Dyspepsia - a digestive disorder that is always connected, or eating disorders, or lack of some kind of enzymes. In case of violation of carbohydrate digestion occurs fermentative dyspepsia, protein - putrid, and fat - fat or soap.

What causes putrid dyspepsia
Putrid dyspepsia may occur when poor nutrition when the body receives too much protein. Especially difficult to digest pork and mutton. Putrid dyspepsia may also arise in the use of stale meat products. Another cause of putrid dyspepsia is a congenital or acquired reduction in the amount of digestive enzymes to digest protein foods - pepsin, trypsin and intestinal proteases.
Normally, the food begins to be degraded by enzymes in the stomach and even in the small intestine
. If enzymes degrading proteins, insufficient or too much protein foods, it is not fully decomposed and in this form arrives in the colon
. This partially digested food in the intestine decomposes under the influence is not the normal microflora, as it should be OK, and opportunistic
. Pathogenic microflora thus multiplies rapidly and suppresses the normal flora that is developing dysbiosis
. Opportunistic pathogens fill not only the entire large intestine, and the lower part of the small, which leads to decay processes and there
. Rotting is enhanced at the expense of the protein, which in a large number of isolated irritated intestinal wall
. This increases peristalsis and the patient has diarrhea
. In the process of putrefaction of proteins, a large number of toxic substances that are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause his poisoning (intoxication)

As shown
Putrid indigestion manifested decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain during bowel, liquid or mushy smelly stools dark and discharge of a large amount of malodorous gases. There are also signs of intoxication: fatigue, weakness, malaise, decreased performance, and sometimes - a slight fever, headaches and dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
Putrid neuralgia can occur acutely - it happens by eating large quantities of meat. In this case, digestion is unable to recover quickly enough. But more often the disease is chronic, and it says that in the gastrointestinal tract, there are serious violations, which cause inadequate secretion of digestive enzymes.

Diagnosis and treatment
In the study of feces found a large amount of undigested muscle fibers, defecation have an alkaline reaction (normally it should be closer to the acidic) and contains a lot of ammonia. That is indigestion, inflammation rather than by the absence of enteric mucus in stool, leukocytes and erythrocytes. Identification Survey in diseases of the stomach, pancreas
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, In violation of the intestinal enzyme function confirms the diagnosis.
Treatment of patients with dyspepsia putrefactive begins with the diet, or more precisely, with unloading of the gastrointestinal tract. Appointed hunger for 24-36 hours, only allowed to drink water and unsweetened tea rather weak. If the general condition of the patient was severely impaired by intoxication, the intravenously administered nutritional solutions, including the 5% glucose
Glucose: The energy source
. Then, in the diet of patients is gradually increasing the amount of carbohydrates and the patient one to two weeks translated mainly on a carbohydrate diet, but it is limited by the rough reception of fiber. Two weeks later, when the patient returned to normal gradually increase the amount of protein. To suppress the decay processes recommended intake of dairy products.
For normalization of stool prescribed astringents (e.g. tanalbin), to reduce the phenomena of intoxication and flatulence - adsorbents (activated carbon, calcium carbonate and so on). Appointed as antispasmodics, which relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the intestines, which helps to reduce pain and secretions of the intestinal protein - the main source of protein, which supports phenomenon putrid dyspepsia.
If the patient has been identified enzyme deficiency, he administered enzyme replacement therapy. Appointed as the B vitamins, whose formation is disturbed because of the reduction in the normal intestinal microflora. In some cases, when the threat of infectious and inflammatory bowel disease
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Is assigned to antibiotic therapy.
Galina Romanenko