Removal of ovarian cysts: "before" and "after" procedure

January 13, 2012

 removal of ovarian cysts
 Removal of ovarian cysts is recommended in cases where the cyst grows to a large size, growing, does not disappear on their own within two or three menstrual cycles and cause pain or other symptoms. In addition, the removal of ovarian cysts necessarily for suspected cancer.

In most cases, removal of an ovarian cyst surgically does not imply the need to remove the ovary completely - this procedure is called a cystectomy. In some cases, however, the removal of ovarian cysts performed with the ovary - such a procedure called oophorectomy (oophorectomy). The other ovary after such a procedure is intact and functioning normally. Finally, if there is a risk of transformation into malignant ovarian cyst formation required a hysterectomy Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need  Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) - a terrible need
   - Surgical removal of both ovaries and uterus. In rare cases, such an operation is assigned and the formation of multiple ovarian cysts after menopause.

Kinds of ovarian cysts very much, and most of them are harmless - according to statistics, nine out of ten cysts are benign formations, over time disappear on their own and do not require surgical intervention.

Removal of ovarian cysts may be required in the following cases:

  • If you suspect a cancer
  • If sprawling ovarian cyst Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
   caused ovarian torsion, violation of blood flow to the ovaries and the risk of tissue necrosis
  • If the cyst causes pain and other symptoms are distinct
  • When you break the cysts cause internal bleeding
  • If the cyst is large and puts pressure on the bladder and other organs

 Removal of ovarian cysts: "before" and "after" procedure

What are the alternatives to the removal of an ovarian cyst?

If the formation and growth of ovarian cysts are asymptomatic, the physician may be limited by observing - periodic checks for changes in the state of cysts once a month - two months. Any changes to the size and condition of the cyst determined by ultrasound, the results of which determined the need for further analysis or treatment. In most cases, however, the method of observation is enough - ovarian cysts disappear on their own.

 Removal of ovarian cysts: "before" and "after" procedure

The procedure

Although in itself an ovarian cyst removal procedure is quite simple, in some cases, it may require some preparatory measures. For example, before the removal of an ovarian cyst gynecologists strongly recommend at any time to stop smoking, since smoking increases the risk of infection, slow-recovery after surgery. Furthermore, in some cases, before the removal of ovarian cysts need to give up eating and drinking for at least six hours before surgery. Finally, before the removal of ovarian cysts may require special injection of drugs that prevent blood coagulation and thus preventing the formation of blood clots in the veins.

Removal of ovarian cyst is usually performed through a small incision in the skin in the abdomen through which are introduced into the abdominal cavity small surgical instruments and a laparoscope to facilitate the procedure for the removal of a cyst.

In most cases, a long stay in the hospital after the removal of ovarian cysts is not required - you can return home the same day or the next day. After surgery, the incision is sewn with special surgical thread eventually resolved.

In very rare cases, the removal of ovarian cysts require more invasive procedure - laparotomy, suggesting a single large incision in the abdomen. The period of recovery after surgery in such cases is much higher. The choice of method cyst removal depends on many factors - including the type and size of the cyst, the presence of distinct symptoms, general health of the woman and her children.

 Removal of ovarian cysts: "before" and "after" procedure

After the removal of ovarian cysts

After the removal of ovarian cysts need some time to rest before the termination of anesthesia. If after the operation there is pain or discomfort, to suppress symptoms, standard painkillers. After open surgery to remove an ovarian cyst may need a catheter outputting urine from the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function

General anesthesia usually affects coordination, so within forty-eight hours after the removal of ovarian cysts is recommended to give up alcohol, and from driving and other activities requiring alertness and concentration.

The seam remaining after the removal of ovarian cysts, usually resolves in two to three weeks after surgery. The duration of the recovery period after surgery is one to two weeks, depending on the overall health of women. Throughout the recovery period for the suppression of pain after the removal of ovarian cysts can take a standard pain medication (eg, acetaminophen or ibuprofen).

 Removal of ovarian cysts: "before" and "after" procedure

Possible complications

Removal of ovarian cysts - a common and safe procedure. Typically, such side effects are limited operation pain in the abdomen or shoulder, which usually extends within the first forty-eight hours after the operation. Possible complications after the removal of ovarian cysts - abnormal reaction to anesthesia, infection, excessive bleeding or blood clots forming (usually in the leg veins).

Specific, very rare complication removal of ovarian cysts include:

  • The need to remove one or both ovaries detection of large-scale damage caused by cysts
  • Accidental damage to other abdominal organs during surgery to remove ovarian cysts (bowel, bladder, large blood vessels)
  • Accidental damage during the operation of the fallopian tube - increases the risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
  • Accidental damage during surgery to remove the uterus ovarian cysts, which could lead to bleeding and infection

One of the possible complications of surgery to remove an ovarian cyst - infection, the main symptoms of which include:

  • Fervescence
  • Sharp, sharp pain in the abdomen
  • Dark or foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Pain and swelling of the skin around the navel with the release Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   unpleasant-smelling liquid

When one or more of these symptoms should immediately seek medical help.

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of ovarian cysts
