Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

February 24, 2012

 effective exercises for the press
 Excellent results in the creation of a beautiful belly bump can be achieved through simple exercises. The most effective exercises for the press have long been known, we can only take advantage of them.

Are there special training courses, which in a few months will help to give relief to muscles of the abdomen, or a myth and advertising bodybuilding? Wonderland is definitely not the case, but there are programs that provide quick and noticeable effect in six - eight weeks. There is one "but". These effective exercises for the press Exercises for the press: a flat stomach and wasp waist - easy!  Exercises for the press: a flat stomach and wasp waist - easy!
   designed for those who successfully passed the first stage of the work with the muscles of the abdomen, which usually takes at least a year. The six-week course - the second phase, aimed specifically at the formation of the "cubes" rectus muscle.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Employment-intensive programs

So fat is defeated, already trained muscles and form a tight corset abdomen. Now you can work to improve the figure and to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

Cycle training consists of three phases, each of which takes two weeks. All six weeks performed the same exercise, but at each stage load increases. The course is a methodical pumping each muscle group, it differs monotony and requires patience and perseverance.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

The content of compound exercises

At the heart of the complex are three exercises that you need to pay maximum attention to:

  • Ups torso on an incline. From the position of "lying down, his hands behind his head," torso rises to the "sitting" and returns to its original position
  • From the position of "lying" to lift the legs completely straight. The pelvis is fixed, bending at the waist is invalid. The feet should not touch the floor.
  • From the position of "sitting on the edge of the bench" legs bent at the knees pulled to his chest, and the body bends at the knees. Then the body leans back and legs are lowered.

Another six - seven exercises for different groups of abdominal muscles are usually added as an instructor or by the athlete at random, based on the individual characteristics of the figure. The most simple principle - to use exercise, the implementation of which has been the most difficult in the previous phase of training. Do not look for easy ways. What is already good at it, no practical interest.

Perfect relief of muscle and everyone can achieve. The main thing - to believe in yourself and maintain a positive attitude in the first three weeks. After this period the first results, tangible in the truest sense.

10 of the most effective exercises for the press

A bike

It - one of the most effective and simple exercises for the press, which provides a load on the straight and obliques.

  • Lie on the mat for fitness, face up, and put his hands behind his head, slightly lifting her fingers.
  • Pull your knees to your chest and lift your head and both shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Extend your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor, and at the same time lift the torso and touch the right elbow left knee.
  • Extend the left leg, bend the knee right, pull her to his chest and knee touch the left elbow.
  • Perform 1-3 approach, each time repeating the exercise 12-16 times.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Captain's chairs

Captain's chair - a good exercise for the abdominals, which at the same time put a strain on the thigh muscles. It runs on normal rack with high palm rest that exists in most gyms. Usually it is recommended to do with legs bent at the knees, as this helps to maximize the use of the abdominal muscles; If you want more "loaded" leg muscles, do the exercise with legs outstretched.

  • Stand up to the counter and place your forearms on the stops. You can also compress stops fingers to better stabilize the trunk.
  • Snuggle back to the back of the rack, tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your knees bent legs, trying to pull them to your chest.
  • Do not arch your back, and make sure to keep your feet moving only upwards and not in different directions.
  • Lower the legs.
  • Perform 1-3 approach for 12-16 repetitions each.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Twisting with fitball

Fitball - a great tool for fitness, the possibility of the use of which is virtually limitless. Twisting with fitball more effectively similar exercises performed on the floor, because in the latter case, the load (sometimes - very significant) are in feet. When you perform a twisting on fitball, the abdominal muscles have to work harder, but at the same time are utilized almost all groups of muscles to stabilize your body, and help him keep his balance.

  • Lie on fitball: it must be under the lumbar spine and the central departments. Feet flat on the floor, knees bent at almost a right angle.
  • Cross your arms across his chest or lay them over the head.
  • Straining abdominal muscles, lift the torso on fitball, but be careful that you're still clung to the waist ball.
  • Drop down back on the ball and slightly bend the back, stretching the abdominal muscles. Perform 1-2 sets of 12-16 repetitions each.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Twisting with their feet

This exercise is similar to the conventional twisting, and it also gives the load on the straight and obliques, but as you lift the legs, not the torso, the back muscles to exercise is not involved, and the load on the abdominal muscles increases.

  • Lie on the floor, cross your legs and pull.
  • His hands with fingers interlaced behind his head.
  • Lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, and at the same time begin to lift straight legs crossed.
  • Raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for a couple of minutes, then slowly lower the leg.
  • Perform 1-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Exercise simulator Torso Track

It is believed that this simulator exercises should be done for people who have a fairly high level of physical fitness. In addition, certain classes of people to SARS-track cause pain Low back pain: the spine signals  Low back pain: the spine signals
   - In this case from them should be abandoned. Exercise on the torso track can be replaced by other equally effective exercises for the press. However, this simulator, there are a lot of fans, and you should at least once to experience it for yourself to decide it suits you or not.

  • Grasp the handle Torso track, tighten your stomach muscles and inhale, but do not hold your breath.
  • Breathe out and pushing the handle, slide forward as far as possible.
  • If you experience discomfort or pain, stop. You need to reduce the range of motion (ie, in the case of this simulator does not slide too far) to exercise does not cause discomfort.
  • Move the handle back, return to starting position. The simulator allows you to adjust the level of difficulty - change it at their own discretion.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Twisting with arms outstretched

This is another variation on the theme of traditional twists on the floor. It is believed that this exercise gives the most severe load on top of the abdominal muscles. In fact, the rectus abdominis - is a long muscle that starts at the bottom of the rib cage and end in the pelvic region, and providing a load of the upper department, you train your muscles entirely. Twisting with arms outstretched a bit harder usual twists, and people with a minimum physical training they can seem quite complex.

  • Lie on the mat for fitness and stretch your arms over your head. The palms should be stacked together.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your hands, head and shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Do not bend your hands, and avoid excessive neck strain. If you feel pain in the neck, place one arm behind your head, keeping it, and keep the other outstretched.
  • Slowly return to starting position. Perform 1-3 approach, repeating the exercise 12-16 times.
  • If you want to increase the load, carry out this exercise, holding a dumbbell in his outstretched hands.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Reverse Crunch

The main load in this exercise falls on the rectus abdominis (especially - in their lower part). Raising legs, be careful that they do not move in the direction - it reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.

  • Lie on the floor and stretch your arms along the body, or put them under his head.
  • Lift the knees bent legs up until the thigh with a trunk does not form a right angle. Feet keep together.
  • Tear off your buttocks off the floor, pulling your knees as close to your chest. Ideally, your knees should touch the chest and feet - "look" straight up at the ceiling.
  • Perform 1-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions each.
  • Try to perform the reverse twist, so that the bulk of the load while lifting leg accounted for abs - only this exercise is as effective as possible.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Twisting with a focus on heel

This activity looks like an ordinary twist, but its implementation heel rest on the floor, and this provides a greater burden on the muscles of the abdomen than traditional twisting.

  • Lie on your back, hands behind his head and bend your knees.
  • Uprites heels on the floor and start to lift off the floor the upper torso. Hands continue to support his head slightly to avoid excessive strain on the neck, but do not push it up - the main burden should fall on the abdominal muscles.
  • When you lift your upper body as high as possible, strongly press to the floor heel and lower back while lifting your buttocks slightly.
  • Perform 1-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?

Exercise simulator Ab Roller

Such simulators can find in most gyms, and someone they are at home. Classes on this simulator can avoid neck strain, which can be painful for some people.

  • Put his head on a special stand and grasp the bar with both hands on the simulator. The legs bend at the knees; foot during exercise should be on the floor.
  • Straining abdominal muscles, lift the torso, and tilt the frame as close as possible to the knees.
  • Perform each exercise slowly to avoid coasting. If you do it too quickly, the frame will be rocking by itself, and the load on the muscles of the stomach is reduced.
  • Perform 1-3 approach, repeating the exercise 12-16 times.

 Effective exercises for the press - whether to believe the promises?


This exercise will put a strain on the abdominal muscles and back muscles, and helps to increase endurance. It can also be recommended for those who want to learn how to do push-ups, but who is not yet out. Planck strengthens the muscles of the arms, and after a while you will obtain pushups.

  • Lie on the mat for fitness, face down.
  • Rest against the floor forearms and toes, and push down on the floor. Keep your back straight, so that the legs and torso form a straight line. Do not lift your head.
  • Retractable belly straining his abdominal muscles - it increases the efficiency of the exercise.
  • Hold this position 20-60 seconds (the more - the better), then return to starting position. Repeat 3-5 times.

Article Tags:
  • drill press
