Bacterial vaginosis in women - it is a common occurrence, as are part gardnerelly opportunistic vaginal flora. On the dysbacteriosis say in the case where the number gardnerellas significantly increases, they inhibit the vital activity of the normal microflora of the vagina and alter its acidity.
Why start a bacterial vaginosis in women
Bacterial vaginosis - this is not a disease, and goiter (violation of the relationship between the normal and the pathogenic microflora) of the vagina - a condition that is often called bacterial vaginosis.
Gardnerella - a bacterium that can be found in the vagina of most women, but in very small quantities, as their ability to live a normal microflora is suppressed - lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli). Vital functions of the normal vaginal microflora
The microflora of the vagina: purity
supported by the female hormones estrogen. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid as a result of environment of the vagina of healthy women are always sour. This environment uncomfortable for opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, so healthy women in fertile (childbearing age) rarely suffers infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
But under certain conditions, the amount of normal microflora is reduced and opportunistic microflora begins to multiply rapidly, changing the acidic environment of the vagina to alkaline. In this environment, actively propagated not only opportunistic, but the pathogenic microflora and dramatically increases the risk of inflammatory processes. Favorable conditions for the development of bacterial vaginosis are: hormonal changes endured sexual infections, decrease in general or local immunity, stress, heavy exercise and so on.
Sometimes a woman becomes infected gardnerellezom from a man who is their carrier or suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by gardnerellami. Infect your sexual partner may also gardnerellezom woman, but most of the men are not susceptible to these microorganisms so that they settled down in the male body requires low immunity.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in women
Bacterial vaginosis in women manifests itself in the form of a discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell or cheese. Secretions may have a different color (whitish, yellowish, gray, transparent) and texture (creamy, foamy liquid, thick, and so on). Sometimes it joins a small itching and burning. But very often signs gardnerelly women are absent.
Onset of the disease is almost always associated with some reason: change of sexual partner (even if he is not a carrier gardnerel its microflora may adversely affect the microflora of the vagina of women), reduced general immunity after acute diseases and antibiotics, reduced local immunity in the background frequent use of local antiseptics, stress
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and so on.
How to treat bacterial vaginosis in women
In order to cure bacterial vaginosis in women, it is necessary to establish the cause of its development, and to eliminate it. For this woman is like a full examination. Reveals not only the quantitative content gardnerellas vagina and changing its acidity and the presence of other opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms that could cause reproduction gardnerellas. In addition, check hormonal woman, her immunity, identifying the disease, which could lead to reduced immunity. If you do not reveal the true cause of bacterial vaginosis, the treatment it will be useless.
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis in women issue in two stages. In the first stage with the help of antibacterial drugs and douching lactic acid inhibited gardnerellas livelihoods. In the second phase of normal microflora colonize the vagina. On the attraction of all time try to restore the treatment of general and local immunity women.
When we treat bacterial vaginosis in women, drugs are chosen doctor individually on the results of the survey.
The treatment regimen gardnerelleza
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis - should be comprehensive
women may be as follows: 7-10 days appointed antibacterials general and local action. It was found that the most effective drugs for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis are metronidazole (Trichopolum) and clindamycin. These drugs depending on condition of the woman appointed inward or topically, in the form of vaginal suppositories, creams, gels, and so forth.
Local treatment of bacterial vaginosis in women, vaginal suppositories and tablets: metronidazole (Flagyl, Trichopolum), clindamycin (klindatsin, dalatsin).
After antibiotic therapy prescribed drugs, which include live lactobacilli (vaginal suppositories atsilakt) and bifidobacteria (vaginal suppositories bifidumbakterin) in several courses. At the same time appoint adjuvants and vitamins and minerals.
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gardnerelly women also produced a number of drugs: anti-inflammatory drugs (ginekohel, Calendula Oil and gas production), preparations reducing hormones (gormel CIS), strengthening local immunity (rectal suppositories api-plus) and others.
Bacterial vaginosis in women subject to compulsory treatment under medical supervision.
Galina Romanenko