master of piercing. If you think about how not to pierce to your navel, you need to consider the following:
- Your lifestyle. People who are engaged in very active sports, navel accumulates a lot of sweat. During the first weeks after the puncture it can cause severe irritation and even pain. Ideally, the navel will need to be thoroughly cleaned after each workout - and it takes time. If you are in training often bend and squat, it can significantly slow down the process of healing navel piercing.
- Your clothes. If you like to wear tight fitting clothes, pants and skirts with a belt at the level of the navel piercing will heal very slowly. At constant friction may cause irritation, infection, and damage to the skin.
- Your weight. People who are overweight can do a navel piercing, but not desirable. As a rule, when they sit close folds of fat stomach, which is why the air flow to the puncture site will be limited, but there will accumulate sweat and forms a favorable, warm and moist environment for bacteria.
- Your schedule. If you can not spend twice a day for 15 minutes to clean the punctured stomach, and 10 minutes - to soak it in brine, navel piercing is not for you. Proper care of the puncture is very important because any, even the usually harmless pathogens multiply very quickly there. Carefully take care of the need to puncture every day, at least for 3-4 months, sometimes - longer.
Even with proper care punctured stomach is healing very slowly; this is due to its structure - it is a cozy haven for bacteria and other micro-organisms, it is easy to hurt the clothing, bedding or towels. Be careful not to do the movements, in which the skin is in the navel is going to fold or stretch - all this is easier said Sanchez do. Therefore, taking a decision on whether to do or not to do a navel piercing, think about whether you are ready for it. If not, piercing, it is likely to become an ornament for you and a great challenge.