Toxic thyroid adenoma - always accompanied by signs of hyperthyroidism

February 20, 2013

 toxic thyroid adenoma
 Toxic thyroid adenoma - a benign tumor, autonomous units (or one unit) which actively produce thyroid hormones, thus inhibiting the hormonal activity of the rest of the breast tissue. The disease requires a thorough examination, as its manifestations may be similar to symptoms of other diseases of the thyroid gland.

 Toxic thyroid adenoma - always accompanied by signs of hyperthyroidism

How is toxic thyroid adenoma

Toxic adenomas - benign tumors synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones, often formed when a long-term nodular goiter, which until then had been hormonally neutral.

Toxic adenoma peculiarity is that it produces mostly thyroid hormone Fast - triiodothyronine (T4), whereas hyperthyroidism often elevated in the blood content of thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   (T4). Another feature of toxic adenoma is that it operates autonomously, independently from operation of the remaining breast tissue. But as this blood appears a large number of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 , Suppressed the activity of the pituitary hormone - decreases the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), regulating the secretion of thyroid hormones.

Low levels of TSH in the blood causes a decrease of hormonal activity of normal thyroid tissue. Therefore, after surgical removal of toxic adenoma patients often develop hypothyroidism.

 Toxic thyroid adenoma - always accompanied by signs of hyperthyroidism


When palpation of the thyroid gland is determined by painless round or oval formation with sharp contours shifted in swallowing. Nearby lymph nodes are usually not enlarged.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism develops slowly. Sometimes, an adenoma, which previously did not disturb the patient suddenly starts to produce thyroid hormones. At the same time the patient has a first irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Tearfulness, mood variability. Then join a violation on the part of the autonomic nervous system innervating blood vessels and internal organs. This constant palpitation (maintained even at night, during sleep), cardiac arrhythmias (usually begin with a single "extra" shock - extrasystole and end severe violations, such as atrial fibrillation), increased blood pressure.

Then can appear abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Nausea and diarrhea, abnormal liver function, increase the temperature to subfebrile, heat intolerance. Increased appetite If the patient has been losing weight.

The flow of toxic adenoma can be compensated and decompensated. When compensated within the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are expressed not so much, it does not inhibit the production of thyroid stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland and the normal thyroid tissue saved hormonal activity.

Decompensated course of the disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of hyperthyroidism, a decrease in blood levels of TSH and normal hormonal activity of thyroid tissue.

 Toxic thyroid adenoma - always accompanied by signs of hyperthyroidism


The diagnosis is made by examination of the doctor (detected node), ultrasound (confirmed by the availability of education in the thyroid gland, clarifies its localization), blood tests for thyroid hormones (increase in the blood levels of T3, a normal or slightly increased amounts of T4, decreased TSH) .

Patients also performed needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) of the thyroid gland, in which the ultrasonic beam under the control of host cells are taken for analysis in cytology laboratories. This study determines the nature of the tumor.

Finally, the survey is conducted with the help of thyroid radioisotope iodine - scintigraphy. This is a very important study, because it helps to distinguish functioning adenoma ("hot sites") on a non-functioning ('cold nodes ").

 Toxic thyroid adenoma - always accompanied by signs of hyperthyroidism

How to treat toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland

Treatment of toxic adenoma operative - depending on the elastase derived patient adenoma magnitude and extent of its activity is carried subtotal (partial) or total (complete) removal of the prostate. The operation is performed after a preliminary medical suppress the activity of nodes using antithyroid drugs.

After removal of the thyroid patients received hormone replacement therapy, which he will get life.

Toxic thyroid adenoma should be promptly detected and treated.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • thyroid adenoma

Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease

March 9, 2013

 thyroid enlargement
 The thyroid gland is small, but its significance is important in the human body. It provides a normal functional status of most body systems. The increase in thyroid (or hyperplasia) are found in various thyroid diseases, so only a full clinical and laboratory tests to study the hormonal profile reveals the cause of the disease.

 Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease

Changing the size of the gland with goiter

One of the most common diseases, where the gland increases in size, a goiter (or Basedow goiter, Graves' disease). Mainly women suffer from this disease in the age group from 20 years to 50 years. It is proved that the increase in cancer is an autoimmune process, genetically determined. It is often possible to observe familial cases of goiter, while among the relatives of patients have a high incidence of various autoimmune diseases. It is due to immune processes, cancer is increased in size due to the stimulating effect on the cells that causes their hyperactivity and ultimately hypertrophy. Previously it was thought that the cause of hyperplasia and hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
   It is a violation of the production of the pituitary hormone TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). But this version was later refuted by the researchers, since the level of pituitary hormone goiter does not change, it may be even reduced.

Prostate hyperplasia occurs when the crop in abnormal levels of thyroid hormones, which are produced in excess. Elevated levels of hormones affects various organs and systems that the clinical picture of the disease will manifest variety of symptoms. There are several degrees of increase in cancer:

  • at the first level of iron is not visible to the eye, it can be felt by palpation only Isthmus
  • during swallowing can be seen enlarged prostate size, when viewed from a well-defined proportion of cancer
  • changes in cancer at a given degree of symptom called "thick necks"
  • by increasing the cancer changes the configuration of the neck
  • pronounced goiter large

On the basis of examination of the patient and determining the degree of hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
   cancer physician can determine how to choose a further treatment tactics which can not only be conserved but also operational for large scale crop.

 Increase in thyroid - that underlies the disease

Treatment options

A number of therapeutic techniques that are effectively used in practice for the treatment of prostate hyperplasia. They can be divided into conservative and operative methods. For each of the treatments have severe medical conditions that determined by the severity of the disease, the size of an enlarged prostate, the presence of comorbidities of the patient and other indications. In the first place there are methods of conservative therapy that include prescriptions for the purpose of blocking the synthesis of thyroid hormones. These drugs are Mercazolilum, methylthiouracil. Group thyreostatics affects not only the synthesis of hormones, but also affects the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   generally .  Appoint Mercazolilum can be in any severity of the disease .  To be an effective course of therapy there is a limit - an increase in cancer to the third degree .  With a significant increase in cancer should be appointed for the purpose tireostatiki preoperative preparation before surgery .  Merkazolila dose depending on the severity of the disease can be from 20 mg to 40 mg per day .  Thyreostatics therapy may be associated with serious complications, so it is important to carry out a dynamic medical supervision while receiving merkazolila .  Complications may be of allergic character may develop drug-induced hypothyroidism .  In some cases, it may develop agranulocytosis .  The earliest clinical sign of its development will be the appearance of complaints of discomfort or pain in the throat .  This complaint can not be ignored .  In order to timely prevent complications, patients should regularly donate blood General clinical tests, which will be revealed changes in leukocyte formula .

The large size of the crop when increased iron for its size compresses the neighboring organs, moves them, it is necessary to conduct surgery .  It may happen the offset of the esophagus, trachea, main vessels, the major nerve plexus, so in this situation is shown only operation .  Surgical treatment should also be encouraged if the state of hyperthyroidism gland hyperplasia complicated by the development rhythm disorders (various violations of up to atrial fibrillation) and in the absence of state compensation in patients receiving drugs .  A prerequisite before surgery is the preliminary preparation with the help of medication thyreostatics to be combined with corticosteroids .  There are cases of individual intolerance thyreostatics, against their admission may develop an allergic reaction, so you can take advantage of preoperative preparation in case of corticosteroid .  The volume of operations with diffuse increase in cancer of the prostate holding subtotal resection .  If the patient has been prepared with the help of drugs for surgery, the operation is carried out in compliance with all parts of surgery, the postoperative period will proceed favorably, providing good clinical effect .  As another method of treatment with increasing thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   using radioactive iodine. This method can be used successfully in a case where the operation to have contraindications or when the patient has severe comorbidities.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • thyroid gland
