Where to treat infertility - the effectiveness of spa treatment

October 18, 2012

 where to treat infertility
 Infertility Treatment involves performing medical procedures in several stages. The second stage of restorative treatment is a treatment in a sanatorium or resort which specializes in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The question of where to treat infertility, should decide on the basis of the existing pathology of the reproductive system. You can choose the most suitable option for the couple spa treatment after the primary course of therapy.

 Where to treat infertility - the effectiveness of spa treatment

The efficacy of mud therapy for infertility

Infertility, which is caused by the presence of tuboperitoneal factor, can be effectively treated with the use of sludge. This is possible when Uncirculated adhesive process, that is in the initial stages of the disease (1 or 2 the extent of adhesions). There are a few large resorts that specialize in mud therapy Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
   - Bakirovo resorts, Yeisk, Krasnousolsk, Pyatigorsk, Saki.

Against the background of mud therapy in patients normalization of hormonal and immune status, which naturally leads to the restoration of menstrual dysfunction. Mud stimulates the processes of circulation and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs, reproductive system, eliminate the phenomenon of stagnation, inflammation. In the composition there are many dirts irreplaceable natural substances, trace elements - zinc, magnesium, iodine, selenium, potassium, copper and others. Use dirt can in various embodiments, for example:

  • swabs (vaginal and rectal) with mud
  • vaginal mud baths (uses purified mud)
  • compresses dirt
  • application of mud (in the form of "cowards")

Several varieties of treatment can be effectively combined with each other. In the course of treatment requires 15 procedures, which is determined by the state of the female reproductive system. It is proved that when there is mud resistant aftereffect. After finishing a course of treatment in a sanatorium therapeutic effect will still last for quite a long time, and this can explain the persistent clinical benefit or positive result.

 Where to treat infertility - the effectiveness of spa treatment

The healing properties of balneotherapy

For many years in the treatment of infertility Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
   successfully applied balneotherapy. Many resorts that specialize in the treatment of various gynecological diseases, is proposed as a therapeutic agent this kind of therapy. This resort of Sochi, Anapa, Pyatigorsk, Belokurikha and others. Recommend therapeutic qualities only after determining the state of reproductive function, hormonal and establish possible causes of the disease, since the different types of pathology are assigned different baths. The resorts there are many, so make the right choice will help to make expert on spa treatment. You can not go to deal with issues of infertility treatment without first consulting your doctor. It has a value of the location of the resort, which can be identified separately in the term climatotherapy. Wrong choice of the resort can play eventually negative role throughout the course of treatment

In order to achieve an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, normalization of metabolic processes, menstrual function (due to the stimulating effect on hormone production) recommended sulfide baths .  These baths are best suited for the treatment of endocrine disorders that are accompanied by a decrease in ovarian hormonal function, and long flowing inflammatory diseases .  Problems of endocrine and tubal infertility, various gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS or polycystic) effectively treatable radon baths .  By using this type of specialized baths Pyatigorsk resorts, Belokurikha .  If the problem of infertility is related to the breach of the relationship at the level of regulating the pituitary-ovarian, you can assign a course of treatment iodine-bromine baths (these resorts are located in Yeisk, Nalchik) .  Normalization of the neuroendocrine regulation, so this type of bath has an effect in numerous gynecological diseases (such as in the treatment of uterine fibroids Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?  Uterine fibroids - when surgery is needed?
 , Endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
 Which often act as a causal factor in infertility). Patients were conducted not only in the treatment bath as iodine and bromine, as well as irrigation. This combination enhances the therapeutic effect and providing a positive result in all the therapeutic course. The resorts of Belokurikha, Yeisk can also use the nitrogen-silicon and hydrogen sulfide baths, which have a pronounced therapeutic effect in case of infertility.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • infertility treatment

Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases

August 19, 2013

 inflammation of the uterus
 Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common diseases in women. This disease can occur acutely, and can - chronically, imperceptibly, with unexpressed symptoms. This is the most dangerous option of flow, as it often leads to the development of complications, including infertility.

 Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases

What of the uterus

Uterine appendages called the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The ovaries are paired organ, which in women of reproductive age monthly mature eggs and female sex hormones are formed. The average value of the ovary is 3x2 cm (but could be more or less depending on age), the ovaries are located in the pelvic area.

Fallopian tubes are also paired organs. These tubes have the form of a length of about 10 cm with the lumen of 2-4 mm, extending from the uterus to the ovary. One end of the fallopian tube in communication with the cavity of the uterus, the other opens into the peritoneal cavity, directly next to the ovary. This means that the woman's abdomen through the lumen of the fallopian tubes, uterus and the vagina communicates with the environment, where can always get infected.

The main function of the fallopian tubes - contribute to fertilize the egg and its promotion to the uterus.

 Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases

Causes of

Inflammation of the uterus called adnexitis or salpingo Oophoritis - inflammation of the uterus  Oophoritis - inflammation of the uterus
 . To start an inflammatory process in the uterus, requires the presence of an infectious agent, and a number of predisposing factors.

Pathogens of infectious-inflammatory process may be a variety of pathogens and opportunistic pathogens present in the genital tract of women. Normally, in contact with most of these pathogens to the fallopian tubes and ovaries, their livelihoods inhibited protective forces of the body - immunity.

But sometimes under the influence of various factors causes low immunity - at this moment and there is the introduction of infectious agents and the development of the disease. These factors include: hypothermia, high physical and psychological stress, stress, poor diet (including fasting), iron deficiency anemia, a variety of common acute illnesses, frequent exacerbation of chronic diseases, injuries of internal genital organs of women during abortion, obstructed labor , gynecological surgeries and procedures.

Pathogen combination with certain predisposing factors and causes inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

 Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases

The main symptoms

The main symptoms of inflammation of the appendages Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease  Inflammation of the appendages - acute and chronic symptoms of the disease
   the uterus may be different - it all depends on how aggressively behaves cause infectious-inflammatory process and the adequacy of the immune response to the introduction of female infection. The inflammation can be either one-way or two-way, and the process can occur acutely (symptomatic) or chronically (not so much, and sometimes asymptomatic).

In acute adnexitis disease usually begins with a high fever, chills, malaise and severe pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 . In the absence of adequate treatment of acute process subsides after some time and the disease becomes chronic.

Chronic adnexitis may be not only a consequence of acute undertreated. Very often adnexitises women goes unnoticed, chronic from the start. All the symptoms of recurrence of the disease resemble acute process, but less pronounced temperature rises slightly, moderate pain, aching, often they are ongoing, intensifying during menstruation, sexual intercourse and exercise. Women appear allocation (whites), mucopurulent or purulent character, causes irritation and itching of the external genitalia. Chronic adnexitis often associated with menstrual irregularities.

 Inflammation of the uterus - is one of the most common gynecological diseases

Can there be complications?

Almost always long flowing inflammation of the uterus Inflammation of the uterus: required hospitalization  Inflammation of the uterus: required hospitalization
   and appendages accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, which leads to infertility. Contribute to the formation of infertility and organic changes in the fallopian tubes and ovaries - the development of adhesions that prevents stepping egg from the ovary (ovulation) and the promotion of a fertilized egg fallopian tubes. Often the development of adhesions in the fallopian tubes is accompanied by an ectopic pregnancy - due to adhesions fertilized egg can not get into the uterus.

If the infection gets on the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity may develop peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum covering the inside of the abdominal cavity. This inflammatory process may move to all the internal organs located within the abdominal cavity. The course of peritonitis can be very heavy.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • inflammation of the appendages
