Although aerobic exercise many believe the only effective way to quickly get rid of the extra kilos, actually exercises the muscles, that is, strength training, not less important. If aerobic exercise can quickly burn fat, then find a beautiful, harmonious and tightened figure only help exercises on different muscle groups, and the choice of exercise depends primarily on the problem areas of the figure. With exercises for individual muscle groups can gain a flat stomach, buttocks tightened, slim hips, and even slightly increase breast.
Practising the chest muscles
The dream of most women - temptingly lush, beautiful and correct breast shape. Slightly increase the chest and pull it helps exercise the muscles of the chest, which, contrary to popular belief, are useful not only for men who really enjoys bodybuilding, but for every woman. To exercise the pectoral muscles need a special equipment: a dumbbell weight of a small or at least for the most serious-minded, rod with minimum weight.
The classic and most simple exercise to the upper chest muscles - raising dumbbells in the supine position (best on an incline bench, but it is possible and on a horizontal surface). Taking the starting position, you must first pull the arms with dumbbells straight up, and then spread them apart, dropping a dumbbell on straight arms down towards the thighs. Then hands should be slow to pick up and bring together.
Strengthens the back
Back problems - trouble, seemingly small, but very common today due to the sedentary lifestyle of the majority. To the elderly are not faced with diseases of the spine and back, you need time to take care of muscle strengthening "skeleton" that holds the spine - with the help of exercises on the back, which, moreover, will help to consolidate and maintain the correct posture
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The simplest exercise per muscle group back - lifting dumbbell with one hand. For this exercise you will need a dumbbell and a low bench. Take the starting position, standing to the left of the bench and put his knee right leg on the bench. The left foot must be slightly bent, right arm - rest against the edge of the bench, slightly prognuv back at the waist. Taking a starting position, while inhaling lift the dumbbell with your left hand straight up, hold it in the raised position for a few seconds and lower slowly exhale. This strain should be back and shoulder muscles, not biceps. If desired, you can change the starting position so that both feet are on the floor.
Getting rid of belly
The most painful for most women, exercise - is abdominal exercises, which in theory should help get rid of the protruding tummy and make a flat stomach. In fact, in order to get rid of belly, help is not all exercises for abdominal muscles, and do they need to be right. For example, contrary to popular belief, conventional exercises for abdominal muscles to lift the legs to gain perfect flat stomach in a short enough period of time (generally referred to as professionals such exercises are absolutely useless for the "lower" press). To get rid of the stomach, it is necessary to focus on the rise of the pelvis and the legs do not - only in this case the muscle "lower" the press will actually work "in full."
Ideal exercises for abdominal muscles - leg lifts or body from twisting. To quickly make a flat stomach and fit better to start with the so-called "reverse" twists, ie, pelvic lifts. Take a starting position lying on a horizontal surface on the back, place your hands on the floor on either side of the body. Then bring your knees to your chest so that his feet were closed. To tear off the hips off the floor and squeeze your knees to your chest, tense muscles of the pelvis, not the legs. On the inhale lift the leg on the exhale - slowly lower to the starting position. You must do the exercise slowly so that your abdominal muscles working as efficiently as possible. Ideally, you need to make two sets of twenty-five lifts each, watching the pace of the exercise.
Tatiana Smirnova
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- exercises for the muscles