Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency - Diagnosis and treatment

June 9, 2013

  • Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency
  • What's happening
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism thyroid

Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism thyroid

For the diagnosis of hypothyroidism is necessary to conduct a blood test for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine. High levels of TSH and low levels of thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   It suggests that the activity of the thyroid gland is reduced. Normal levels of thyroxine at a slightly elevated level of TSH indicates that the patient has a risk of hypothyroidism in the future. In this case, your doctor may recommend to take another blood test some time later.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

Even if the tests yield mixed results, your doctor may refer you to an endocrinologist if:

  • You are younger than 16 years;
  • You are pregnant or plan to become pregnant in the near future;
  • Have you recently had a baby;
  • Do you have other diseases, such as heart disease;
  • You are taking amiodarone or lithium.

For the treatment of hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism - Treatment: Replacement Therapy  Hypothyroidism - Treatment: Replacement Therapy
   generally recommended hormone replacement therapy with the drug called levothyroxine. The dose is prescribed based on the results of a blood test on TTG.

Often, treatment is initiated with smaller doses of levothyroxine and, if necessary, the dose will be gradually increased. Until it is determined the optimal dose of levothyroxine, the patient must regularly donate blood for analysis, to assess the body's response to the drug. After the doctor will determine the appropriate dose would be enough to do a blood test once a year to monitor changes in the level of TSH.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

If the patient has mild symptoms

If the blood test shows a high level of TSH, but the patient does not have any signs of hypothyroidism, treatment may not be necessary. Usually, the doctor prescribes regular examinations (every few months) and, if symptoms appear, the patient will be assigned levothyroxine.

Some patients notice an improvement soon after starting to take levothyroxine; others begin to feel better a few months later. Hypothyroidism can not be cured completely, so the patient will have to take levothyroxine for life.

Levothyroxine usually does not cause any side effects, since it only replaces the missing hormone.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

Complications Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism rarely leads to the development of complications; This usually occurs in cases where the patient does not receive adequate treatment. Complications of the disease may include:

  • Deficiency of vitamin B12;
  • Vitiligo;
  • Renal insufficiency;
  • Premature ovarian failure or early menopause;
  • Goiter;
  • Heart diseases.

In very rare cases, severe hypothyroidism can cause a debilitating, life-threatening complications such as myxedema coma. It may be the forerunners of the following symptoms:

  • Low body temperature;
  • Shallow breathing;
  • Lower blood pressure;
  • Lowered blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
  • Immune to external stimuli.

 Diagnosis and treatment | Hypothyroidism thyroid insufficiency

Scientists have found a link between hypothyroidism and diabetes

In one of the new studies found an association between type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of hypothyroidism. Based on the results of the study in patients with type 2 diabetes were encouraged to undergo regular tests to evaluate the performance of the thyroid gland.

The study involved 1848 adults with type 2 diabetes and 3,313 adults who do not have the disease. It turned out that the first group of hypothyroidism occurs in 5.7% persons, and in the control group - only 1, 8%.

Previously it was thought that such a relationship exists only between hypothyroidism and type 1 diabetes. Today, patients with both forms of diabetes are advised from time to time to check the thyroid gland to detect in the early stages of the disease, leading to disruption of its work and the accompanying unpleasant consequences. It is believed that in general, in patients with type 2 diabetes hypothyroidism develops in 10-31% of patients, in most cases - subclinical hypothyroidism Subclinical hypothyroidism: to identify symptoms  Subclinical hypothyroidism: to identify symptoms

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hyperthyroidism

How to lose weight in diabetes - Diet

February 16, 2012

  • How to lose weight in diabetes
  • Diet
  • Weight control

Particular attention - on carbohydrates

In diabetes it is advisable to examine all available information about carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates have a strong impact on blood sugar levels, because at the initial stage of digestion carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. Eating complex carbohydrates (whole-grain bread and vegetables, for example) is very good for health as they enter the bloodstream more slowly, thus reducing the risk of sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

The worst option for the diet - sliced ​​white bread. Solid white bread - is the preferred option. Even better add some peanut oil.

Simple significant reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet - the most common dietary practice - can be dangerous. When the body lacks carbohydrates for energy production, the metabolism changes and begins ketosis -izbytochnoe accumulation of ketone bodies. Instead of carbohydrates the body burns fat. This reduces the appetite and the amount of food intake, but prolonged ketosis may cause health problems.

Ketosis prevents delivery of oxygen to the tissues of the body, resulting in increased load on the eyes, kidneys, heart and liver. Therefore, the low-carb Atkins diet high in protein is unsafe for patients with diabetes. Diabetics need to take a more balanced diet, their body is getting enough essential nutrients without the risk of accumulation of ketone bodies.

 Diet | How to lose weight in diabetes

The difficulties of dieting for weight loss for patients with diabetes

The process of weight loss is quite complicated for anyone. For people who injected insulin to lose weight even more difficult because they have to have every time in their blood sugar level drops. And when the patient needs to reduce the number of daily calories consumed as well as to reduce the dose of medicines taken and if there is to raise blood sugar levels, the task is particularly difficult.

In fact, both low and high blood sugar High blood sugar  High blood sugar
   - Are two big problems with diabetes.

The reduced blood glucose (hypoglycemia) occurs when insulin levels exceeding the body's need it. In the early stages of low blood sugar Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
   It leads to confusion, tremors and dizziness. In the later stages of this condition it is very dangerous and can lead to loss of consciousness and even coma.

Typically, for slimming sugar level is lowered, because a reduction in caloric intake and weight loss in themselves affect the blood glucose level. If you do not reduce the dose of insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
   or other drugs in accordance with the changing levels of glucose, there is a risk of increased blood sugar levels.

Elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) occurs when the insulin level in the body decreases, and blood sugar rises significantly above normal. This happens when people who take insulin or other medicines that lower blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 It does not follow the instructions for dosage of drugs or dieting.
