Geptral - indications for use hepato- and neuroprotective

December 2, 2012

 Heptral readings
 Geptral is gepato- neuroprotectant that is a drug that protects and has a beneficial effect on the liver cells (hepatocytes) and brain (neurons). Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as in the treatment of depression.

 Geptral - indications for use hepato- and neuroprotective

Indications for use by the liver geptrala

Geptral used to treat liver diseases - hepatitis A, B, C, fatty liver, toxic liver disease, including alcohol and drugs, intrahepatic bile stasis, cirrhosis of any origin.

Beneficial effects on the liver geptrala is that it protects the liver cells from harmful effects. Geptral involved in the synthesis of glutathione and taurine - biologically active substances that can neutralize toxic substances that destroy the cells of the liver. Long-term liver disease leads to a decrease in the amount of glutathione, which affects the condition of the liver in general. Taurine protects liver cells from the action of toxic bile acids.

Geptral also has a restorative effect - liver cells are regenerated by the action of putrescine - the active substance in the synthesis which also involved Heptral. Restoring hepatocytes Heptral simultaneously inhibits proliferation of connective tissue, that is, the formation of cirrhosis of the steady decline in liver function.

Especially effective Heptral Geptral - protection and support to the liver and not only  Geptral - protection and support to the liver and not only
   at alcoholic liver disease, including cirrhosis in the alcoholic. There are shown all his positive qualities: the protection of liver cells from alcohol intoxication after reconstitution of hepatocytes and inhibition of proliferation of connective tissue.

In most geptral begin initially administered parenterally, i.e., bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, - intramuscularly or intravenously, and after two weeks, on the admission of the tablets, which take over long. Dosages and duration of treatment determined by the attending physician.

 Geptral - indications for use hepato- and neuroprotective

Indications for use geptrala from the biliary tract

Geptral used for chronic cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), stagnation in the biliary tract, but only in the absence of stones (cholelithiasis).

Protecting the liver from the damaging effects of stagnation of bile in the biliary tract is due to the fact that it promotes the excretion of bile into the duodenum, and protects the liver from intoxication.

Assign Heptral in diseases of the biliary tract mostly inside in the first half of the day (the drug stimulates the central nervous system). Tablets are taken between meals, not chewed and washed down with a small amount of liquid. The duration of treatment is determined by a physician, usually it is from two to eight weeks.

 Geptral - indications for use hepato- and neuroprotective

Geptral when removing abstinence syndrome

A withdrawal syndrome occurs in patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction upon discontinuance of the substance to which the patient has formed a dependency. At the same time in the body violated the metabolic processes, there is a large amount of toxic products of metabolism.

The liver takes the brunt - it neutralizes these substances and therefore can not suffer. In addition, it is constantly suffering from intoxication, when the patient is using drugs and alcohol.

Geptral in this case protects the liver cells and neutralizes toxic substances, which are then eliminated from the body through the kidneys. Geptral in this case is part of the comprehensive treatment of withdrawal symptoms, greatly facilitating the patient's condition.

In severe withdrawal syndrome Heptral first injected, and then move on ingestion. In mild to moderate withdrawal syndrome Heptral usually prescribed once inside.

 Geptral - indications for use hepato- and neuroprotective

Geptral the treatment of depression

Depression can occur in many psychiatric disorders Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
   and border states (states between normal and abnormal). Sometimes the patient's condition can be so painful that he was trying to commit suicide - this is one of the biggest dangers for depression.

Treat depression by using drugs - antidepressants. But lately, more and more often, patients with resistance (lack of sensitivity) to antidepressants. In such cases, psychiatrists prescribe Heptral which improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in brain cells and slightly activates the central nervous system. All of this helps to relieve depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Geptral try not to prescribe only in manic-depressive syndrome, as under the influence of this drug goes into depression sometimes manic state.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Heptral

Duspatalin appendicitis - clarify the nature of pain

February 10th, 2013

 Duspatalin appendicitis
 Duspatalin - a drug that relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the digestive system. It perfectly helps if abdominal pain have spasmodic nature. But the pain of appendicitis have an inflammatory character, whether it is possible in this case to take Duspatalin?


What is appendicitis

Acute appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix cecum. The inflammatory process begins with the contents of stagnation in the appendix and rectum due to the presence of fecal stones inflection process, slowing peristalsis and so on. The stagnation contributes to an increase in pressure in the process, slowing down the circulation of blood in his wall, the wall of the implementation process of pathogenic microorganisms that live in the intestine and their rapid reproduction.

The inflammatory process in the appendix may be focal, purulent, abscess, phlegmonous-ulcer, with the formation of small abscesses in the wall of the appendix, gangrenous. Depending on the type of inflammatory process can be altered or seemingly not dramatically increased, Patriotic, with black spots of necrosis (tissue death), and so on. At the same symptoms of the disease do not always correspond to changes in the appendix.

The attack of acute appendicitis usually begins suddenly, with abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 That is vague at first and only after some time concentrated in the right iliac fossa. Pain usually will not give, but worse when coughing. There has also been delayed stool and gas, nausea and vomiting. It may rise to moderate the temperature of numbers, but sometimes it happens and normal. Language coated with white bloom, eventually becomes dry, the pulse often.

Additional research methods reveal leukocytosis Leukocytosis - when there are too many white blood cells  Leukocytosis - when there are too many white blood cells
   in blood (increased number of leukocytes). Acute appendicitis requires surgical treatment - an inflamed appendix removed.


Inflammatory and spasmodic abdominal pain - how to distinguish?

Abdominal pain of appendicitis are sometimes similar to cramps - intestinal colic. Intestinal colic often irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and goiter, which are characterized by disorders of digestion, flatulence, and abdominal pain. These pains caused by spasm of smooth muscle of the intestinal wall and often are associated with a meal. Cramping last no more than three - four hours. They are well removed by means of antispasmodics, eg Duspatalin - myotropic antispasmodic that is acting directly on the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.

Inflammatory pain have entirely different mechanisms, they are associated with the appearance of inflammatory edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and compression of the nerve endings and small blood vessels in the wall of the appendix. Inflammatory pain lasts for a long time (more than three - four hours), is enhanced by change of position and pressure on the stomach, accompanied by fever and can not be removed antispasmodics.

Physicians usually warn that with abdominal pain should not take painkillers and applying heat to the abdomen. If this inflammatory pain, the painkillers eliminate pain and allow the patient promptly seek medical care, which is fraught with many severe complications, until the death of the patient from peritonitis. When warming the inflamed appendix will expand its blood vessels and infection of them can spread to other organs and tissues (sepsis).

But the reception antispasmodics in inflammatory pain is not contraindicated - in this case they will not remove the pain, but will help to distinguish between spasms of the intestinal wall inflammation - acute appendicitis.


Duspatalin appendicitis - how to make?

The patient himself can hardly understand that the pain in his stomach he was concerned. Therefore, sudden strong pain in the stomach should immediately call an ambulance. If, before the arrival of an ambulance to take the patient Duspatalin, it will help the doctor distinguish between the inflammatory pain of spastic and promptly hospitalized patients.

Admission Duspatalin in this case will not worsen the condition of the patient, as this drug does not suppress the normal intestinal motility and does not contribute to a further stagnation of feces in the intestine.

For the first time appeared sharp abdominal pain Acute abdominal pain  Acute abdominal pain
   require immediate treatment to the doctor - this delay can lead to numerous complications and even to threats to the life of the patient. Take while painkillers and warm belly is absolutely contraindicated. But you can take Duspatalin.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Duspatalin
