Toxic thyroid adenoma - a benign tumor, autonomous units (or one unit) which actively produce thyroid hormones, thus inhibiting the hormonal activity of the rest of the breast tissue. The disease requires a thorough examination, as its manifestations may be similar to symptoms of other diseases of the thyroid gland.
How is toxic thyroid adenoma
Toxic adenomas - benign tumors synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones, often formed when a long-term nodular goiter, which until then had been hormonally neutral.
Toxic adenoma peculiarity is that it produces mostly thyroid hormone Fast - triiodothyronine (T4), whereas hyperthyroidism often elevated in the blood content of thyroxine
Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
(T4). Another feature of toxic adenoma is that it operates autonomously, independently from operation of the remaining breast tissue. But as this blood appears a large number of thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
, Suppressed the activity of the pituitary hormone - decreases the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), regulating the secretion of thyroid hormones.
Low levels of TSH in the blood causes a decrease of hormonal activity of normal thyroid tissue. Therefore, after surgical removal of toxic adenoma patients often develop hypothyroidism.
When palpation of the thyroid gland is determined by painless round or oval formation with sharp contours shifted in swallowing. Nearby lymph nodes are usually not enlarged.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism develops slowly. Sometimes, an adenoma, which previously did not disturb the patient suddenly starts to produce thyroid hormones. At the same time the patient has a first irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Tearfulness, mood variability. Then join a violation on the part of the autonomic nervous system innervating blood vessels and internal organs. This constant palpitation (maintained even at night, during sleep), cardiac arrhythmias (usually begin with a single "extra" shock - extrasystole and end severe violations, such as atrial fibrillation), increased blood pressure.
Then can appear abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Nausea and diarrhea, abnormal liver function, increase the temperature to subfebrile, heat intolerance. Increased appetite If the patient has been losing weight.
The flow of toxic adenoma can be compensated and decompensated. When compensated within the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are expressed not so much, it does not inhibit the production of thyroid stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland and the normal thyroid tissue saved hormonal activity.
Decompensated course of the disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of hyperthyroidism, a decrease in blood levels of TSH and normal hormonal activity of thyroid tissue.
The diagnosis is made by examination of the doctor (detected node), ultrasound (confirmed by the availability of education in the thyroid gland, clarifies its localization), blood tests for thyroid hormones (increase in the blood levels of T3, a normal or slightly increased amounts of T4, decreased TSH) .
Patients also performed needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) of the thyroid gland, in which the ultrasonic beam under the control of host cells are taken for analysis in cytology laboratories. This study determines the nature of the tumor.
Finally, the survey is conducted with the help of thyroid radioisotope iodine - scintigraphy. This is a very important study, because it helps to distinguish functioning adenoma ("hot sites") on a non-functioning ('cold nodes ").
How to treat toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland
Treatment of toxic adenoma operative - depending on the elastase derived patient adenoma magnitude and extent of its activity is carried subtotal (partial) or total (complete) removal of the prostate. The operation is performed after a preliminary medical suppress the activity of nodes using antithyroid drugs.
After removal of the thyroid patients received hormone replacement therapy, which he will get life.
Toxic thyroid adenoma should be promptly detected and treated.
Galina Romanenko