Everyone has heard the recommendation to get up from the dinner table with a feeling of easy hunger, but to follow it turns out not always. Many people feel heaviness in the stomach after a meal, which can be accompanied by symptoms such as lethargy and sleepiness, flatulence, bloating, burning sensation in the stomach, heartburn, stomach cramps, nausea, severe stomach pain
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, and so on. In most cases, these symptoms do not indicate the presence of any serious violations, and get rid of them is quite simple.
Causes of heaviness in the stomach after meals
The most likely cause of heaviness in the stomach after eating are:
- Aerophagia - a condition that occurs as a result of that person during the meal swallows too much air;
- Acid reflux - is a disorder in which stomach acid enters the esophagus, causing a more or less strong burning;
- Dyspepsia - indigestion, symptoms of which, in addition to the weight in the stomach, may be bloating, nausea, flatulence and a strong;
- Overeating - a very common cause of heaviness in the stomach after eating.
In rare cases, a feeling of heaviness, and the stomach is an early sign of cancer of the stomach.
How to get rid of heaviness in the stomach after eating
The choice of dealing with this unpleasant symptom depends on what caused it arrives.
Aerophagia. If heaviness in the stomach is associated with aerophagia, try to perform the following recommendations:
- Slowly and carefully chew food. One of the reasons aerofagii is that people eat too fast, and thus swallows with food a lot of air. If you constantly eat in a hurry, on the go, without having to chew food properly, it can lead not only to aerophagia but also a number of other problems with the digestive system;
- Do not drink carbonated beverages;
- Do not drink through a straw - so goes into the stomach more air;
- Do not lie down after eating.
Acid reflux. To facilitate such symptoms of acid reflux, as the heaviness after eating, bloating, and nausea, it is recommended:
- Those who are overweight - lose weight. This reduces the pressure on the stomach, whereby the symptoms of acid reflux occur much less frequently and become less pronounced;
- If you smoke, you need to get rid of this habit. Tobacco smoke can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, because of which the symptoms are exacerbated by acid reflux;
- It is recommended to have small portions of four or five, or even six times a day. The last meal should be at least three to four hours before bedtime
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- It is very moderately consume foods that aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux, such as alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, fatty and spicy dishes. To identify what causes acid reflux you, try a couple of days to give up these products, and then enter them into the diet one at a time, and to celebrate the body's response.
In some cases, the treatment of acid reflux may include the following medications:
- Antacids - a medication neutralizing stomach acid and thus relieves the symptoms of reflux. They are fairly safe and effective, but they should not be taken with any other drugs as antacids hinder their normal absorption and thus significantly reduce their efficiency;
- Proton pump inhibitors used in the cases that no other means to help cope with the symptoms of acid reflux. They are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug and some severe liver disease.
Most people tolerate medications from the class of proton pump inhibitors. Among their possible side effects - headache, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, and skin rash.
Typically, these side effects are mild, and tested immediately after the completion of treatment.
Blockers H2-histamine receptors may be assigned to patients who do not help other drugs. Drugs that block the effects of histamine type, which is used in the body for the production of gastric acid. Due to this concentration of acid in the stomach is reduced, and acid reflux symptoms become less intense. Possible side effects of blockers of H2 histamine receptors: diarrhea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, skin rash. They are rare, and in most cases, the treatment takes place safely without any adverse consequences for the health of the patient.
To alleviate symptoms of dyspepsia recommendations generally the same as for acid reflux. Often these disorders are closely related, and treatment results in the relief of symptoms of the other. Patients suffering from dyspepsia, may also be recommended eating more liquid and soft, easily digested food; perfect, for example, various broths, soups, cereals, smoothies, yoghurts.
Sometimes the development of dyspepsia is associated with high stress
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; In such cases, the patient may be recommended the use of various relaxation techniques
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Or appeal to the psychologist.
Get rid of overeating is often harder than it seems at first glance. This requires continuous efforts of the patient and a lot of time. At the same time, many people happen failures - they can weeks or months have normally, and then again begin to overeat.
So it may be repeated several times, but you can not give up: the only way to deal with this problem - constantly work on yourself, control yourself carefully.
If you do not, heaviness in the stomach after eating, extra weight and related problems may become constant companions of your life. Key recommendations to combat overeating:
- Be aware of the problem. It is necessary to call things by their proper names, if you climb up from the table with the feeling that the stomach pulls you down, while you have no problems such as acid reflux or indigestion, you're not just a little carried away with their favorite delicacy, and have overeaten. No need to justify overeating stress or something else - just admit that you have a problem that needs to be solved;
- Eat slowly. Researchers found that people with normal weight signal saturation reaches the brain no less than twelve minutes after a person starts eating. In people with overweight and obesity it takes at least twenty minutes. The fact that this signal is sent regardless of whether you eat dish during which time 500 kcal or 2000 kcal, but in the second case it will occur when the stomach is already full;
- Eat consciously. If you eat at the computer, watching TV or driving, you also run the risk of overeating before the signal about saturation. Experts strongly recommend finding time for thoughtful meal - you need to focus only on food and on the sensations in time to notice when you've had enough to eat;
- Focus on the first bite. In practice, people tend to quickly gobble up the first pieces as soon as possible to satisfy your hunger, and only then try to really rasprobovat food. However, after the first few slice sensitivity of taste buds dull, and you have to eat more, to how to enjoy the taste. What to do? Do not go on about the hunger and good rasprobovat best pieces - then it will be easier to stop eating at the first signs of saturation;
- Eat from small plates. It is well known that on a small plate, even a small portion of food looks pretty impressive - it is a psychological trick that helps to eat less and get up from the table without a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
- Choose hearty, rich in dietary fiber, protein, and / or contain a large amount of liquid. How can I rarely eat foods in small volumes that contain a lot of calories, such as chocolate and fatty cheeses.