Laktofiltrum - instruction: study beneficial effect
March 25, 2012
Laktofiltrum - a drug that clears the bowels of toxic products and at the same time promotes the natural intestinal flora, which may be affected in various inflammatory and allergic diseases, poisoning, after taking antibiotics, and so on.
Mechanism of action
Laktofiltrum refers to a group enterosorbents - drugs, cleanses the intestines. But, in addition, this drug helps restore normal intestinal microflora. This mechanism of action is possible due to the combined structure laktofiltrum, it is composed of lignin and enterosorbent prebiotic lactulose. It produces lactulose Russian-Swiss pharmaceutical firm ABBA RUS tablets for oral administration.
Presence in laktofiltrum hydrolyzed lignin is a product of wood processing. It is well adsorbs on their surface all toxic substances that enter the body from outside and formed in the body during metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
- Alcohol, heavy metals, toxic products of inflammatory and allergic reactions of metabolism. He brings cholesterol (reduced manifestations of atherosclerosis), bilirubin (cleanses the body in the human liver), histamine (decrease the effects of allergic reactions), urea (cleanses the body in renal impairment) and so on. Wherein lignin is not absorbed into the blood, "operates" only in the intestine and after day completely excreted.
Lactulose - a synthetic sugar (disaccharide), which is composed of fructose and galactose residues
. In the colon lactulose used the normal intestinal microflora as food
. As a result, it increases the growth of normal microflora, especially bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which promotes proper assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and trace elements
. The purgation begin to work actively immune cells (in the gut are more than in the rest of the body), strengthening the body's defenses
. In the process of decomposition formed lactulose useful to intestinal organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic), which creates an acidic environment in the gut uncomfortable for opportunistic and pathogenic microflora
. The purgation enhance the motility (peristalsis), stool do not stay all the time toxic products displayed
. Lactulose, as well as lignin not digested by
Through this action laktofiltrum found wide application in the treatment of various diseases which are accompanied by general intoxication of the organism.
Indications and contraindications for use
Laktofiltrum recommended:
- in intestinal dysbacteriosis
Intestinal dysbiosis - how dangerous it is?
- Violation of the ratio of honey normal and pathogenic microflora, which often occurs after treatment with antibiotics;
- irritable bowel syndrome, where there is a tendency to constipation and diarrhea;
- in severe liver diseases in violation of its functions;
- allergic diseases - asthma, atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, allergic rhinitis, and so on;
- functional disorders of the digestive system, such as overeating, use of low-quality products.
Laktofiltrum take an hour before eating or taking other medications for two to three tablets, three times a day for 14-20 days. For children, the following dosages: from 8 to 12 - one or two tablets three times a day, from 3 to 7 years old one tablet three times a day, to three years - half tablets, three times per day.
Contraindications for use laktofiltrum:
- bowel obstruction;
- internal bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
- galactosemia - an inherited metabolic disorder in which impaired conversion of galactose to glucose
Glucose: The energy source
- individual intolerance of components.
With laktofiltrum caution should be used in acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, as well as reducing motor activity of the bowel (intestinal atony).
Safety data laktofiltrum during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
the manufacturer of the drug is not provided.
In the complex treatment laktofiltrum it can be used, but subject to the time interval between its reception and use of other drugs.
Side effects and overdose
Side effects laktofiltrum may manifest as diarrhea and bloating, but this rarely occurs. Allergic reactions are also possible. Chronic administration may develop vitamin deficiencies (vitamin deficiency develops in the group).
Overdose laktofiltrum manifested in the form of constipation and abdominal pain. Treatment is not required, it is enough to stop taking the drug.
Laktofiltrum - is an effective and safe drug.
Galina Romanenko
Treatment of liver - trust your doctor
February 4, 2010
- Treatment of liver - trust your doctor
- The liver and its functions
Liver - the largest internal organ of the body. Since the liver each day passes a huge variety of harmful substances and microorganisms, to protect her from the disease in two main ways. First, the liver is able to regenerate through repair or replace damaged tissue. Secondly, many of the liver cells perform the same function. Therefore, in the case of damage to one part of the liver, its function take over other cells, and can carry it endlessly or as long as the damage has been repaired, and liver tissue is restored.
Liver function
- participates in learning more of the nutrients are absorbed in the intestine;
- participates in the circulation;
- involved in digestion, producing bile;
- a protective function in the pathology of digestion and absorption of proteins;
- It performs the barrier function, cleaning the blood from germs, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, worms, as well as drugs and alcohol, which are eliminated from the body through the digestive and urinary system.
By common liver diseases include hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
Cirrhosis, liver tumors and abscesses
Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
(accumulation of pus) of the liver, but it is not a complete list. The focus of this article will be paid to two of the most common diseases: hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Acute hepatitis
There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis
Acute hepatitis - always seriously
. Bed rest is not always necessary, although you may feel an improvement, if you limit physical activity. Most important is a diet - it should be directed at improving liver function, correction of metabolic disorders, stimulation of regenerative processes in the liver tissue.
In the midst of disease adhere to the most stringent dietary recommendations, but, in spite of significant limitations, even meals for patients in the acute phase of the disease must be sufficiently complete, ie contain the required amount of body protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. Nutrition should be a fraction, but frequent. You should also increase your intake of fluids. From the consumption of alcohol should be avoided in order to contribute to the restoration of the liver. If you can not eat or drink, requires hospitalization.
Chronic hepatitis
In some cases, patients with chronic hepatitis B or C, it is recommended to take medications that slow down the replication (reproduction) of the virus to reduce the amount of virus in the body cells. The risks and benefits of these drugs should be discussed with your doctor.
When hepatitis B or C is recommended to regular medical examination, which includes examination, a blood test - it is necessary to timely detect signs of ongoing inflammation in the liver. Patients with hepatitis B do not require isolation, but close to such a person should be aware of how the virus spreads. It is important to observe good personal hygiene, wash hands after contact with a patient with hepatitis and toilet.
In modern medical practice to a few ways to prevent hepatitis B, for example, effective vaccination against hepatitis B
Vaccination against hepatitis B - to do or not worth it?
A. There are also international programs of immunization against hepatitis B, in addition, the screening of donated blood helps prevent infection through blood. In Canada, hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for the entire population and is included in the list of primary immunization for babies. If you are going to visit the country with a high incidence of hepatitis B, consult your doctor and go through a survey to determine whether you are at risk, as well as to be immunized. From Hepatitis C vaccine does not exist.
Cirrhosis of the liver
Although there are no effective treatments for liver cirrhosis, its development may be delayed because of abstinence from alcohol. When selecting drugs should be careful, because some drugs can affect the liver in particular worsen liver disease. For example, patients with liver cirrhosis should discuss with your doctor the allowable dosage of acetaminophen because acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver.
Treatment of cirrhosis is mainly aimed at the prevention and elimination of complications. By curative measures include limiting salt intake to prevent fluid retention in the body, receiving diuretics ("water pills" that help get rid of excess water in the body), a diet low in protein and vitamins, especially vitamin K, A and D. The itching can be controlled by means of special drugs. Also, in some cases, prescribe laxative to accelerate the removal of toxins from the system. In some rare cases, a liver transplant.