Fitness after childbirth - Are your body?

January 9, 2013

 fitness after childbirth
 Today, many doctors believe that a woman can gently start training after the birth, as soon as she decides that it is ready for it. Only after a difficult birth the doctor may ask you to wait for the results of the survey, which is conducted six weeks after childbirth before you engage in fitness.

For most women, a week after birth useful moderately slow or fast walking mine to 30, at least three times a week. If you feel good, you can walk every day.

After cesarean section with fitness facilities usually have to wait about six weeks. However, in this case recommended to gently walk slowly, even at home, since this accelerates the recovery and helps to prevent some complications, including blood clots.

If you are practically doing sports during pregnancy, or have been forced to severely limit the burden on the later stages, begin to train only after consultation with your doctor, but do not have to wait until take place six weeks after childbirth.

In any case, it must be remembered that the joints and ligaments remain relatively weak for approximately 3-5 months after birth, so in this period, the risk of injury is high enough. Of course, because of this, it is not necessary to limit physical activity; you just need to be careful. You can go to special classes for women who have recently given birth to a specially trained instructors - they know how to make fitness as secure as possible.

Despite all the benefits of fitness, remember moderation: in the first months after birth do not overreach, or instead of a slim figure Practical tips for a slim figure  Practical tips for a slim figure
   you can earn serious health problems. Your body needs time to recover, and you - in fact, to get used to the new role.

 Fitness after childbirth - Are your body?

Exercises for abdominal muscles - precautions

During pregnancy, when the stomach is increased in the tissues of the abdominal muscles are formed "gaps" that are closed in about 4-8 weeks after birth. If you start to do the exercises before, these gaps are closed, there is a possibility to damage the muscle tissue. Therefore, before you proceed directly to the exercises, you need to take precautions:

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees.
  • Place the fingers of your left hand on your stomach, just above the navel. Put your right hand on top of the right thigh.
  • Inhale and exhale. On the exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, and have a right hand from the hip to the knee. This will strain the abdominal muscles, and you can feel the gap in the muscle tissue. If the width equal to the width of three fingers or more, you can carefully perform exercises such as lifting the thighs from the prone position, or kicks. When the width of the gap would be less than two fingers, you can proceed to more complex exercises such as twisting or squatting.

 Fitness after childbirth - Are your body?

Fitness and breast milk

Even heavy loads do not significantly affect the quantity and quality of breast milk. Nevertheless, it is advisable to feed the baby before the workout - and it would be better for the bliss, and for you. Avoid exercises where you feel discomfort in the chest, and be sure to wear a supportive bra.

 Fitness after childbirth - Are your body?

How do you know that you are overusing

Overly intense fitness in the first few weeks after giving birth can cause vaginal discharge The whole truth about vaginal secretions  The whole truth about vaginal secretions
   pink or red, sometimes - quite abundant. It is a sign that you need more moderate load. If the selection does not stop for several hours after you have finished your training, if they are very heavy and / or accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult with your doctor.

 Fitness after childbirth - Are your body?

How best to lose weight after giving birth

The best way to lose weight after giving birth - is aerobic activity, which significantly increases the heart rate, such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging or cycling. But wait at least six weeks, or even months, before starting to actively lose weight, and do not try to lose more than 0.5 kg per week, especially if you are breastfeeding.

Low-calorie diet soon after birth can be very bad effect on your mood and on milk production. Just be patient, breast-feeding, walk and play with him, and you'd be surprised how many kilos you lose, not applying for this special effort.

Article Tags:
  • the basics of fitness,
  • weight loss after childbirth

Fitness after childbirth - a training program

January 12, 2013

 postpartum fitness training program
 Bring the body in order after the delivery helps fitness. But it is important, before starting to engage, consult a doctor and give the body the load gradually.

 Fitness after childbirth - a training program

Day 1

These exercises can be performed with the weighting for the feet, or without them.

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, raising his feet above the floor, then straighten your legs without touching the floor. Again, bend your legs. Perform 2 sets of 40 repetitions each.
  • Stand facing a wall in the phone book or other thick book. You must touch the wall with his hands but do not rely on it. Bend your right leg so that the heel almost touching the buttocks then straighten the leg and take it back. When you exercise, you should feel tension in the buttocks, the muscles of the waist and hip muscles. Perform 2 sets of 40 repetitions.
  • Lie on your back, straighten legs. Lift the leg at a right angle to the body, spread them as widely as possible, and then pinch on dropping to the floor. Perform 2 sets of 40 repetitions.
  • Lie on your side and bend both legs slug. Lift the top leg so that it is parallel to the floor and pull the sock. Repeat the exercise 20 times for each leg.
  • Stand with feet together (you can lean against a wall), and lift up on your toes. Stand on your toes a couple of seconds, then lower, and again stand on your toes. Perform 2 sets of 40 repetitions.
  • Standing on the floor, alternately lift up the socks right and left leg, with the heel should stand on the floor. If you feel like a stretch calf muscles, then the exercise is done correctly. Perform 2 sets of 50 times.
  • Standing on the floor, legs perform lunges. Carry the weight on the leg that is in front of you and bend the other leg touch the floor. Perform 2 sets of 20 times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands on your stomach. Lift off the floor head and shoulders; neck and back should form one continuous line. Do not help himself with his hands; the main burden should fall on the abdominal muscles.

 Fitness after childbirth - a training program

Day 2

Follow the twists 40, in the first day of the eighth exercise fitness program.

  • Lie on the floor and stretch the legs. Lift off the floor head, shoulders, and right leg. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, lifting his left leg. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions each time changing the feet.
  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees and lift your feet under the floor. Follow the twisting, lifting your head off the floor and upper back, while pulling your knees to your chest. Perform 2 sets of 15 times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your right foot on the left. Lay your left hand behind your head. Follow the twisting, touching the elbow of his left hand in his right knee.
  • Still holding the left hand behind your head, put your left foot on the right and follow the twisting, touching the left elbow of the left knee. A + B - this is one exercise; run it 10 times, then lay the head of the right hand, and repeat 10 times.

 Fitness after childbirth - a training program

Day 3

The third day is devoted to exercises for the hands that you can perform with a dumbbell weight suitable to you.

  • Stand up, his arms with dumbbells down. Raise your arms, bending them at the elbows, 40 times in a row. Perform 2 sets of 40 repetitions.
  • Lean on the sofa so that the body and legs form a right angle; keep your back straight. Hand with dumbbells keep stretched along the body. Bend arm at the elbow so that the dumbbell touches the shoulder, then straighten the arm. Do this exercise 25 times in a row without dropping his hand down.
  • Stand up, stretching his arms with dumbbells at your sides. Bend both arms at the same time at an angle of 90 degrees, stand still for a few seconds, lower your arms. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Stand up straight and raise your arms above your head with a dumbbell. Bend your elbows so that your hands behind your head dropped and elbows pointing straight up at the ceiling. Again, put your hands up. Perform 2 sets of 20 times.
  • Standing straight, stretch your arms with dumbbells in hand, so that they are parallel to the floor. In turn, pull straight arms in front of him. Slightly bend your knees and lower your arms to them. Again, pull them apart, while straightening the legs. Perform the exercise 20-30 times.
  • Stand with your arms stretched out with dumbbells at your sides. Bend your arms so that turned out to be a dumbbell at shoulder level. Raise your hands above your head. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

 Fitness after childbirth - a training program

Day 4

  • Stand with legs apart shoulder width apart and bending the knees. Keeping your back straight, legs bent to try to pass as much as possible the distance. Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.
  • Lay down the front of the sofa and put his feet on the seat. Rise from the floor, his whole body while pulling his hands over his head. Return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions.
  • Sit on the couch and lean forward so that the feet touch the breast. Hands on the lower floor. Then your arms to the side and lift them as high as possible, feeling the tension in the muscles of the back. Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Lie on the floor and stretch your arms above your head with a dumbbell. Raise your arms straight up without bending elbows. Slowly lower your arms. Perform 2 sets of 20 repetitions.

Article Tags:
  • the basics of fitness
