Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor - after cesarean
January 14, 2013
- Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor
- Benefit
- How to find time to practice
- References
- After cesarean section
- Exercise with your child
How do fitness after cesarean
The main recommendation regarding the fitness for women who have recently undergone a caesarean section - take the time to include in the training program intensity. The first couple of months after the surgery should not lift weights and do exercises that give you a hard even before pregnancy. However, exercises for pelvic floor muscles can be made a few days after a cesarean section.
How to do it:
- Lie on your back, knees bent.
- On the exhale, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles, at the same time as much as possible pulling the stomach (if it does not cause pain).
- Stretch the muscles for 10 seconds without holding your breath.
- Relax, then repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
After a cesarean, many women develop the habit of stooping, especially if they feel pain in the postoperative sutures. Stoop in this case - a natural reaction to the pain: so that women avoid stretching of the operated tissues. However, in reality only a cautious stretching speed healing and scar tissue formation. To do this, try to carry out the above exercise, standing with his back straightened. If you can do it regularly, tissue heal well, and your condition will return to normal fairly quickly.
A few weeks after the surgery, you can gradually increase the load - in the first place, to walk more. If after six weeks the doctor will allow you to do fitness, first of all take the time for aerobic exercise - they help you get to drop extra weight and get in shape. In addition to strength training it is still too early. Maybe at first you will be able to train only 10-15 minutes a day, but do not worry - you have had a complicated operation, and to recover from it, you will need patience. If during the fitness you will feel severe pain in the abdomen
Severe abdominal pain: possible causes
- Stop. If the pain does not pass in a few hours, or will become stronger - consult a doctor. Before significantly increase the intensity of training, should also consult with a specialist - even a few months after cesarean section, some types of loads can be dangerous.
Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor - Benefits
January 14, 2013
- Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor
- Benefit
- How to find time to practice
- References
- After cesarean section
- Exercise with your child
Use classes
Fitness after birth is very useful for newly appeared mothers. However, it is important to remember that before embarking on any exercise program, consult your doctor. The duration of the recovery period, after which you will be able to resume the usual fitness depends on the type and severity of birth. Doctors recommend a return to an active participation in sports, not earlier than six weeks after childbirth, after a medical examination.
So, returning to the usual fitness program requires caution and slow, especially with regard to the exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles diverge pressure of the fetus. This phenomenon is called diastasis recti. It is important to reduce diastasis and abdominal muscles to return to the normal state before attempting to perform any exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. To assess the degree of diastasis, perform this simple test.
Lie on your back, knees bent. Put your hands on your stomach (at the navel). Lift your head, neck and shoulders, so that they come off the floor, and you will feel if there is a gap between the muscles of the abdomen. If you feel that between the muscles and in fact there are gaps, try to measure them with your fingers. Usually abdominal muscles diverge on two fingers. This test should be performed daily until muscles do not get together as closely as possible. Only then can you begin to standard exercises to strengthen the muscles.
Exercise with a towel to strengthen the abdominal muscles
Lie on your back, knees bent, heels that were in line with the coccyx and buttocks. Wrap a towel around your abdomen and secure it to the abdominal muscles (holding each side). Lift your head, neck and shoulders, so that they come off the floor, exhale and pull your stomach tight styanuv with the towel. It tightens the abdominal muscles, bringing them back to their normal position. Repeat this exercise 10 times each day, and continue to check the degree of diastasis.
Advantages fitness after childbirth
- Fitness helps reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
and postpartum blues
- Fitness accelerates recovery "prenatal" figure
- Fitness provides the body with a necessary energy
- Fitness relieves stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
(and gives you time to think about yourself)
Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor - Recommendations
January 14, 2013
- Fitness after giving birth - only with the permission of the doctor
- Benefit
- How to find time to practice
- References
- After cesarean section
- Exercise with your child
After birth, a woman has a lot of worries - you need to learn to properly feed, clothe, and even embrace a little man, waking up at his request, to walk with him, and still have time to pay at least some attention to other family members. Time to rest, there is very little, and a fitness seems to last, what you can do in this troublesome time.
However, right now the fitness is very important - it will help speed up the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
Lose weight
How to lose weight - basic principles
, Relieve tension. In addition, the fitness is not only consumes energy - it gives the forces that are absolutely necessary for young mums.
On average, women during pregnancy gain 7-10 kg, although some gain weight much more. Do not take it for granted - a little effort and you will once again flaunt slim figure
Practical tips for a slim figure
And if you want to become even thinner than before delivery.
Where to begin
Before going into fitness after childbirth, see your doctor - he will advise the most safe and effective for you kind of physical activity. Usually within two or three weeks after giving birth you can do Pilates and yoga. They returned to the body flexibility and strength, but do best under the guidance of an instructor who knows that you have recently given birth, and you need a load sparing. If you were doing prior to delivery at the gym - on its own program, or with a coach - can continue within a few weeks after birth, however, start with exercises that do not require too much effort. In addition, regular walking and cycling can also help restore shape after childbirth.
Running - of course, the perfect tool for getting rid of excess fat, but to engage them in the first month after birth can only be those who regularly ran before. If you previously did not run, it is recommended to wait at least six weeks, and then gradually start training.
During lessons, pay special attention to the muscles of the abdomen and other troubled parts of the body. But we should not be too hard on yourself. Some changes in appearance that occur after birth, can not be corrected with the help of fitness.
After giving birth can be very useful Kegel exercises. They are very simple - you need to tighten your vaginal muscles as if you were trying to hold her urine, count to ten and relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise five to ten times in a row. Kegel exercises help to cope with the consequences of the strong muscle strain of the vagina during childbirth.
Fitness and Health
- Buy a good support bra. As a result of breast milk production increases, so they need extra support.
- Precautions engaged in active sports - after pregnancy pelvic ligaments and joints lose flexibility and strength. Therefore, it is important to perform basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles to prevent low back pain and joint injuries.
- Drink plenty of fluids to maintain normal water balance in the body, especially during breastfeeding.
- Listen to your body. If you are tired, do not force yourself, relax. Try not to push yourself - all the time, and once you feel ready for classes.
- At the first sign of dizziness and nausea, or changing the color of vaginal discharge
What does the color of vaginal discharge?
should see a doctor. Perhaps the cause is too intense fitness.
To keep in shape, many doctors recommend Pilates exercises for young mothers in conjunction with weightlifting and cardio workouts for dropping excess weight. Try 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the heart (cardio exercise - walking, jogging, walking), as well as exercises for the general tone of at least three times a week.