Cold sores on the hands - which could serve as a pretext?

January 26, 2014

 Herpes on hands
 Cold sores on the hands can be caused by various types of pathogens of herpes infection. Contributing moments are allergic skin disease, especially atopic dermatitis. In addition, cold sores on the hands can occur at a constant skin irritation.


Causes Herpes on hands

The cause of herpes on the hands may be herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   the first or second type (HSV-1 and HSV-2) and varicella zoster virus, which causes shingles.

The appearance of the symptoms of herpes zoster in the hand is usually associated with hypothermia or hand injury. But there may be other reasons - the overall decline in the immunity against this illness, after surgery, at various intoxications, and so on. In this case, the herpes zoster virus is activated, down the nerve endings in the skin, multiplies there, and causes disease.

Herpes simplex is most often at the hands of the transfer is the result of an infection from the primary lesion. For HSV-1 causes cold sores on the lips, at the touch of your fingers to sores on the lip during the application of an ointment or just herpes simplex viruses can be transferred to your hands and fingers. Predisposing factors for infection are on hand in the event of a microcrack and various skin disorders on their hands, including eczema, atopic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis.

Similarly, spreading infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 Herpes type 2 - the causative agent of genital herpes  Herpes type 2 - the causative agent of genital herpes
 . During exacerbation of genital herpes, it can get on your hands and fingers after various medical procedures.

For the prevention of herpes simplex virus on the hands is very important to maintain good personal hygiene and wash hands thoroughly after the manipulation in the foci of infection.

It is also recommended to handle the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes is not by hand, and a cotton swab or special sticks.



Shingles on the skin of the hands begins with the appearance of unpleasant pain along the nerves. Then, in the same areas of skin appear redness and swelling of tissues, accompanied by burning and itching. After several hours on the surface of inflamed patches of skin appear groups of bubbles filled with clear content. Sometimes small bubbles merge together to form larger bubbles. This whole process is accompanied by severe pain along the nerves, burning and itching of the skin.

After a while, the bubbles burst, forming small ulcers - they can also merge, forming a rather large ulcerated surface. Such a process in the hands of often joins a bacterial infection, and inflammation becomes purulent. Sores are tightened with time, dry up and covered with a crust, which is usually after falling or remaining traces, or small spots, which will eventually pass.

Complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia - permanent or paroxysmal severe pain along the affected nerve.

In order to avoid this complication, it is necessary to start as early as possible to take anti-viral medications.

Cold sores on the hands caused by the herpes simplex virus is a particularly warriors. Cold sores on the hands appears in the place of introduction of the infection and a swollen and reddened skin with a circular or oval shape, which appears typical rash. Herpes fingernails often localized okolonogtevoy on the skin surface, where the typical elements also appear rash. And as the hands and fingers are constantly injured, dirty and so on, is threatened additional bacterial-fungal infection and inflammation in the transition eczema.

Herpes in the hands of a child is usually said to reduce immunity (for example, against the background of frequent colds, injuries, stress, the presence of foci of chronic infection, and so on)



Than to treat cold sores on the hand? Principles of the treatment of herpes on the hands is the same as in other areas of the body. If this is herpes zoster, make sure you are appointed antivirals for systemic effects - acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valtrex or Famvir in the form of tablets. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of such complications as postherpetic neuralgia. In addition, the prescribed means to strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   antivirals and outer - ointments, creams, solutions based on acyclovir.

Herpes simplex arms, if it does not extend over large areas of skin can be treated with creams or ointments with antiviral action.

Early treatment of herpes on the skin of the hands under the supervision of a physician is the prevention of complications of the infection.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Herpes Body

White spots on skin - What are the causes and how to treat?

October 12, 2014

 white spots on the skin
 Diskoloratsiya skin, because of which there are white or pale pink spots - a very common problem. Typically, white spots on the skin are not accompanied by pain, but they can cause itching, constant discomfort, and psychological problems related to human discontent own appearance.

Causes of white spots on the skin are very diverse.



White spots on the skin of the trunk and limbs may be a sign of a fairly common disease - vitiligo. In this disorder white spots occur due to the fact that the skin loses melanin - a pigment that is normally produced by cells called melanocytes. Diskoloratsiya caused by damage to melanocytes, and why this happens is still not known exactly. According to one of the most common and plausible theories of vitiligo - an autoimmune disorder, and the melanocytes are destroyed by the immune system of the patient. Furthermore, it is known that the susceptibility to the development of vitiligo is due to genetic factors.

In average, vitiligo some extent affected to 2% of the world population, even in different countries, the proportion of patients with this diagnosis may be different. The first signs of the disease usually appear early, between the first and third decades of life. White spots on the skin of a child is often a symptom of vitiligo; Other disorders associated with hypopigmentation of the skin, usually develop in older age.

Most often, vitiligo affects areas of the body that are most of the time not covered by clothing, and skin folds (eg armpits).

Its symptoms can also appear in areas where the skin has previously been damaged and around birthmarks Birthmarks: what do they say?  Birthmarks: what do they say?
 . Typically, pigment loss occurs rapidly, but occasionally occur more or less prolonged periods when the disease is not progressing. In some cases, the development of vitiligo really stops, but in many patients the disease progresses stages throughout life alternate with periods of calm.

The treatment of white spots on the skin in vitiligo takes a long time and does not always produce the expected result. Unfortunately, there are no drugs or operations that could be guaranteed to return the patient's skin vitiligo its normal color. Small white spots can be more or less effectively masked by a foundation, powders and concealers. In addition, the patient may be given a corticosteroid ointment that can be partially or fully restore skin pigmentation - especially if you start to use them at the earliest stages of the disease. In the treatment of vitiligo patients children usually applied ointment less concentrated than those for adult patients are assigned. The first results are visible not earlier than three months after the start of use of ointments.

Corticosteroid ointment are the easiest and safest treatment for vitiligo, but they are not so effective as, for example, photochemotherapy with psoralen. Using this method, the patient is taking psoralen in the form of tablets or ointment using this substance, but its skin is regularly exposed to ultraviolet A (UVA). Procedures are carried out in the clinic, where there is the necessary equipment, at regular intervals. By the procedures necessary to reduce skin exposure to ultraviolet radiation to a minimum. Under the influence of ultraviolet psoralen gradually gives vitiligo affected areas of the skin a darker color.

Psoralen ointment is usually prescribed to patients with small areas of hypopigmentation, and tablets - for those who have white spots cover more than 20% of the body surface. Fitohimioterapiya with psoralen - a lengthy and expensive procedure, which, moreover, can cause a number of serious side effects. Before you agree to such a treatment, the patient should undergo a thorough examination, and how to weigh the pros and cons of this method of treatment.

Depigmentation may be the best choice for people who have vitiligo struck more than 50% of the surface of the skin. Patients applied twice a day on the skin, which still pigment ointment hydroquinone or less, with other active substances. Treatment continues for as long as pigmented areas become much lighter, and skin tone is aligned. The skin of the patient after such treatment becomes very sensitive to sunlight, and he will always have to take measures to protect against UV.



Activators of this disease are fungal organisms Malassezia, which normally inhabit the human skin in small quantities. Under certain circumstances, they can start to multiply excessively active, resulting in a reddish-brown or dry white spots on the skin of the neck, abdomen, thighs and forearms. This disease is not contagious.

Chromophytosis Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   sometimes called solar fungus, since they often fall ill people who have come to rest in warm countries. In fact, exposure to bright sunlight here at anything; Malassezia is actively multiplies in hot and humid climates, but the light for it is not very important. This is facilitated by factors such as heavy sweating, oily skin Oily skin: Natural and artificial care  Oily skin: Natural and artificial care
 , Nutritional deficiencies, pregnancy, use of corticosteroids, and a weakened immune system.

For treatment of tinea versicolor used antifungal agents such as terbinafine, clotrimazole and miconazole.

In the affected areas of skin and can be applied to a shampoo containing selenium sulfide. Usually it is recommended to do before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 And rinse the shampoo in the morning. If symptoms of tinea versicolor are stored for two weeks after the start of use of the above funds, talk to a dermatologist.


Idiopathic guttate gipomelanoz

Characteristic features of the disease are small (with a diameter of two to five millimeters) white spots on the skin of the face, arms, shoulders and legs. In most cases, they are smooth, but sometimes the spots start to peel off. This disorder is most common among women and people with fair skin.

The word "idiopathic" in the name of the disease suggests that the precise reasons for its development are not known. However, experts suggest that idiopathic guttate gipomelanoz associated with the natural aging process, because it is most often diagnosed in people older than 40 years. Probably play a role, and hereditary factors, as is common in violation of blood relatives. For the treatment of this disease with corticosteroid ointments and tretinoin, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion cryotherapy.



There are several varieties of this disease; the appearance of white or pale pink spots on the skin causes pityriasis white. Typical symptoms of this disorder - white spots on the skin of hands, neck and face. New spots may be raised and reddish, but gradually they become flat and white. They are especially noticeable in the summer, when skin with normal pigmentation sunbathe. In winter, the white spots on the skin can peel off strongly. The causes of pityriasis unknown.

In the treatment of pityriasis white apply ointment containing a substance pimecrolimus, intense moisturizers, and toners. In the case of itching and inflammation ointments can be used at a lower concentration of steroids. Usually, skin pigmentation in patients with pityriasis bounces back over a period of several months to two or three years.

Article Tags:
  • skin problems
