Rosacea - local circulatory disorder - Treatment

September 24, 2009

  • Rosacea - local circulatory problems
  • Treatment


On the face (on the wings of the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin) have red itchy spots without clear boundaries. Small blood vessels dilate, lose their elasticity, are beginning to shine through the skin first and then acquire relief.

In addition, it appears on the skin spider veins - telangiectasia. The next step - wrinkled skin changes that can lead to the formation rhinophyma - pineal wine or nose, which is characterized by the growth of connective tissue, blood vessels and sebaceous glands.

 Treatment | Couperose - local circulatory problems


Rosacea is a very distinctive symptoms, so the diagnosis is usually straightforward. If necessary, a beautician can see the skin using a special microscope.

If you have rosacea is very important to find out what was the cause of the disease, it is necessary to fully examine the patient. Particular attention is paid to the identification of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and hormonal changes.

 Treatment | Couperose - local circulatory problems


When rosacea sure we treat the underlying disease that caused the changes in the skin. In addition, a strengthening the walls of blood vessels, restoring blood flow in the capillaries. To restore metabolic processes is assigned a complex of B vitamins and vitamins C, E and K, which help to strengthen the vascular wall.

It is also recommended to exclude from the daily diet of spicy, fried, fatty and salty foods, pickles, chocolate, citrus fruits, raisins.

External treatment begins with a deep cleansing of the skin using gentle methods. Training is needed in order to facilitate the penetration of essential drugs inside. Thereafter, applied to the skin creams and oils containing vitamins, micronutrients (e.g., zinc), nutrients.

Skin affected by rosacea, must be protected from external influences, putting on skin with rosacea special protective cream (for example, a fatty cream with peanut butter). Before going out, you can make a special protective mask of a mixture of two parts of Vaseline Vaseline: old friend  Vaseline: old friend
 One portion of the vegetable oil, starch and part ½ ½ parts of talc.

Traditional medicine recommends to treat rosacea as follows: take three parts of crushed chalk, one part water and one part glycerine Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
 , Mix and cook the ointment to smear within 10 days. You can also make masks out of mashed banana pulp Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   - It nourishes and protects the skin with rosacea.

To remove the dilated capillaries is used by electrocoagulation, the vessels are removed by means of an electric current is supplied through a fine needle. Vasodilation and removed with a laser.

 Treatment | Couperose - local circulatory problems

How to prevent the appearance of rosacea

Skin prone to couperose, requires special care. In addition, the need to comply with certain conditions:

  • avoid sharp and hot meals, alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea and chocolate - they can cause the phenomenon of rosacea;
  • spring must take vmtaminno and minerals;
  • Do not use cleaning facial scrubs - they injure thin tender skin;
  • take care of the skin of the face: do not stretch, do not rub rough towel;
  • be sure to apply sunscreen, especially in summer; reduce the length of stay in the sun;
  • use special creams for sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
  • Do not overheat the skin - procedures such as bath and sauna are contraindicated.

  Galina Romanenko

Skinoren - an effective acne treatment - How does

November 11th, 2010

  • Skinoren - an effective acne treatment
  • How does

How does skinoren

Skinoren (INN - azelaic acid) - a drug designed to improve the metabolic processes in the skin. Available skinoren pharmaceutical company Schering SpA in the form of cream and gel.

Under the influence of the skin restored skinorena proper metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Reduced the processes of keratinization and exfoliation of the surface layers of the skin. These processes in adolescence is particularly active in the field of flow of the sebaceous glands, scoring their ducts. Closing ducts promotes the formation of blackheads (comedones) and reproduction inside closed duct infection (abscesses). The mechanism of action skinorena based on the fact that it inhibits the formation of proteins in skin cells, hair follicles, and this in turn slows actinic and premature peeling of cells and contributes to changing the chemical composition of sebum, making it less viscous (in sebum decreases the amount of free acids ).

Skinoren and has an antibacterial effect, destroying pathogens of purulent infections on the skin and inside the sebaceous glands. Under the action skinorena also reduced inflammation and suppresses the growth of cells containing the brown skin pigment melanin (by abnormalities in cells of DNA synthesis).

Skinoren has only local effects on the skin and it does not penetrate into the deeper layers and hardly absorbed into the bloodstream. A very small part of skinorena, ranked yet in the blood, appears unchanged in the urine.

 How does | Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

Indications and contraindications for use skinorena

Application skinorena shown:

  • when ordinary acne, arising on a background of hormonal changes of the body; skinoren particularly effective in the reduction step skin condition after treatment of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
  • the presence on the skin of blackheads (comedones);
  • when a surface of pigmented spots on the skin, is also a consequence of hormonal changes (for example, chloasma, occurred against a background of pregnancy - but only after delivery);
  • during peeling to prevent the formation of pustules on the skin (hitting her infection).

Contraindications skinoren if there are hypersensitive to this drug and pregnancy (especially in the first three months, when there is a bookmark of the embryo tissue).

 How does | Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

Dosing skinorena

When treating acne skinorenom keep in mind that this tool, which acts slowly because of changes in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   it takes time. Therefore, the effect will be visible only after at least four weeks of use. A better use it for 2-3 months. In the application for the treatment of pigmentation skinorena effect will be visible only after 2-3 months of use as it will need a few more months while before going out the skin must be covered with sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   (this prevents the emergence of new age spots).

Cream skinoren usually applied in a thin layer on the skin in places where acne twice a day and gently rubbed. It is advisable to do it regularly - this is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness of the drug. Before applying the cream skin should be cleaned by washing or cleaning of any cosmetic procedure. Cream skinoren applies only to clean and dry skin.

Cosmetic industry is available as a gel skinoren (it does not contain alcohol and fat) that is often used as the basis for applying makeup. This skinoren quickly penetrates the skin and provides it the necessary effect without causing excessive dryness of the skin and greasy.

 How does | Skinoren - an effective acne treatment

Side effects that may occur when using skinorena

Adverse events most often occur due to incorrect application of cream or gel: overlaying it with a thick layer or increase the multiplicity of use. This skin can be signs of irritation: redness, swelling, peeling, itching and burning concerned. Immediately cancel the drug in such cases it is not necessary, you just need to apply it correctly, in accordance with the instructions. But if the irritation still continues to grow it speaks of individual intolerance skinorena, in this case it is better not to use.

Very rarely during treatment skinorenom appear allergic reactions in the form of various skin rashes.

When treating skinorenom need to fear his contact with the eyes and open wounds (eg scratches) - in this case, the cream should be washed off with plenty of water.

Skinoren is the most widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Galina Romanenko

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  • skinoren
