Rosacea - local circulatory problems

September 24, 2009

  • Rosacea - local circulatory problems
  • Treatment

 Rosacea - it is a very common chronic and poorly understood until skin disease Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
 . From him there is no cure, but there are means to control the symptoms. Rosacea most commonly affects people with fair skin living in northern Europe. It is two times more common in women than men, but men takes place in a more severe form. Usually, the first symptoms of rosacea occur in people aged 30 to 50 years.

 Rosacea - local circulatory problems

Triggers of rosacea

Although the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, it found several triggers that can aggravate the symptoms. These include:

  • Exposure to sunlight;
  • Stress;
  • Cold weather;
  • Hot drinks;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea can be useful to control his symptoms.
  • Symptoms of rosacea
  • The most common symptoms of rosacea are:
  • Sudden reddening of the skin;
  • Permanent redness of the skin;
  • Papules (seal or nodules on the skin) and pustules (pustules);
  • Visible blood vessels in the skin;
  • Skin tightening;
  • Eye irritation.

Sudden reddening of the skin is usually the first sign of rosacea. Most often, the redness appears on the face, and sometimes spreads to the neck and chest; It may be accompanied by a sensation of heat in the affected areas of the skin. Typically, this symptom is stored for no longer than five minutes.

After some time, the patient may receive a permanent rosacea redness. At the same time it appears on the skin like burn red spots that do not go away over time.

Papules and pustules that appear on the skin in rosacea, Anke resemble, but the absence of black skin acne.

Notable in the rosacea Spider veins occur because of inflammation of small blood vessels on the skin surface. Because of this, the skin may look red and edematous.

Seal skin - relatively rare symptom of rosacea; it is more common in men than in women.

Eye irritation when rosacea can manifest as a sense of the presence of a foreign object or objects in the eyes, dry eyes, sensitivity to light (photophobia), redness of the whites of the eyes.

Significantly less frequently listed above may experience the following symptoms of rosacea Rosacea - undetermined  Rosacea - undetermined

  • Burning or tingling on the skin of the face;
  • The dry, hardened skin;
  • The raised red spots on the skin;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Inability to use cosmetics because of the increased sensitivity of the skin to it.
  • Even with very severe symptoms of rosacea, they rarely leave behind scars.

 Rosacea - local circulatory problems


  • Abnormalities in the structure and function of blood vessels

Many dermatologists suggest that disorders associated with blood vessels can be one of the factors that accompany the development of rosacea. This may explain the appearance of symptoms such as redness of the skin and the appearance of spider veins.

  • Demodex folliculorum

Demodex folliculorum - is a microscopic mite that can also cause the symptoms of rosacea. Usually these mites live on human skin, not harm him; in people with rosacea, their number exceeds the norm. However, it is unclear whether the active reproduction of mite cause or a consequence of rosacea.

  • Bacteria Helicobacter pylori

These bacteria, which live in the digestive system, is also a possible cause of utsperoza, although the connection between them has not yet been proved. Helicobacter pylori can stimulate the production of a protein called bradykinin, which is known for its property to cause dilation of blood vessels.

  • Genetics

Apparently, predisposition to disease rosacea is inherited. However, it is not known which genes are responsible for the inheritance of susceptibility.

Psoriasis on the face - a rare manifestation of the disease

January 4, 2014

 psoriasis on the face
 Psoriasis - a common chronic skin disease Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
 In which may be affected nails and joints. It is believed that this pathology changes are detected in the internal organs. The most common elements of a rash appear on the extensor surfaces of the legs and arms, in the lower back and scalp. Psoriasis on the face is rare.


The symptoms of psoriasis on the face

For the disease characterized by the appearance of small papules (solid nodules) red-pink color. These elements rash rise above the skin surface. Almost from the moment of formation of small papules covered by loose silvery white scales that are easy to fall off.

There are three major symptoms of the disease. It:

  • The phenomenon of stearin spot (if scrape papules, smooth, even-looking, the peeling force);
  • Phenomenon psoriatic film (after removing all the scales on further poskablivanii rash separated thin film);
  • The phenomenon of blood dew (if after the separation of the film continue poskablivat papules on the surface appears pinpoint bleeding).

Papules grow quickly and can reach the size of a coin. When merging adjacent papules appear larger elements of the rash - plaque. Most often localized in the last century, around the eyes, eyebrows and in the nasolabial folds. Sometimes, in the pathological process involved red border.

The nasolabial folds and nososchechnyh seborrheic psoriasis may occur Seborrheic psoriasis - correct diagnosis is important  Seborrheic psoriasis - correct diagnosis is important
 . Borders rash while not clearly expressed, and peeling has a yellowish tint.


Stages of the disease

There are three stages of psoriasis. Each of them has special features:

  • Progressive. There are new papules with a bright color, and the existing elements are increasing in size. In the center of the nodules noticeably peeling, and the edges you can see the redness - whisk growth. Fresh elements often appear on the ground scratching and minor damage. Papules occur even with a slight skin irritation, itching worried man;
  • Fixed. New papules do not appear, and old growth nodules stops. Their color becomes cyanotic, peeling decreases;
  • Regress. Around nodules appear whitish area. Papules gradually dissipate, starting from the center. Their color fades, disappears peeling.

For psoriasis is characterized by recurrent course, that is when the disease exacerbation of symptoms followed by periods of extinction. Status when no psoriatic plaques on the skin, called remission.


How to care for skin with psoriasis

For washing, you can only use special tools for skin hypersensitivity. A person can not wipe the towel to dry it is best to pat the skin with your fingertips.

For skin moisturizer will be useful, but in the winter time its application is mandatory. If there is a strong peeling, it can be applied to the face cloth soaked in warm salt solution. After the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly dried.

In spring and autumn, when the skin adverse effects of wind and rain, it is best to wear clothes with a hood. In summer, avoid direct sunlight, although moderate sunlight, on the contrary, will be useful.


How to treat psoriasis on the face

Plaques will disappear much more quickly if they have access to sunlight and air. You can use masking cosmetics, but it is not recommended to do it too often.

Treatment of psoriasis on the face should be complex. It includes diet, local and general therapy and physiotherapy.

A person should eat more vegetables, especially raw. It is also necessary to add to the diet of fruit, cereals, lean meat and fish, and dairy products. Alcohol, spices, nuts, citrus fruit, muffins, milk and sweets should be avoided.

Topical treatment is performed using ointments, creams and other external agents. The most frequently prescribed drugs such as:

  • Salicylic ointment - helps soften and rapid removal of skin flakes;
  • Naftalan ointment - used only in stationary and regressing stages. It reduces inflammation and itching;
  • Corticosteroids (eg, Elokim Lokoid). They reduce the severity of inflammation, and can only be used in short courses;
  • Medications that contain vitamin D (Calcipotriol). They also help to reduce inflammatory manifestations.

If these funds are not led to the desired result, then use the methods of physical therapy: ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) and PUVA therapy. The latter is a combination of UV radiation and the use of photosensitizers (substances that enhance the action of ultraviolet light). Because of PUVA therapy is hampered accelerated abnormal cell division.

Systemic therapy includes the use of tablets and injections. Most often prescribe:

  • Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) and acitretin, they are used in severe forms of psoriasis;
  • Cyclosporine, it is used in cases when other drugs do not help;
  • Methotrexate reduces the rate of cell division, thereby reducing flaking and inflammation. With his appointment often have side effects, and the drug is rarely used.

In order to reduce itching, appointed date antihistamines, such as cetirizine. Antibiotics are not usually used in the treatment of psoriasis Advances in the treatment of psoriasis  Advances in the treatment of psoriasis
 But they are used during infection of psoriatic elements of an eruption.

The disease over time can become resistant (resistant) to any particular type of therapy. To avoid this, it is recommended to periodically change the treatment. It will also reduce the likelihood of side effects of drugs.

Remission in psoriasis Psoriasis - immune system alarm  Psoriasis - immune system alarm
   sometimes spontaneous, but most often achieved with proper therapy. The choice of treatment, and control of it should be performed only by a dermatologist.

Alexander Chernov

Article Tags:
  • types of psoriasis
