Cleansing the body of toxins: caution is needed

August 9, 2014

 cleansing the body of toxins
 Lose weight, cleanse the skin, become more energetic, look younger for several years and at the same time get rid of many diseases - a very tempting prospect. It is believed that cleansing the body of toxins allows you to achieve these results quickly and efficiently. But is it really? What do doctors think about cleansing the body?


Alternative medicine and slags

Many traditional healers are convinced that toxins accumulated in the body for years of life, are the cause of all diseases completely. With food organism receives various substances, including harmful. Normally, the liver can "neutralize" the toxins, but if they come with too much food, begins poisoning the body. In addition, slag can be formed in the body, for example, by incomplete digestion or disintegration of fat during slimming.

The symptoms of such poisoning a lot - it's weakness, and headaches, and lethargy, apathy or even depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 And weight and hair loss, dull and grayish skin. Signs slagging lot, but one solution - cleaning the body. Healers offer a variety of ways such cleaning: liver and intestines for vessels and joints.

The results of purification of the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
 , In the opinion of those who passed the entire course, simply magnificent: the weight of leaves, the skin is tightened, the body is filled with energy.

However, not all are satisfied. Some failed after cleaning the body Cleaning the body - an approach to clean inside  Cleaning the body - an approach to clean inside
   They are at home in a hospital bed.


Opinion of doctors

The official medicine the term "slag" is not never operates. No doctor would put the patient the diagnosis "slagging of the organism." Moreover, doctors are all sorts of cleansing is very frowned upon, knowing what these experiments may end. It is no secret that popular among the people cleaning the liver with olive oil can cause hepatic colic, and intestinal lavage adversely affect its flora and leads eventually to serious digestive disorders. The effects of some other manipulations are generally unpredictable, but this does not stop those who want to instantly rejuvenate and regain health.

Faith in the purification of the body can have very sad consequences.

Often, so people are trying to get rid of serious diseases such as cancer, losing precious time. As a result, the patient falls to the doctors too late, when treatment is no longer possible.

At the same time, doctors acknowledge that the body can produce toxic substances and appearing education (eg, hepatic, renal and fecal stones), hindering the work of authorities and somehow affecting health. Not all substances entering, for example, food can be processed. Some of them are not broken down to the end and barely excreted.

The reasons for the accumulation of a lot of toxins. This overeating, drinking large amounts of protein foods (some researchers have found a definitive link between the consumption of large amounts of protein and certain types of cancer), alcohol poisoning and other drugs, smoking, drugs craze.

According to doctors, to get rid of toxic substances can be effective normal diet. In severe cases, your doctor may suggest medication or surgery (for example, in the presence of large stones in the gall bladder or kidney).


Is to be cleared

Starting purification procedure follows with bowel cleansing. And do it better than using enemas or colon hydrotherapy newfangled. Enemas do not provide really good cleaning, and in addition, the harmful effects on the microflora and provoke constipation. As for colon hydrotherapy, it has a lot of contraindications, which is often silent.

The best way to clean the intestines - a diet.

The idea of ​​this diet is very simple - there should be only natural products, excluding semi-finished products with dyes, preservatives and other additives. We'll have to give up fatty, fried, spicy, smoked and pickled, as well as salt, sugar, vinegar. Meat and fish dishes is better to prefer vegetarian, rich in vitamins and fiber. Every day it is desirable to have porridge with vegetables and fruits. From alcohol and caffeinated products must be abandoned, but should drink water as much as possible.

During the day, it is desirable to limit fats, and it is recommended to start the day with a reception tablespoons vegetable oil. There should be small portions and often. At first, it may seem hard, but after a few days the body will get used to such a regime, and the body will be easy. The duration of the diet - at least 10 days before the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Diet fits all healthy people and those suffering from chronic diseases should consult a doctor. In particular, drink plenty of water is not recommended for many diseases of the kidneys, and the intake of oil in the morning may not "like" unhealthy liver. Consultation required prior to use, and other cleansers.

Very effective cleaner intestine and kidney considered flaxseed. On the day you can drink a cup of broth flaxseed, dividing it into several portions. Duration - 2-4 days. And you can grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder, mix with the oil and use this mixture daily spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach. Flaxseed gently cleanse the intestines and healthier body.

Medicinal herbs are usually used for the purification of St. John's wort, field horsetail, plantain leaves Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 . Decoction can be taken only after consulting a doctor, self unacceptable.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • cleansing of the body

Acute intestinal infections - the most common disease in the autumn and summer

February 14, 2014

 acute intestinal infections
 Acute intestinal infection called disease of dirty hands as they passed through the hands, fruits, vegetables and other foods that are not processed for the cooking process. The peak incidence of intestinal infections usually come in the summer and autumn, when ripe berries, fruits and vegetables.


Types of intestinal infections and their causes

Intestinal infections can be bacterial and viral origin. Bacterial intestinal infections are bacterial dysentery, salmonellosis Salmonellosis - features of the disease  Salmonellosis - features of the disease
 , Intestinal infections caused by E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria. Such infections are usually transmitted with dirty hands, vegetables, fruits and other foods, as well as water.

For intestinal infections of viral origin include rotavirus and enterovirus infection, they may be transmitted both through the water, food and unwashed hands and airborne droplets - coughing, sneezing, talking. Airborne transmission route is possible because of the fact that the viral infections are affected, as a rule, the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract.


Acute bacterial dysentery

Acute bacterial dysentery - is an intestinal infection that affects mainly the end (distal) part of the colon. Shigella dysentery is caused - bacteria, which feature is the ability to be a long time and multiply in food and water. Infection occurs from dysentery Dysentery - "disease of dirty hands"  Dysentery - "disease of dirty hands"
   through the hands, food and water contaminated with the feces of the patient.

Dysentery can flow as easily, and is very hard, it all depends on the number received in the body of pathogens and their virulence (ability to cause disease), immune status Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   and gastrointestinal ill person. In severe forms of the disease affects the entire colon, with light - only the lower divisions. The disease can occur at a lesion not only the colon, but also the gastrointestinal tract.

In dysentery in the intestinal wall starts infectious-inflammatory ulcerative process which, however, very rarely leads to perforation of the intestine.

Toxins bacteria can be absorbed into the blood and cause toxicity, including brain damage and the circulatory system.

Dysentery symptoms usually appear within two to three days (the incubation period lasts from a few hours to a week). The disease begins abruptly with fever, chills, malaise, headache, cramping pains in the left abdomen, frequent (up to 10 times or more per day) of liquid stool with tenesmus. The stool is very fast an admixture of blood. When part of the chair can become dehydrated.

The disease continues for about a week. Treatment - plentiful drink (can drink lightly salted water or special pharmacy solutions), diet (with the exception of food, irritate the stomach), antibacterial therapy.


Rotavirus - intestinal flu

Rotavirus infection - a viral intestinal infection caused by rotaviruses. Infection occurs as through food, water and hands contaminated by the faeces of the patient or by droplets if the patient inflammation in the upper airways.

The disease begins after implementation of rotavirus in mucosal cells of the small intestine, positioned on top of intestinal villi. Sloughing of cells infected with rotavirus villi leads to partial atrophy and dysfunction of the digestive system. Increased motor activity of the intestine, which leads to the appearance of nausea, vomiting and watery stools.

Symptoms appear after viruses multiply in sufficient quantities to cause intestinal lesions and intoxication of the whole organism. This incubation period, which usually lasts about five days.

The disease begins with the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rumbling and abdominal pain, it may also be a slight rise in temperature.

A characteristic feature of intestinal flu is a severe weakness, difficulty moving the patient. Stool is watery consistency, bright yellow color and characteristic odor.

In less severe disease, all the symptoms are slight, and the disease lasts for about two days. Maybe of virus, in which the patient is unaware that the source of infection.

In severe intestinal infection due to frequent vomiting and loose stool rapidly increases dehydration and the patient is required to replenish the liquid. If this had constant vomiting, then such a patient requires hospitalization. Lasts rotavirus infection Rotavirus: favorable prognosis  Rotavirus: favorable prognosis
   about a week, then some time (about two weeks), the patient continues to excrete feces with rotaviruses.

Treatment of symptomatic rotavirus infection.

If you have symptoms of acute intestinal infection should seek medical advice.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • intestinal infections
