Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook

April 11, 2010

  • Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook
  • Kinds

 mushroom poisoning
 There are fourteen different types of mushroom poisoning. However, since some of them are rare, not all types of poisoning have been well studied. In any case, the use of mushrooms have to be very careful

 Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook

Gastrointestinal irritants

The most common type of mushroom poisoning - gastrointestinal poisoning. Its symptoms usually appear within a period of 20 minutes to 4 hours after ingestion of fungi in food; As a rule, signs of poisoning are nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
 , Vomiting, cramps and diarrhea. Often these symptoms quickly resolve on their own; in severe cases require hospitalization. The prognosis of this poisoning is very favorable.

 Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook

Muscarine poisoning

Muscarine found in mushrooms such as Clitocybe whitish, volokonnitsa, and some other fungi of the genus cortinariaceae. Symptoms in most cases appear within 15-30 minutes after ingestion of mushrooms and affect mainly the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms include excessive salivation Increased salivation - deviation from the norm  Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
 , Sweating and tearing, lactation (for pregnant women), vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms may be accompanied by visual impairment, irregular heartbeat, drop in blood pressure and breathing difficulties. Usually, the patient is improving after 24 hours, but in some cases muscarine poisoning can lead to death due to respiratory failure. The antidote for muscarine is atropine, but it should give the patient a doctor.

 Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook

Poison isoxazole derivatives (muscimol, ibotenic acid, and others)

These substances are found in red and Amanita pantherina, as well as in some other mushrooms. Contrary to popular belief, atropine does not help in case of poisoning of this type. The action is similar to atropine effect ibonetovoy acid, and it can even aggravate the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms appear 30-120 minutes after eating fungi and persist for several hours .  Frequently observed symptoms of poisoning, such as nausea and vomiting, but this type of poisoning is different from other symptoms affecting the central nervous system: confusion, blurred vision, convulsions, feeling great physical strength .  Another common symptom of poisoning is drowsiness - many people in this state of sleep, and for a long time can not wake up .  In rare cases, the poisoned person falls into a coma, which can last up to 24 hours .  This often leads to the fact that such patients to use active treatment measures that are practically useless - after a while the man himself comes to mind .  Over the past 100 years there have been no cases of human death from poisoning of this kind, although it is known that one tourist, falling into a coma after consuming mushrooms, frozen to death .  Dogs and cats may die from the toxins contained in the fly agaric; However, in case of poisoning of animals is important that the veterinarian did not apply euthanasia - often pets come to life, and full recovery .

 Poison mushrooms - do not get caught on the hook

Poisoning amanitin

Amanitin - it is a very toxic substance that is found in many mushrooms Amonitovye family, including, in pale toadstool. This kind of mushroom poisoning is very dangerous. Without rapid professional assistance in 50% of cases of poisoning amonitinom death occurs.

Amanitin - a complex group of cyclic polypeptides that damage tissue, inhibiting RNA synthesis in each cell. Symptoms of poisoning amanitin appear in four stages:

  • First, the latent stage continues from 6 to 24 hours after entering the body of toxins. At this time, the toxins are actively destroying the kidneys and liver poisoning, while he does not feel discomfort.
  • The second stage lasts for about 24 hours; it is characterized by severe vomiting, bloody diarrhea Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance  Diarrhea (diarrhea) - a familiar nuisance
   and with abdominal cramps.
  • The third stage of poisoning also takes about 24 hours; the patient is improving, and if he was hospitalized, it in some cases to go home.
  • At the fourth stage of poisoning happens relapse; often develop renal and hepatic failure, which may result in death of the patient.

If you suspect a poisoning amanitin (for example, if you or another person ate pale toadstool, or other fungi, which contains amanitin), you should immediately go to the hospital without waiting for the onset of symptoms. Antidotes for amanitin there and the best way of treatment is to remove toxins from the body before it is completely absorbed.

Ileus - the reasons may be different

May 30, 2010

  • Ileus - the reasons may be different
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Signs
  • Children
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies

 bowel obstruction

Intestinal obstruction - blockage of the small intestine or large intestine, preventing the movement of food and liquid through the digestive canal. Intestinal obstruction can cause a variety of factors - including fibrotic changes in the walls of the intestine (the formation of adhesions), hernia, tumors.

Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by some very unpleasant signs and symptoms, including pain and bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Nausea, vomiting. In the absence of proper treatment for intestinal obstruction can lead to the death of certain disadvantaged parts of the intestine. Tissue necrosis, in turn, causes perforation of the bowel, serious infection and, in severe cases can be fatal. Fortunately, with timely medical intervention, ileus respond well to treatment.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Symptoms of bowel obstruction

The main signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction include:

  • Recurrent abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   spastic character
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal distention
  • Delay gases

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

When to see a doctor?

Since the lack of proper treatment of intestinal obstruction can lead to serious complications, dangerous to health, immediately after the first signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction should consult a doctor.

The cause of intestinal obstruction may be a variety of factors. Most often leads to intestinal obstruction mechanical blockage - when, for example, hernia or tumor blocking the intestines. In addition, intestinal obstruction can result from disorders of the digestive system. This type of bowel obstruction called paralytic, or functional intestinal obstruction.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Mechanical bowel obstruction

Among the most common causes of intestinal obstruction mechanical includes:

  • Intestinal adhesions Adhesions - how to get rid of them?  Adhesions - how to get rid of them?
   - Fibrotic changes in the tissues of the abdominal cavity, which are often formed after surgery on organs of pelvic or abdominal cavity
  • Hernia - emergence (protrusion) of the bowel through a congenital or acquired opening
  • Tumors in the small intestine
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   (eg, Crohn's disease, or Crohn's disease)
  • Strangulation ileus - intestinal volvulus
  • Intussustseptsiya (intussusception) - site ulcer usually introduced into the underlying plot, causing blockage

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Mechanical obstruction of the colon

Mechanical obstruction much less frequently observed in the colon as compared to the small intestine. Among the most common causes of a mechanical obstruction of the colon includes:

  • Colon cancer
  • Diverticulitis - inflammation of the diverticula (small bulging of the bag in the walls of the digestive tract)
  • Strangulated bowel obstruction - volvulus of the colon
  • Stercolith (compacted feces in the colon)
  • The narrowing of the colon caused by inflammation and scarring (stricture of the large intestine)

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Paralytic (functional) intestinal obstruction

Although paralytic ileus may be accompanied by characteristic signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction, strictly speaking, this condition does not cause immediate (manual) blockage of the intestine. In case of paralytic ileus intestines are not functioning properly due to muscle or nerve damage. Abbreviations intestine reduced or terminated completely, making it difficult to promote food and liquids through the digestive canal.

Paralytic ileus may occur in any part of the intestine. The main reasons for this state are:

  • Operation abdominal
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Infection
  • Taking certain drugs
  • The muscular and neurological disorders - such as Parkinson's disease

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Complications and sequelae

In the absence of treatment needed ileus can cause serious health-threatening or even life complications, including:

  • The withering away of the affected portion of the intestine. Intestinal obstruction can cut off blood flow to the affected area of ​​the intestine, and the lack of blood flow causes the death of the intestinal wall. Tissue necrosis, in turn, can lead to perforation of the intestinal walls and subsequent infection.
  • Infection of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis) - a life-threatening human condition that requires immediate medical attention and surgery.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Diagnosis of ileus

For the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction usually requires the following steps:

  • Direct examination. Discussion of the medical history, symptoms, physical examination for bumps or protrusions in the abdominal cavity.
  • Radiography. To confirm the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in normal cases, we recommend abdominal X-ray or CT scan. These methods help to determine the nature of the obstruction, to distinguish mechanical intestinal obstruction from functional, determine the extent of intestinal lesions (full or partial it).

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

How to treat a bowel obstruction?

Methods of treatment of bowel obstruction depends on the cause and type of disease.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Hospitalization to stabilize the patient's condition

Treatment of intestinal obstruction involves compulsory hospitalization. In order to stabilize the patient's condition may include the following measures:

  • Installing a dropper for administering fluids
  • Installation of a nasogastric tube through the nose into the stomach to remove air and liquid (bloating)
  • Catheter insertion into the bladder for urine collection and subsequent analysis of the urine samples

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Treatment of partial mechanical bowel obstruction

In partial mechanical bowel obstruction when part of liquids and food to move freely throughout the alimentary canal, additional measures of treatment after stabilization of the patient in the hospital may not be required. The doctor may recommend a special diet nizkovoloknistuyu based food products, not hampering digestion. If the partial blockage of the bowel does not disappear on their own after some time, to restore the normal functioning of the intestines may need surgery.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Treatment of full mechanical bowel obstruction

Full mechanical intestinal obstruction suggests the impossibility of movement of food and liquid through the digestive canal. In this case, to eliminate the obstruction requiring surgery. The procedure depends on the cause of intestinal obstruction and location of the affected part of the bowel. Usually the operation involves removing the blockage and dead areas of the intestine.

 Ileus - the reasons may be different

Treatment of paralytic (functional) intestinal obstruction

Often paralytic (functional) intestinal obstruction - a temporary condition, whose symptoms disappear on their own after a while. If the condition does not improve within a few days, your doctor may prescribe a number of medications that stimulate the contraction of muscles and thereby contributing to the promotion of food and liquid through the digestive canal.
