Worms - how dangerous they are? - Herbs

June 23 2013

  • Worms - how dangerous they are?
  • Helminthiasis
  • Symptoms and signs
  • The man
  • Children
  • When pregnancy
  • Ascaris during pregnancy
  • Assays
  • Treatment
  • Ridding
  • Folk remedies
  • Withdrawal
  • Pills
  • Herbs
  • Prevention
  • Prevention in Children
  • Medications for prevention

 Herbs from worms

Herbs from worms

Worms, or helminths, annually become a cause of parasitic infections in millions of people worldwide. Most often they are infected live in developing countries, but also those who live in prosperous countries, are not protected from helminthiasis.

To treat such infections have long been used herbs. The effectiveness of certain plants (such as wormwood, gentian and ginger) as a treatment for intestinal worms has been proven by scientific research. Also for removing worms use grapefruit seed extract, wild indigo and goldthread; their effect has not been studied, so they must be used with caution.

From preparing a decoction of wormwood - pour a tablespoon of dry sagebrush cup of water, give the brew for 20-30 minutes. The cooled broth is recommended to take 2 tablespoons three times a day.

In the same way you can prepare a decoction of pharmacy chamomile and tansy. Herbs are used in equal amounts. The broth should be drunk before breakfast on an empty stomach.

Herbs for the treatment of intestinal worms is best used in combination with other anthelminthics - especially if the child is ill helminthiasis. In addition, it is necessary to take measures for prevention, to reduce the risk of re-infection.

If you have any chronic illness, you are pregnant or breast-feeding, before taking any herbs, consult your doctor.

For centuries, herbs have been used for getting rid of intestinal worms and to treat a variety of diseases of the digestive tract. Herbs from worms - thyme, rosemary, chamomile, as well as garlic and ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
   - Help in the treatment of tapeworms, and prevention.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Garlic - one of the most well-known plants to treat worms and solve many other problems of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent worms and parasites from the body excretion should be included in daily diet of garlic and drink at least one clove of garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   food daily. Finely chopped or grated garlic can be added to a variety of dishes - from salads to pasta or mashed potatoes. For the treatment of garlic can be eaten raw (not just marigolds, garlic and herbs), or receive it in the form of tablets and capsules, which can be bought in some drugstores and specialty stores.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Ginger - one of the most well-known medicinal plants, which for centuries used in folk medicine of different countries for treatment of various diseases. Ginger - an indispensable tool in the treatment and prevention of worms, he destroys the roundworm and other intestinal parasites. As garlic, ginger very easily be incorporated into the daily diet by adding it as a seasoning in various dishes. The recommended daily intake of ginger for the treatment and prevention of intestinal parasites is one-half teaspoon of ginger.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Rosemary - is another herb that helps in the treatment of worms. This herb has long been used as a seasoning for various dishes of meat and vegetables. To prevent helminth infections, in the daily diet must include at least a half-teaspoon rosemary.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Gang bang

Chamomile has many medicinal properties and, in particular, promotes treatment of the diseases caused by intestinal parasites while cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Include a daisy in the daily diet is very easy - just drink at least one cup of chamomile tea daily. Medicinal teas Chamomile help cleanse the intestines, preventing helminthiasis and simultaneously strengthen the immune system.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Since time immemorial, cumin is used in folk medicine to treat a variety of diseases - including diseases caused by worms. Cumin, thanks to its healing properties, helps combat most types of intestinal parasites - including tapeworm and roundworms (nematodes). Since cumin - is a common seasoning, it's very easy to incorporate into your daily diet, adding a tablespoon of cumin in your favorite dishes every day.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


This medicinal herb for centuries been used to control pests, including - with worms. You can take a decoction of wormwood, liquid extract, or wormwood capsules.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Seeds of Artemisia

Tea made from the seeds of wormwood - a very effective remedy for worms. Do not take the oil from the seeds of wormwood in a pure form, because it can be toxic.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Angelica - a plant that comprises a chemical compound having anthelmintic activity. It also fits some of the symptoms of helminthiasis, such as muscle pain, and abdominal pain. Pregnant women and people with diabetes use angelica is not recommended.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Mahonia padubolistaya

Mahonia padubolistaya in homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   It is used not only for the treatment of parasitic, but also bacterial and viral infections. However, this tool should be used only under the supervision of a person who specializes in homeopathy.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Butternut eliminates constipation, and helps to eliminate the parasites from the body. Because of the danger of side effects should not be taken for long periods.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Tea from marigold helps not only to bring the worms, but they restore damaged tissue.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?


Cascara - effective natural laxative, which is recommended for use in combination with herbs that have properties anthelmintics.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Unkariya pubescent

Unkariya pubescent or cat's claw helps to quickly and effectively clean the intestines, but this plant is not recommended for pregnant women.

 Herbs | Worms - how dangerous they are?

Treatment of worms with plants

A comprehensive program of treatment of worms with plants can be no less effective than pharmaceutical worming agent. This program begins with fasting: in one day you need to drink only apple juice, water, and take garlic capsules. The next day, drink mint tea and a decoction of wormwood, papaya juice, and take in the morning one tablespoon of castor oil. Every four hours, eat a handful of pumpkin seeds or grains of amaranth, and eat fresh vegetables. In general it can be fed as usual, but is preferably in the diet was as many plant foods.

Drink carrot, beet and cucumber juice to speed purgation.

To make the environment even more hostile worms can also be used valerian, barberry, goldenseal, myrrh, witch hazel, cayenne, dandelion and ginseng.

During treatment, it is recommended to drink tea from Senna - it has a laxative effect, and helps to quickly bring the dead parasites from the body. However, senna is not recommended for people who have the following diseases: colitis, Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, blood vessel disease, heart failure and heart disease, anemia, hernia, disorders of the liver and kidneys. Many people senna causes severe abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 Which, however, quickly disappear.
