Folk remedy for acne - help from nature - Top

October 6, 2013

  • Folk remedy for acne - help from nature
  • The best
  • Infusions and decoctions

 the best people for the rapid treatment of acne

Most folk remedies for the rapid treatment of acne

This happened probably every woman: you wake up in the morning, come to the mirror, and see that there was a pimple on the face (or even one). And, as luck would have it the morning of the day when you have to something important - meeting with business partners, public speaking, meeting, or something else. If you have no time to run to the pharmacy, and you do not have any creams or ointments for rapid treatment of acne, come to the aid of one of the following folk remedies (in a pinch, you can use all of the queue).

 Top | Folk remedy for acne - help from nature

  • Ice cubes. Ice reduces inflammation and eliminates the redness of the skin, making the acne are not as noticeable. If you have problem skin, in your refrigerator should always be ice - it can be as simple out of the water, and broth of mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   or chamomile.
  • Toothpaste. If you notice a new spot in the evening, before going to bed, put on a bit of toothpaste. By morning, the pimple will be much less.
  • Garlic. This is one of the most odorous of folk remedies for acne, so do not use it if after a few hours you will meet people. However, if you plan to spend the whole day at home, acne smear garlic juice Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   every 2-3 hours. The next day, your skin will look much better. Owners of oily skin is recommended to eat 2-3 claw garlic a day for about a month. During this time, the garlic will purify the blood, bring the body of toxins, and thus the skin becomes cleaner.
  • Orange. Rub on a small grater orange zest, mix it with a little water and apply the mixture on the problem areas of the skin. Organic acids contained in the orange peel, dried pimples quickly, and the result will be noticeable after about half an hour.
  • Honey has antimicrobial action, so it is widely used for the care of problem skin. Grease spot honey (preferably do it as soon as you notice it, not waiting until it becomes large), the top attach a small piece of gauze, plaster and glue it. To remove the patch and wash the honey should be in a few hours (it is best to pursue a medical procedure before going to bed and wash in the morning to the honey had time to act). Do not forget to put on after washing your face moisturizer!
  • Oatmeal. Prepare yourself in the morning porridge (you know, it's very satisfying and useful), and put a couple of tablespoons not a separate dish - this will be your mask. When the porridge has cooled, apply it on the face, and in fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water. Oatmeal effectively reduces inflammation, improves skin tone, and almost never cause irritation.
  • Lemon. Apply lemon juice on the pimples morning (10-15 minutes or more - if you have time) or at bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 And leave it until morning. Then simply rinse face and apply your normal moisturizer. This is a folk remedy for acne is not suitable for people with sensitive skin.
  • Vinegar. Pour into the pan a little vinegar, put on fire and bring to a boil. If you have sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
 , Boil some water, and then add a few drops of vinegar. Remove the pan from the heat and keep on her face for five minutes.
  • Potatoes. Cut a small piece of fresh potatoes, and attach it to the pimple for five to seven minutes. Potato juice has anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates skin regeneration.
  • Cucumber. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, and apply the resulting slurry on the face, neck, and, if necessary, to other problem areas. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Grated cucumber can also be mixed with two or three teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, but using such a mask increases the likelihood of skin irritation.

Additional advice: eye drops. It's not really a folk remedy, but there are eye drops for many other people, and they can also be used to treat acne. Eye drops, such as Visine, quickly eliminates redness and inflammation of the skin. Just apply a little liquid on the spot, and then, if necessary, its enclosure, apply concealer.

Fighting acne: beauty requires patience - Ineffective methods

January 29, 2009

  • Fighting acne: beauty requires patience
  • Ineffective methods

Ten inefficient way to combat acne

Treatment of problem skin, it usually takes more than one month, more often - more than one year. The young people from experimenting with mass desperation cosmetic innovations, fearlessly exploring the area of ​​alternative medicine and are ready in their own skin to experience any know-how. Typically, in this case, the treatment process takes more than one year and is worth more than a thousand dollars. Do not repeat the mistakes of others and learn from bitter experience.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Regular cleaning without concurrent treatment

Customers with skin problems - the main source of income of any cosmetic salon. Beginners immediately explain that mechanical cleaning should be done once a month or even more frequently. Regularly. By the calendar. This rare beauticians say that this procedure is absolutely, completely and totally useless if it is not supported by a comprehensive treatment of the skin. The fact that the open purified pores retain a place for a new and sebaceous plugs and new inflammation. As many have already noticed, the black dots appear a few days after cleaning.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Medical cosmetics

This is the most profitable myth cosmetology. Medical cosmetics does not exist: there are drugs and there are cosmetics, and any related field can not be. Medical cosmetics contain a negligible amount of direct medical components and can only help in the early stages of acne, and it is much more difficult than any drug. In other cases, it is absolutely useless. In addition, medical cosmetics Medical cosmetics: beauty from the pharmacy  Medical cosmetics: beauty from the pharmacy
   almost always is much more expensive drugs.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Traditional healers, sorcerers and bioenergokorrektory

Each of my friends suffering from problem skin, at least once in his life visited healers varying degrees of enlightenment. They were cleaning the aura, reduced pod and reduce a meridian. However, the result was not in any of these cases. Alas, skin diseases do not disappear with the help of miracles: they require constant care and treatment.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience


There are millions preparations registered as nutraceuticals. Their effect is not verified by any authorities. To register dietary supplements, the manufacturer need only see to it that the tablets had no toxic substances, and all - the tablets may be arbitrary and promise whatever the result. Badami Acne can not be cured. Most antiugrevyh dietary supplements contain a set of herbs that only a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This acne can appear on a background of perfectly healthy digestive tract, and vice versa - there are many people with a whole bunch of diseases and perfectly clean skin. Exposure of the skin is indirect and not even enough to cure mild forms of acne., The set of people with a whole bunch of diseases and perfectly clean skin. edit to ensure that ko in the early stages of development of acne

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience


There are many anti-acne diets. Their adherents claim that only one waiver of certain products can fully heal the skin. The chain is simple: you give up junk food - the body does not come slag - acne does not appear. However kamedony formed through diet can not evaporate. Yes, and inflammation, which appeared due to external influence, poorly treated, or simply poor-quality cosmetics sweat in no way associated with the presence of toxins in the body. In the end, a direct link between acne and consumable products is not yet proven, and it is unlikely to ever happen.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine at the peak of his popularity. Penny pamphlets advised to treat the skin with the help of urine therapy (nightmare Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   any doctor), Kombucha (which only provokes inflammation of the skin), yeast (fraught dizbakterioz) and other utterly useless ways. Do not waste your time and do not expect miracles from the TV doctor to form a mechanic.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Grandmother's recipes

You certainly the older generation have recommended ways to treat your acne. For example, to lubricate the inflamed areas of garlic juice Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 . The rationale in this is: after all garlic contains volatile and kills bacteria. More precisely, he kills. About fifty years ago. On most modern bacteria that can withstand a lot of chemistry, do not always act even antibiotics. About the same beneficial but useless effect can be obtained with the help of masks, compresses and other domestic procedures. To improve the appearance of the skin can be cured - no. The short-term effect can give blood transfusions or girudoterapiya, but these methods are advised doctors to treat skeptically.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Wonder machines

The Russian market is filled with "unique instrument", which guarantee the cure of any disease. Their operating principle is based on the "space technology", "the latest Japanese developments" and so on. The only possible effect of their use - deep disappointment.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience


Some owners of problematic skin ready for everything for the sake of healing. In particular, on the use of sulfur powder (as a result - flatulence and extremely bad body odor), an aqueous solution of chlorine (poisoning of the body, a chemical burn of the skin), acetic acid (severe burns), sulfuric acid (corrosive skin, deep scars on all life) and so on.

 Ineffective methods | Fighting acne: beauty requires patience

Cleansing the body

Perhaps this is the most fashionable trend of fans of a healthy lifestyle. Clears all, and come up with ways to do this a lot: fasting, enemas, antiparasitic treatment, herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
 , Purification by means of cereals, juices and so on. Temporary effect is possible, but short.

In short, not all means are good to care for problem skin. She will only comprehensive therapy involves the use of drugs, reasonable restrictions on eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  Daria Petchorin

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  • acne
