Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health - High

September 10, 2013

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 high blood sugar

High blood sugar

Elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) that is not associated with food intake, and the appearance of sugar in the urine is observed in a number of pathological conditions. Elevated blood sugar occurs as in diseases associated with the pathology of the pancreas (islet hyperglycemia when they glucose is not absorbed by the fabric), and other diseases (ekstrainsulyarnye hyperglycemia) - nutritional (by eating a large amount of carbohydrate) arise involving the central nervous system, increased secretion of several hormones (for example, glucocorticoid hormones, which are produced in the adrenal cortex), with some liver diseases and others.

With an increase in the blood sugar level to 10-11 mmol / l it appears in the urine. The normal urine sugar is in small amounts and using conventional laboratory studies have been determined. The indicator of blood sugar, in which sugar appears in the urine is called threshold. And since each gram of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
 Which is excreted in the urine, removes about 15 ml of fluid, the patient is constantly thirsty. If it does not make up for the loss of fluid, it quickly become dehydrated and with it irreversible damage to the body.

The threshold level of sugar in the blood of different people can be different. In middle-aged adults it is higher in children, pregnant women and the elderly - below. Diabetics must know your threshold level of blood sugar and prevent its excess. Otherwise, they will lose the urine cells in the body need glucose. These make up the loss with the help of food can not be - the cell will still be hungry. Only lowering blood sugar Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems  Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems
   below the threshold will lead to preservation because the body needs energy. The patient immediately feels a burst of energy and efficiency.

High levels of blood sugar and urinary sugar excretion indicate that organs and tissues it loses.

This is also developing symptoms - weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance, and so on. The high content of glucose in the blood is accompanied by a drastic shortage of it in the tissue cells - glucose is not absorbed by them due to lack of insulin (insulin in the Type I diabetes) or because of insensitivity to insulin (insulin-dependent type II diabetes). From lack of energetic material affects all organs and tissues, but it is especially hard impact on the nervous system, blood vessels, eyes and kidneys.

 High | Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

How to determine your threshold

Define a threshold level of blood sugar in the following way. It should empty the bladder, to determine the blood sugar level, and after 30 minutes, - the level of sugar in the urine. All this should be written in the form of a table, a study conducted a few times at different times, while adhering to a thirty-minute break between taking in the blood and urine tests.

After that, the analysis of the results. For example, when the blood sugar level 11 mmol / l of sugar level in urine is 1%. This indicates that the threshold is exceeded. The following study showed the blood sugar levels of 10, 4 mmol / l, no sugar in the urine, i.e. the blood sugar level below the threshold. A third study showed the blood sugar levels of 10, 8 mmol / L, and in urine - trace. Hence, the threshold level of the blood sugar is 10 6 - 10 8 mmol / l. The object of correction in this case will prevent the excess of glucose in the blood.

At a high level of sugar in blood cells of organs and tissues are starving, so the person feels constant hunger, eat a lot, but at the same time lose weight. Lust leads to the fact that the patient drinks a lot of liquid, which is eliminated via the kidneys, and with it the output needed by the body mineral salts and other substances the body needs. This leads to the development of general weakness, fatigue, decreased performance.

Unfortunately, increased blood sugar, patients often do not feel.

Long-term increase in this indicator is fraught with numerous complications in the internal organs. That is why it is so important to timely detect elevated levels of blood sugar and adjust its content using a variety of drugs. Patients who maintained this way the blood sugar, complications develop.

Patients with type I diabetes regulate blood sugar level using insulin with type II - with diet, moderate physical activity, and if necessary (if it is not sufficient), the pills that reduce blood sugar.

Great value with high blood sugar is overweight. It was found that patients with obesity-related complications with high blood sugar Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live  Increased blood sugar - with the need to learn to live
 It develops much faster and more frequently than in patients with normal weight. Therefore, weight correction and correction of blood sugar must be carried out simultaneously. By reducing the weight of cells was freed from excess fat inclusions, resulting in restored their sensitivity to insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives

Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health - Low

September 10, 2013

  • Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
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 Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar levels in people suffering from various diseases

Low blood sugar levels (below 3, 3 mmol / l) is hypoglycemia. But some effects of hypoglycemia develop at lower or higher rates. Most often it develops hypoglycemia in diabetic patients with an overdose of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   or high physical activity (they lead to a reduction in blood sugar and therefore for the patient's usual insulin dose may be too high). Diabetics are able to cope with such a state - they always carry with them something sweet.

People who do not have diabetes, low blood sugar may occur in benign tumors of the pancreas, the cells which secrete additional insulin. It may cause hypoglycemia as a lack of adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids), severe hepatic dysfunction, abuse of alcohol.

Hypoglycemia manifested primarily by disorders in the brain (brain cells can not exist without receiving energy). There are severe weakness, cold sweats, palpitations, blackouts, loss of consciousness. Hypoglycemia can develop very quickly go into hypoglycemic coma and cause death of the patient.

Patients who for a long time had an increased blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 Sometimes develops relative hypoglycemia or false.

The level of sugar in the blood may exceed the normal. But it does not exceed the threshold level at which the sugar is excreted in urine. Patients thus feel weakness, sweating, trembling of the limbs - that is, all the signs of hypoglycemia. This happens because the body gets used to the consistently high levels of sugar in the blood and decrease the risk reacts as hypoglycemia.

When false hypoglycemia immediately take sweets is not necessary, as the level of sugar in the blood and so elevated. In this case, an urgent need to determine the level of blood sugar. If it is higher than normal, it is not necessary to do anything, if lower, to eat something sweet. If the blood sugar investigate currently impossible, in order to avoid hypoglycemic coma should still eat something sweet.

 Low | Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health

The low level of sugar in healthy humans

The fall in blood sugar levels may occasionally occur in healthy people. Most often it is associated with malnutrition, extreme diets, long breaks in food intake. For example, a variety of extreme weight loss diet is recommended to take three times a day is very small volumes of low-calorie food. As a result, after a few hours in blood glucose reserves end. If the diet lasts long enough, and depleted reserves of glycogen in the liver, which leads to symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Stocks of glucose and glycogen are depleted and the frequent split meals if calorie intake is very low. Missing calories in this case will need to fill in using products with a low glycemic index (meat, fish, dairy).

Sometimes, low blood sugar occurs at high physical loads, when there is an intensive use of glucose by cells of the body. Anyone who is seriously involved in sports knows that in order to prevent attacks of weakness, sweating and shaking limbs need to eat carbohydrates before and after exercise. To do this, issue special sports nutrition. And you can just eat porridge or a dish of vegetables.

Attacks of hypoglycemia may also occur in those who abuse in carbohydrate - and baking sweets.

Upon receipt of such products in the blood sugar rises sharply, it stimulates the secretion and release into the blood of large amounts of insulin. Insulin leads to a rapid decrease in blood sugar and symptoms of hypoglycemia. Frequent use of large amounts of sweets can lead to dysfunction of the endocrine pancreas and the development of diabetes.

Very bad as the frequent use of soft drinks and alcohol. Carbonated beverages contribute very rapid absorption of sugar in the blood, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly, also increasing the blood sugar. This can cause symptoms of hypoglycemia. Regular stimulation of insulin secretion, leading to a gradual reduction of pancreatic function and the development of diabetes.

In order to avoid hypoglycemic episodes, you should adhere to the principles of healthy eating Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating  Healthy eating - do not limit yourself to eating
 : Use an unlimited amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil, some limit the intake of low-fat meat, fish and dairy products; eliminate fatty foods of animal origin, sweets and pastry, alcoholic drinks.

Especially useful for vegetables, cereals (except semolina) - they contain complex carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed into the blood for a long time a source of energy. Against the background of the reception there is no sudden changes in blood sugar and therefore does not show signs of hypoglycemia Lowered blood sugar - hypoglycemia signs  Lowered blood sugar - hypoglycemia signs
 . If you still have to use of alcohol, it is best to use them in conjunction with products that include sophisticated ("slow") carbohydrates: alcohol quickly increase blood sugar and complex carbohydrates will keep it for a long time, preventing hypoglycemia.

Meals should be frequent and fractional (small portions). Considered ideal eating 6 times per day. But sometimes this is not possible, then you can eat or 4 times.

It is not necessary to use large amounts of coffee, strong tea and smoking, as contained in coffee and tea caffeine stimulates insulin secretion, and nicotine adversely affects the neurohumoral processes regulating blood sugar levels. Help normalize blood sugar foods rich in essential fatty acids omega-3 group - oily sea fish (salmon, tuna), flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), etc. Regulate blood sugar and seafood, nuts, hard cheeses.

Heavy physical activities (eg, sports) require prior "refueling": it is best to eat in front of the loads of cereal or vegetable stew.
