Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

December 4, 2011

 Constant belching
 Usually doctors do not belong to such a serious problem as burping, and for its treatment prescribed antacids. However, belching can be a symptom of serious violations, as a lack of gastric acid or digestive enzymes, which is why the food that they eat, just stuck in the stomach and small intestine. When this happens, food produced from gases that cause bloating and belching constant.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

What helps with belching?

Some people regurgitate all day - it happens when aerofagii, a condition which is characterized by excessive ingestion of air. For temporary relief of symptoms, you can take non-prescription antacids.

However, if you have a constant burping Belching: why it happens and that means  Belching: why it happens and that means
 These drugs do not give long-term effect. There are several natural remedies that help to prevent or cure a permanent burp. Perhaps the most reliable means for this - Ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 . He brings almost instant relief, stimulates digestion, and in the long term, eliminating the regurgitation. In addition, it helps to avoid such problems in the future. Take 1-2 capsules of 550 mg, or 30 drops of tincture of ginger before each meal. Or if you prefer, you can of ginger tea - also before meals or with food.

It is also possible to take the digestive enzymes in capsules, tablets or powder.

If you have poor nutrition and irregular body stops producing digestive enzymes in the normal amount, which could result in a permanent burp. These enzymes contain the following ingredients: protease, pancreatin Pancreatin - a means to improve digestion  Pancreatin - a means to improve digestion
 , Amylase, lipase, cellulase, lactase, and maltase. Take enzyme complexes, which have all of these substances.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

Cardamom helps belching

Cardamom - another means of constant belching, which, moreover, soothes the stomach. It reduces muscle spasms, which are among the causes of regurgitation. In addition, cardamom increases the production of digestive fluids, so that food is better digested and produce less emissions. Brew tea from cardamom 1 teaspoon per cup of water, let it brew for 10 minutes, and drink.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

Belching children

You heard the sound many times. If this happens at home - do you think that there is nothing wrong, if at strangers in a public place, feel awkward. However, on this you can always laugh, and gently remind your child that in such cases it is necessary to apologize to the audience. Typically, regurgitation in infants is the norm, but sometimes it may indicate a more serious problem.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

What is "normal"?

Normal - all pretty subjective concept, and burp it concerns too. In some cultures, children burping a compliment Compliments and their meaning: do not mistake the words  Compliments and their meaning: do not mistake the words
   for the cook, in others it is not allowed. So it is better to consider the norm in terms of biology.

Regurgitate after eating 3-4 times normal, because along with the food we swallow air, which then goes back. This is true for both adults and children. Children can also be belching after active games, sports or after they are very excitedly told something by swallowing air at the same time. These causes regurgitation can be controlled and are not signs of any disease. Uncontrolled regurgitation occurs most of the usual three or four times after eating.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?


Belching children can have dozens of causes. One of the most common - lactose intolerance, which is characterized in that the body can not digest the lactose contained in milk. Other causes of regurgitation in children can be ileus, irritable bowel syndrome, non-ulcer dyspepsia, acid reflux and hiatal hernia.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?


As a rule, the uncontrolled burp in children disappears with time. When children grow up, the biochemistry of the body changes in such a way that they begin to digest certain foods, because of which decreases gas formation. Diseases that cause belching, such as acid reflux, is often also held with age, when the structure of the tissues of the throat and esophagus to become more mature.

 Constant belching: how to prevent and cure?

Warning signs

If regurgitation has an unpleasant smell or if it is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it may indicate disorders of the digestive system that require treatment.

Article Tags:
  • belching

Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects

April 5, 2009

  • Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects
  • Prevention

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn
   Heartburn - it is a very common and very unpleasant phenomenon. It starts when the gastric juice into the esophagus. The person thus burning feeling in chest, throat and upper abdomen. You probably know that well help heartburn various pharmaceutical drugs, but there are natural remedies that can greatly alleviate your condition.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects


Effect of herbs on patients with heartburn is not well understood. As a rule, scientists are exploring the effects of plants that are part of the different drugs for heartburn. They are the most common components are:

  • Angelica;
  • Cumin;
  • Pharmacy daisy;
  • Celandine;
  • Melissa;
  • Licorice;
  • Milk Thistle;
  • Mint.

Studies have shown that drugs which contain these plants effectively fight heartburn. Broth of these plants can also be used to relieve the symptoms of heartburn.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects


Soda, maybe the most popular natural remedy for heartburn. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of warm water and drink. Usually heartburn after this passes quickly.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects


Avoid heartburn triggers. Typically, heartburn begins after ingestion of the following products:

  • Citrus fruits;
  • Chocolate;
  • Peppermint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
  • Tomatoes;
  • Onion;
  • Garlic;
  • Black pepper;
  • Vinegar;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Coffee;
  • Fizzy drinks;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Also, to avoid heartburn, it must have at least two or three hours before you go to bed.

Eat small meals and slowly. Chew slowly, concentrate on what you are eating - food treat, inhale her scent, try it in detail rasprobovat taste.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects

Reducing stress

Many experts say that the stress significantly increases the risk of heartburn, and furthermore it contributes exacerbated her symptoms.

Use a variety of relaxation techniques Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
   and control of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 To relieve the symptoms of heartburn.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects

Quit smoking

Nicotine can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter - the muscle group, which prevents stomach acid into the esophagus. If necessary, contact your doctor to recommend you a program to quit smoking.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects

Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice - a great natural remedy for heartburn. Although its effectiveness is not scientifically proven, it is used for centuries to combat heartburn.

If heartburn is recommended to take a quarter cup of aloe juice Aloe - its amazing healing properties  Aloe - its amazing healing properties
   Faith for 20 minutes before eating. Aloe vera juice is very bitter taste, so it is recommended to have a snack with honey - sweet and it does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus.

 Natural remedies to combat heartburn - without the side effects


Marshmallow contains mucilage, which is supposed to protect and soften the inner membrane of the esophagus. If heartburn is recommended to drink tea made from marshmallow. Use one tablespoon of dried marshmallow for a cup of boiling water; insist broth for ten minutes. It is recommended to drink at least three cups of the broth a day.

If you have diabetes, before eating marshmallow consult your doctor, since the chemical compounds contained in the plant, can slow the absorption of antidiabetic drugs.
