Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes

June 6, 2010

  • Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes
  • How is

 Basedow's disease
 Diffuse goiter, or Graves' disease - is one of the most common diseases of the thyroid gland. It was first described by Sir Robert Graves in the 19th century. Diffuse goiter is one of the main causes of hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
 . It is quite easy to treat; sometimes after several months of treatment coming years if long-term remission. Without treatment, however, Basedow's disease can lead to serious complications and even death.

 Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes


The hormones produced by the thyroid gland, control the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Which is directly related to the amount of hormones circulating in the bloodstream. If, for any reason, the thyroid gland produces too much hormone, the metabolic processes start to be implemented very quickly, and there are symptoms such as sweating, tremor, and sometimes - irritability, nervousness.

Normally, the thyroid gland receives "orders for" his hormones from the thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is produced in the pituitary gland. In diffuse goiter abnormal immune system produces antibodies that mimic a TSG. As a result, the thyroid hormones begins to produce more than necessary.

It is not known the reason why the immune system starts to produce these antibodies. Heredity and some other features increases the risk of diffuse goiter.

 Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes


In diffuse goiter may experience the following symptoms:

  • Weight loss despite a strong appetite;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Increased sensitivity to high temperatures;
  • Increased intestinal motility;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Tremor;
  • The appearance of goiter (enlarged thyroid gland causing swelling at the base of the neck);
  • Menstrual irregularities, sometimes - the complete absence of menstruation for several months.

 Diffuse goiter - pay attention to the eyes


The main objective of the treatment of patients with diffuse goiter is the normalization of thyroid hormone levels Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   and relief of symptoms.

One of the most common agents for the treatment of diffuse goiter is radioactive iodine. The amount of iodine required for the treatment depends on the size of the thyroid - is determined by means of ultrasound, as well as its level of activity.

In the first stage of treatment the patient is given a capsule or liquid containing radioactive iodine. Regardless of the form in which you accept, radioactive iodine should not cause any unusual sensations, getting into the body.

Most of the iodine collects in the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 Residue derived substances in the urine. For about a week is recommended to drink a few glasses of water more than usual to radioactive iodine, do not fall into the thyroid gland, quickly washed away from the body. Some experts recommend that during this time to limit their contact with children and pregnant women.

Typically, the patient did not notice any substantial change being after administration of radioactive iodine. If there is a burning sensation or minor discomfort, symptoms can be removed using paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin and other non-prescription pain relievers.

Over the next few months, production of thyroid hormones will gradually decrease. During this time, the patient should be screened several times, so that the doctor can assess the success of treatment.

Often as a result of such treatment of diffuse goiter develops hypothyroidism. In this case, the patient throughout their lives will have to take medication, thyroid hormone replacement.

Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification

July 29, 2007

  • Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification
  • What are

 diseases of the endocrine system
 The endocrine system consists of a network of organs and glands that are responsible for the production, storage and secretion of hormones that help to control these vital functions, such as growth, regeneration, and energy levels. There are many diseases that develop as a result of failures in this complex system. According to experts, only there are about six thousand of diseases of the endocrine system.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification


One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes - a disorder in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body can not effectively use the insulin produced. Since insulin is needed for the processing of sugar and starch into energy, in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, diabetes can have serious consequences.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification


Since the endocrine system controls the growth process, failures in its operation can cause dysplasia. If the body produces too much growth hormone can develop gigantism or acromegaly. The lack of growth hormone leads to slower growth.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification


Osteoporosis - a disorder that causes brittle bones, because of which increases the likelihood of fracture. Osteoporosis is four times more common in women than in men. The development of this disease can be the result of exposure to a number of factors, including a decrease in the hormone estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 That occurs during menopause in women or reduce testosterone in men as they age. Since osteoporosis is often not cause any obvious symptoms, it is usually diagnosed only after a person gets to the hospital with fractures resulting from minor trauma.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - another very common disease of the endocrine system, which affects 7-10% of women aged 15 to 45 years. This disorder causes symptoms such as rare and / or irregular menstruation, excessive hair growth on the body (associated with elevated levels of male hormones), acne and difficulty conceiving. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is associated with an increased risk of metabolic complications such as diabetes and hypertension.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification

Thyroid disease

Hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, affect virtually every organ, so the thyroid disease Thyroid disease - women at risk  Thyroid disease - women at risk
   effects on the whole organism. Such diseases include hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid activity), thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer Thyroid cancer: it is curable  Thyroid cancer: it is curable
 , and others.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification

Cushing's syndrome

Cushing's syndrome - is much less common disorder of the endocrine system, which is the result of prolonged excess of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol - a hormone which normally contributes to the implementation of many important body functions. In excess, however, it leads to a disease whose symptoms include weight gain, muscle weakness, loss of muscle mass, decreased libido, depression, disturbance of clear thinking, and so on.

 Diseases of the endocrine system - extensive classification

Addison's disease

Addison's disease - one of the rare diseases of the endocrine system, which occurs in less than one hundred people in a million. Also called primary adrenal insufficiency, Addison's disease occurs when the adrenal glands produce too little steroid hormones, in spite of a sufficient level of adrenocorticotropic hormone, which triggers the secretion of steroids. Steroid hormones perform many important tasks, in particular, help the body fight infections and stress, control blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   and maintain a normal level of sexual desire. Deficiency of steroids in Addison's disease causes symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite (this may appear a strong craving for salty foods), pain in muscles and joints, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, and so on) , low blood pressure.
