Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?

March 15, 2013

  • Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
  • Strips and mouthguards
  • Advice
  • Methods

 Teeth Whitening
 That of teeth often judged on the social status of the man and his cultural level, so beautiful smile today - it's not a luxury, but a necessity. Straight white teeth - is an achievable dream. Make an attractive smile can help a variety of dental procedures in the first place - whitening teeth.

 Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?

Shining Smile

Strictly speaking, the nature of the teeth very rarely have a bright white color, much more tooth enamel has a more or less pronounced yellowish or grayish hue. Very often, the teeth darken over time from a systematic smoking, drinking tea, coffee and other drinks coloring, after taking certain drugs (such as tetracycline), and just from age. However, it has long been considered beautiful white teeth. For centuries, people whiten their teeth in every way possible, seeking to achieve the desired shade; Today they went to the aid of cosmetic dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry: everything is possible  Cosmetic Dentistry: everything is possible

There are many methods of teeth whitening: conditionally can be divided into domestic and professional. You can whiten your teeth by yourself using a special gum, whitening toothpastes, strips brightening. The dental clinics whiten teeth using special gels, and even laser light (photobleaching). Intermediate whitening takes place with a special mouth guard which is manufactured in the clinic and used in a home environment, usually at night. All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages; They differ from each other by price, effectiveness, safety. To choose the optimal method of whitening is recommended after consultation with the dentist, carefully weighing all the "pros" and "cons".

 Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?

Professional teeth whitening

It is often referred to as teeth bleaching mechanical cleaning, which is performed in dental clinics. It should be noted that, although this is not a professional cleaning whitening procedure after the teeth become brighter and more attractive. So sometimes need of bleaching is not: it is enough just to clean your teeth regularly carefully from plaque in the dentist's chair to shine a white-toothed smile. Conduct professional cleaning is recommended for everybody: it is impossible to independently clean teeth of plaque as well as in the clinic. This procedure does not damage the enamel and is an excellent prevention of tooth decay and various inflammatory diseases. Unfortunately, the procedure of mechanical cleaning of the teeth is not too pleasant, especially for owners of sensitive teeth, but it is a necessary hygiene measures, which should not be neglected.

As a result of mechanical cleaning enamel is lightened by one or two colors. If that's not enough, you should consider professional teeth bleaching chemical. The chemical bleaching tooth enamel is applied to a concentrated gel containing hydrogen peroxide and urea peroxide. Gums thus insulated with a special material to avoid burns. Within an hour, the active components of the gel affect the tooth enamel, altering its hue. During the procedure, the patient may experience pain - in this case the gel immediately removed from the teeth.

With laser teeth whitening Laser teeth whitening: the beauty of modern technology to help  Laser teeth whitening: the beauty of modern technology to help
   enamel affects the laser beam activates the hydrogen peroxide. Bleaching effect considerably increased compared to conventional bleaching chemical, but also the sensitivity of the teeth Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
   also increases. In addition, the procedure is not suitable for people with sensitive mucous membrane of the mouth. The same can be said of photobleaching during which on tooth enamel caused by ultraviolet radiation or halogen light. And photobleaching laser procedures are painless and take very little time, and the result is stored permanently. However, do not assume that you can whiten your teeth once and for all - from the initial color of the enamel is restored, and bleaching may be required again. However, if you follow the oral hygiene, carry out all the recommendations of the dentist and avoid the use of coloring foods and beverages, to enjoy the snow-white shade of the teeth can be in a few years.

A significant drawback of professional teeth whitening - a fair value of this procedure. In addition, be aware that you can whiten your teeth is not all. For example, for the absolute contraindications include:

  • allergic to the active components of the composition used for whitening;
  • patient age of eighteen;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Wearing braces;
  • periodontal disease;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases.

Furthermore, there are also relative contraindications. It is not recommended to whiten teeth by one tooth enamel and so overly sensitive because whitening can significantly enhance the sensitivity. To reduce the sensitivity of dentists usually given special treatment based paste or calcium fluoride. Typically, the sensitivity is decreased by the third day after the procedure, but the process may be delayed, depending on the individual.

If the front teeth have fillings or crowns with bleach should be careful - during the procedure crowns and fillings will not change color, and as a result the teeth are obtained "spotty." The problem can be solved by replacing fillings and crowns with new ones matched in color to the new teeth shade. But even here there are pitfalls: the color of the enamel over time change, this time toward the darkening and then crowns and fillings will look too light. Therefore, dentists recommend in this case restrict the professional cleaning of teeth - teeth color will not be snow-white, but will at least be uniform.

 Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?

Home teeth whitening

Whiten teeth can not only in the dental clinic and at home .  So, it is very common whitening with the help of a special case - CVR .  Mouthguards are made in the clinic, and the procedures are carried out with their help at home .  These cases are filled with bleaching composition and wear on the teeth, providing a uniform whitening .  The solution in this case used a less concentrated than in the bleaching of teeth in the clinic, so whitening proceeds gradually - necessary to wear mouth guards overnight or for several hours per day for one to four weeks .  The effect of the procedure is stored for a long time, almost the same as and professional teeth whitening .  Thus kappa remain in the patient and can be used repeatedly, which saves on the following procedures .  This method may be recommended bleaching holders sensitive teeth - it is much less traumatic because of the low concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching composition .  Disadvantages of this method also has: it does not suit those who want to quickly become the owner of the Hollywood smile; Accidental ingestion of the drug may cause heaviness in the stomach and nausea; in contact with the drug on the gums can cause burns; Regular wearing of mouthguards in some people causes headache .  The sensitivity of the teeth as a result of home bleaching is also increased, but not as much as after bleaching in the dentist's office .  But the cost of such a procedure can be several times lower than the cost of professional whitening .

Instead CVR whitening gel you can use special adhesive strips for teeth whitening. Since the strips have a standard size and not made individually as aligners, they are relatively cheap, but to use them is not very convenient. Furthermore, tooth enamel group varies irregularly, only in areas of contact with the strip, resulting in the effect can be unpredictable. Instead of the strips can be applied whitening gels are applied to the teeth using a brush and harden. However, it should be remembered that much to lighten your teeth in such a way will not succeed. Furthermore, such gels must be applied very carefully to teeth bleached uniformly.

In addition to dental innovations and still popular folk remedies. Since ancient times people remove plaque through a variety of abrasives, such as baking soda or fine river sand. In addition, the known clarifying agent is lemon juice. However, it should be remembered that the use of such tools can damage tooth enamel, and the whitening effect can hardly be compared with the effect of professional whitening at the dentist. In any case, before use of folk remedies is advisable to consult a doctor.

If you believe the advertising, the easiest way to make your teeth sparkling white shade - regularly use whitening toothpastes and chewing gum. But do not trust such advertising. Dentists for the most part belong to the whitening toothpaste negative: these funds or ineffective, or contain large amounts of abrasives and solvents that damage tooth enamel. You can not use such a paste for a long time, and before you use it is desirable to consult with your dentist. As for chewing gum, it is unable to remove even resistant plaque from the teeth, but even more so to change the color of the enamel: a maximum of what can be achieved by using gum - freshen breath after eating.

 Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?

Save for a long time

Although modern methods of tooth whitening less traumatic, they should not be abused: the less will be whitening, the better. To save the beautiful shade of the enamel of the teeth after bleaching requires special care.

As a rule, immediately after whitening teeth are very sensitive: as a result of oxidation processes enamel is not simply becomes lighter, but slightly damaged. As a rule, this sensitivity goes through two or three days. It is recommended to be avoided in this time, too hot and too cold food, eat less acidic and sugary foods. If discomfort is too strong, the doctor will recommend specific drugs that reduce sensitivity. The composition of these formulations typically include mineral complexes that promote enamel.

Bleached teeth are very susceptible to staining, so avoid products that contain dyes and changes the color of the teeth. These products include coffee, tea, red wine, dark grape, chocolate and cocoa, soy sauce, ketchup and other sauces based on tomato paste, mustard, beet, brightly colored berries and fruit, soft drinks and juices. Precautions should eat pastries, especially the caramel bright colors. It is desirable to exclude these products from the diet in the first week after the tooth whitening, and later use them as little as possible, and immediately after a meal carefully brush your teeth How to brush your teeth: interesting facts  How to brush your teeth: interesting facts

Smoking negatively affects the body in general and the state of tooth enamel in particular. It is advisable not to smoke for at least forty-eight hours after the procedure, and it is better - to opt out of this habit for the snow-white smile.

Brushing your teeth after bleaching with a soft brush as thoroughly as possible. Every six months, we recommend professional cleaning - removal of plaque from teeth at the dental office. It is also necessary to remove tartar, if it appears. But the use of whitening toothpastes not necessary, moreover, such means may even harm teeth after bleaching. If you follow all the recommendations of the dentist, sparkling white smile can be stored for a long period of time - five to seven years.
