Why is sick in the morning, you should understand, as morning sickness can cause a variety of diseases and conditions. If nausea is constantly worried in the morning, then it is possible that it is the first sign of a serious disease. In this case, you need to see a doctor and get tested, then the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Why sick after eating in the morning - a reflex nausea
Nausea - is particularly unpleasant feeling in the pit of the stomach, chest and mouth, which usually precedes vomiting. Often accompanied by nausea, low blood pressure, general weakness, paleness, sweating, excessive salivation
Increased salivation - deviation from the norm
One of the most common causes of nausea reflex excitation is located in the medulla oblongata of the emetic center, insufficient for the development of vomiting.
Nausea in the morning after a meal is a reflex mechanism of its development is associated with stimulation of the receptors of various organs - stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract and pancreas
Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
, Peritoneum, inner ear, pleura, bronchi, kidneys, uterus and its appendages and so on. Sensory (afferent) impulses from the stimulation of a body transmitted through the vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata and the vomiting center. Under the influence of signals from the vomiting center in the stomach begin to arise movements that promote backflow of ingested food.
Thus, the reflex nausea may be associated with any disease of the internal organs.
But more often, it is still associated with diseases of the digestive system, which is a feature that they rarely affect a certain organ. Thus, if there is a disease of the stomach, they usually suffer intestine, biliary tract, pancreas. Conversely, for liver and biliary tract affects the stomach, intestines and pancreas. So why sick after eating in the morning, we can say only after survey.
Why do men feel sick in the morning
In men, the cause of morning sickness can also be any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, or any other organ (reflex nausea). In addition, men more often than women, found brain nausea associated with diseases of the brain, accompanied by increased intracranial pressure
Increased intracranial pressure is dangerous for the brain
. This may be a consequence of traumatic brain injury, various diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, atherosclerosis, carotid and vertebral arteries, high blood pressure, and so on), and brain tumors.
In this case, the answer to the question why morning sickness men is associated with increased intracranial pressure due to the accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the ventricles of the brain while in a horizontal position.
To clarify the diagnosis in this case should also be examined.
More often than women, and men develop chronic adrenal insufficiency, which may be caused by tuberculosis, tumors of the adrenal glands and some other diseases. Recently, adrenal insufficiency is most often caused by autoimmune processes (allergy own tissues). Nausea in the morning can be one of the first signs of the condition.
Why is the child sick in the morning
Nausea in the morning in children is most often associated with worm infestation and giardiasis. The most common parasitic infestation that causes nausea in the mornings, is ascariasis.
Equally often the cause of morning sickness in children is giardiasis. Giardia - it's just that settle in the small intestine of humans and can cause digestive disorders in children (adults giardiasis usually asymptomatic). One of the symptoms of giardiasis may be loss of appetite, and nausea in the morning.
Giardiasis in children may be a burden for other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and to disguise them as well as contribute to allergic reactions. Often a diagnosis of giardiasis hiding chronic diseases of the digestive system as biliary dyskinesia, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammation of the pancreas, and so on.
In infants regurgitation, nausea and headaches, anxiety is manifested, shouting and rejection of the breast in the morning can be a sign of increased intracranial pressure against the backdrop of perinatal (before, during birth and immediately after birth) brain lesions. Such children should always be seen by a neurologist.
Why pregnant women morning sickness
Nausea in the morning is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy, it is one of the manifestations of the woman's body to adapt to the state of pregnancy and goes to the second trimester. But sometimes nausea intensifies, it becomes constant, followed by vomiting and drooling - it is a sign of early pregnancy toxemia. Mild forms of early toxicity harmless, moderate and severe - a threat of dehydration, so be treated in a hospital.
If nausea is in the second half of pregnancy, it is a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia (violation of tone of blood vessels, accompanied by drops in blood pressure) or hypertension
Hypertension - when suffering heart and brain
That is a sign of a dangerous and poses a threat to the development of toxicosis second half of pregnancy - preeclampsia.
If worried about the question of why morning sickness, you should see a doctor and get tested.
Galina Romanenko